We may be persecuted, but we can also continue on with prayer for God to have His holy spirit to interced for us believers in times such as this .
Who was actually persecuted, the victims of xtian-instigated Inquisitions, Crusades and witch hunts who died in the hundreds of thousands or, a few whiny faux-martyrs on a forum longing for those times so than they can silence dissent once again?
Well apparently you're the one that's feeling persecuted. Not victims of times past throughout history. How does it feel to be persecuted by yourself falcon9?
Are you a moron or, just playing one on FC forums? I never stated that you religious zealots were persecuting me, I've reiterated that you religious zealots have persecuted and killed hundreds of thousands of others. As much as you fundies would prefer to 'forget'/gloss-over/disavow the torture and deaths instigated by your fellow xtians, some will always remember xtian atrocities.
Falcon9 - stop it with the accusations and lies. "We" Christians are NOT the same as those people in the past. You are being extremely judgmental towards Christians, in general, who seriously and honestly love the Lord. Stop comparing us with them. How dare you insinuate we are like them just because we believe in Jesus Christ. You've made your choice to dis-believe, so you needn't be concerned about others' business, especially with lies like that. Grow up - you are really going overboard and I feel the moderator needs to know of this - mainly because you are becoming more and more aggressive towards Christians, especially when you aren't reprimanded.
This is extremely biased and unfair the way you are acting, stirring up trouble, causing dissension, and then have the nerve to blame Christians of today for being a part of or approving of those murderers in the past. You do not know exactly what was in each of their hearts - whether they truly loved God or not, and whether they were acting out of their own bias and prejudices outside of God's dealings. Until you know without a shadow of a doubt, you should keep those awful accusations out of here. "We" Christians, in this forum, are not those people, and do NOT agree with what they did, and we do NOT know, either, what was really in their heart of hearts. So, please stop it.
And for the record, fc2 is NOT a moron - you need to look inside your own self before judging others and calling names. If I didn't know any better, I would think you are made of the same hardheartedness that those persecutors were because of the way you act toward Christians.