I would like to think that I am a better version of mine! My mother is good and I love her so much, but my mother has modern thinking for some stuff and not others, especially if is family, she sees as everything her friend kids does as OH! that is forward thinking and is good, but if I do it "That is not the way a raised you". She still believes that girls should be home, learn how to cook, clean and take care of the house and their family but boys and men can do whatever and whenever they want, girls should not be out to parties or have boyfriends until she is 25. I grew up seen be older brother do anything he wanted whenever he wanted, will I was not allowed to leave my house if it wasn't with them or my brother.
I saw how my younger brothers could bring their girlfriends to stay over and the approve but my 21 years old daughter cannot even bring her boyfriend home for dinner because is frown upon.
My teenage years where really bad, I learned how to lie and fool me mother to be able to have a life. So when I got married, which was against my parents wishes because sadly they are racists and did not like me to be with someone of a mix race (but I am of a mix race, go figure that one), I made my husband promise that we would try to be better that mine and more reasonable.
I have make mistakes but still think that I modernized myself enough to avoid the negative traits and use the positive ones. So far it's worked great.