Ever heard of these terms: "to each his / her own" ; "live and let live." Neither one of us is the JUDGE.
Yes, have you ever heard of the concepts of 'private beliefs' and 'public proselytization'? Anyone who wishes to hold self-deluding religious beliefs in the privacy of their mind is free to do so. Once such unsubstantiated 'beliefs' leave the confines of the 'mind' of a 'believer' and spill out into public venues, those who don't hold such blind faith have the option of dissent and opposition. Since I don't hold religious blind faith, religious prohibitions against 'judging' do not apply to me. Everyone judges; including xtians, otherwise they wouldn't be judging non-xtians in the manner extensively archived here.
Okay then. I am offended by your belief in nothing, because it is teaching the public that it is acceptable to hate and speak hate to other groups who refuse to be quiet, sow hatred towards those who are spiritual, and how your hate is "spilling" out into public forums, derailing any thread, Biblical, that is actually allowed in the forum, and in which I don't hold your "atheistic-type" views because of how they are intended to destroy those people who do believe in God; and your views are very dangerous and judgmental to believers who want to discuss their interests like anyone else does with other topics.
Your views are also trying to hinder others from speaking of their inspirational verses and quotes, which is actually trying to squelch the Constitutional freedom of religion (or no religion,) speech, and expression. Your views can be discussed and are not provoked, whereas our views are totally not allowed to be discussed by you because of the offensive remarks, pictures, and quotes, that are trying to shut us up from enjoying a forum that we like.
Your views are harmful, in that they are psychologically twisted to try and trip believers and make them look, seem, and appear, insane and irrational of mind. Your views are harmful to the extent that many posters have asked for respect and common courtesy and have been chewed out and ignored as an answer; and harmful because many other posters felt they had to leave this wonderful forum, because of the harsh treatment representing your views on them and their friends. Your views do not allow give and take with mature discussion, and are clearly one-sided, hateful, and offensive to me.
This may sound stupid to you, falcon9, but I'm giving your "judgmental attitudes, unacceptance, disrespect, rudeness, lack of common courtesy, etc.," back to you - you are indeed a cold person towards believers only. I don't personally care what you believe or don't believe, as it is your business. But you have gone way overboard with your obvious hate towards believers, especially in some of the threads where they don't have "falcon9's" name ordering him to open the threads, and forcing him to read verses and quotes he hates. DON'T OPEN THE THREAD AND YOU WON'T BE AFFECTED - YOU ARE DELIBERATELY DOING SO IN ORDER TO BLAME BELIEVERS.
If you are so bothered by believers and their threads, then perhaps you should either find a forum you feel pampered, loved, and praised in, or else make your own threads you like, or enter only the threads you like. I'm not TELLING you to do any of this - I'm suggesting. STOP WITH THIS RIDICULOUS BEHAVIOR, PLEASE. People are leery of reporting you because of responses that come out of it, but you have crossed the boundary line, IN MY OPINION, with the "golden rule."
Then you have the nerve to get mad because someone posts a thread with your name in it (like the prayer one.) I know we are not to call out people, under certain guidelines. However, you are so hateful in the Bible threads that some posters are doing what they feel they should do because of the frustration. You cannot stand for one to say they are going to pray for you. Whether I pray for you or not - you will never know because it's personal. But with your reaction to that thread, you should, then, understand the frustration of how we have to handle your hateful and unaccepted views towards believers, because you are now handling views directed solely to you in the area you don't like. In other words? Most Bible threads posted in here are NOT directed solely to FALCON9 - they are topics of interest, like any other topics, for any and everyone who is interested. Be an adult in here, and act like one. You can CHOOSE not to open threads YOU DON'T LIKE.