Your politeness is respectable. However, Obama supports abortion which is murder. He even voted for after birth abortion which allows a baby to starve to death in a closet. He voted in favor of it three times. Also, He misinterpreted Romey in his audio television ad. What Romeny was actually saying is that he beleives 47 percent of the people who voted for Obama are relient upon government. Romney's dream is to help form American's back into a decent moral structure and to be more independant. I think Romney is thinking about the future. It is true that if America continues this way we are likely going to face a worse reality. There is also evidence to support that Obama is more of a communist. He even tried to replace the American flag with his own face. Don't get me wrong. I pray for Obama and want the best for him, but hes allowing a lot of horrible things. When I think of what he has done to these babies it is too hard to imagine. There was even a nurse who posted what she was going through having to let a baby die on its own on youtube I beleive. She said she quit that day. If it had been me I would have broken the law to take care of and defend that innocent baby. We need God back. Christians need to stop allowing these things and even being cruel about it. We just need to get America back.