People only speculate what they think causes tsunamis.Now think of it like this,a little more in depth.What if we had something big enough to cause the earthquakes and cause the plates to shift.Some people live off of strictly science facts but science alot of the times is only thesis and theories.But if you were a person who believes in things that are not seen than you would have an idea of what I'm speaking about.I believe in God but has any one seen him?No but we know in our hearts that he does exist.Sometimes you have to think that there are things out there that we don't know about.Maybe scientist or the government has found things that we think don't exist but tends to hide it from the population because people are or will never be able to handle the truth.You know the saying that some things are better left not talked about?Well same scenerio.They only tell people what they want to hear and it's been like that for a long time.There's nothing new under the sun.I'm not a very scientific person but only brought this topic to the forumto see how deep people thoughts could really go.
Science isn't "only thesis and theory" in the everyday sense of the words...I suggest you go look up and research what exactly a scientific theory is and what it takes to reach that level in the field.
It's not just some random guess that seems reasonable. It's logically and rationally sound. It is based upon years of research, constant experimentation, mathematics, physics, attempts at proving it wrong (if any aspect of a theory is proven to be incorrect, that part of the theory or the whole theory is thrown out and/or reworked), etc.
It's hardly "just speculation." We do not speculate what causes is plain fact that tsunamis are caused by movements of the plates causing earthquakes and sending forces that cause gigantic waves. Are you telling me that decades of observation, testing, and mathematics is "just speculation" and probably is incorrect? Come on =/
There are many things we don't know about. That doesn't mean we're incapable of knowing them. And your assertion that "God exists because you can feel it in your heart" is ridiculous. How is one possibly going to assert that the cause of tsunamis is "just speculation" after years of scientific observation, yet the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, invisible being that has absolutely never shown any proof of its own existence is pure fact?