You claimed I was a religious fundamentalist.
"One strand of xtian fundamentalism consists of a belief in;
* the inerrancy of the bible
* the literal nature of the biblical accounts, especially regarding xrist's miracles and the creation account in genesis
* the virgin birth of xrist
* the bodily resurrection and physical return of xrist
* the substitutionary atonement of xhrist on the cross"
I have called on you repeatedly to prove that claim ...
I suppose I could sift through the detritus of your posts and quote any instances where your own words reflected the above specious beliefs or, you could simply admit to which ones you do/don't hold as a 'xtian'.
I have never professed to be 'xtian' as that is an intentional derogatory remark by you as I am a Christian.
The terms are synonymous since "xtian" is an abbreviation of "christian", (listed in the dictionary and therefore, interchangeable). There's nothing inherently "derogatory" in the abbreviation.
I have also once again reported you for using the quote function and modifying the results so that it appears as if I posted something other than I did. I have reported this before on some of your previous times doing this but was told by a moderator that they thought it to be funny and so it was okay to them.
The reason it was done was because your own words described you and not I. This type of ironic humor is not against FC TOS or posting policies, (so one would expect you to begin doing it poorly at some future point).
"It is not to me, though, and I will not tolerate such abuse and dishonesty. If this is not addressed this time then I will quote you saying the most vile and disgusting things imaginable and if such gets me banned then so be it. I will not do this once but repeatedly and every single time you post and so they will have to deal with this issue and with me."
Your admission in advance to planning on not only attempting to coerce FC but, trolling with lies has been reported to the moderators. Such would seem to violate FC TOS and to go beyond a simple warning but, that's up to FC Administrators.