I don't use Snopes, but I DID read about it in Reader's Digest a couple months back, and it sounds really cool. I've been hearing some really annoying crap about McDonald's using kangaroo meat, or whatever the hell, in their burgers. Aren't kangaroos a protected species? I thought it was so unbelievably stupid, I didn't even bother looking it up, and the couple at Snopes probably felt the same way, assuming they even HEARD about it.
Anacondas in the ball pit at Burger King, or KFC not using "real" chicken.
Sorry, just had to get that out of my system.
But, seriously....
A. Burger King HAS ball pits? And are anacondas even LEGAL to own/ bring near a Burger King and their nonexistent ball pits in the US? And am I a moron for actually SAYING that?
B. If KFC's chicken isn't real, then CHICKENS aren't, period. Little rubber chickens laying Easter Eggs. It's a LIE!!!!