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Topic: Denied again.....  (Read 4530 times)


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Denied again.....
« on: August 19, 2012, 03:08:57 pm »
Tried to cash out, had a survey rejected at the last minute which brought me under the $25. Got my bal over $25 again and it was showing approved for cashout, AFTER the end of July, AFTER it was cleared for cashout, another $2.50 survey got rejected again, weeks after I had completed it and it was approved. So that's twice I was not able to cashout even though I keep doing my part to get the bal over $25. I'm sure fusion cash will come up with some reason as to why it was rejected but I don't care, i'm done with this website. Some people may be satisfied with working for pennies a hour so they can cash out twice a year but for me there are much more lucrative ways to make money. 


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2012, 03:13:40 pm »
Tried to cash out, had a survey rejected at the last minute which brought me under the $25. Got my bal over $25 again and it was showing approved for cashout, AFTER the end of July, AFTER it was cleared for cashout, another $2.50 survey got rejected again, weeks after I had completed it and it was approved. So that's twice I was not able to cashout even though I keep doing my part to get the bal over $25. I'm sure fusion cash will come up with some reason as to why it was rejected but I don't care, i'm done with this website. Some people may be satisfied with working for pennies a hour so they can cash out twice a year but for me there are much more lucrative ways to make money. 

So sorry you are having trouble. I have cashed out twice and almost ready to cashout a 3rd time. I've never had any probs w this site at all. Wishing you luck


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2012, 04:20:48 pm »
you are so close to cashout---just do the easy daily paid to click, cash email, videos!! i do them while I eat my cereal in the morning. If you start today and just do that--you will for sure cashout this month. You should also be doing at least 30 posts on the forum per month so you can get your $3 forum activity bonus---then when you get paid, post a picture of your check to get another dollar. You can cashout 4-5 times a year (every 2-3 months) just doing this daily stuff that is guaranteed--all while you eat breakfast or watch tv. Hope this helps :)


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2012, 06:06:21 pm »
you are so close to cashout---just do the easy daily paid to click, cash email, videos!! i do them while I eat my cereal in the morning. If you start today and just do that--you will for sure cashout this month. You should also be doing at least 30 posts on the forum per month so you can get your $3 forum activity bonus---then when you get paid, post a picture of your check to get another dollar. You can cashout 4-5 times a year (every 2-3 months) just doing this daily stuff that is guaranteed--all while you eat breakfast or watch tv. Hope this helps :)



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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2012, 06:27:20 pm »
i am at 25 dollars and am worndering if i sould get more in case of that happening does that happen alot????


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2012, 06:38:12 pm »
I have never had any offer denied, sorry for your troubles.
I would suggest doing enough to give yourself a cushion.
good luck


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2012, 06:57:22 pm »
If I were you, I would build up to the $25 with other offers such as the PTC, Paid Videos, DCE, and Toolbar searches, and then if the surverys happen to deny you, then at least you'd still be able to cashout.

To me, the daily stuff is a must to do, and I make it a priority to do them.


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2012, 07:37:18 pm »
i am at 25 dollars and am worndering if i sould get more in case of that happening does that happen alot????
Hi Imavans, :wave:

It is probably a good idea to do so just to be on the safe side as FC has no control over a survey being reversed.  I have only had one survey reversed on me but had enough in my account to still make payout.  Since I am now aware that it can happen, I make sure I always have a little extra cushion.


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2012, 08:05:57 pm »
Revoking and rejecting surveys is a very dirty practice. It disregards the efforts of the survey taker. Not knowing why or even if another company rejected it or if FusionCash did doesn't make the business any cleaner...!!! I had one revoked again and I stopped again taking any surveys for this site...!!! Be careful about your time. You have only one life - don't let thieves rule it...!!!


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2012, 09:01:19 pm »
This might just be me, but if surveys are being denied weeks later and it's bugging you, then don't do them.  I personally haven't been approved for a survey in a while so I stopped trying.  I do PTC, emails, videos, and searches to cover most of my minimum.  It doesn't take a lot of time to do them. 

Another thing to do is give yourself a cushion of a few dollars if you think something could be revoked.  The forum bonus and dailies, for instance, I doubt would be revoked.  But obviously a survey could be.  So if you have $3 in surveys, have $28+ before attempting to cash out.  Just something to consider.


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2012, 09:41:53 pm »
I have been with Fusion Cash going on three years and will be cashing out for the 14th or 15th time this month. I cash out about every three months for about $30 and am very satisfied with what I am earning on Fusion Cash. I almost never qualify for surveys so I stick with the dailies, videos, forum, etc and enjoy it all. If you stick with paid to click, videos, daily email, forum, search, offers and hopefully, maybe sometimes surveys, you should get to cash out every two or three months.

Fusion Cash is one of the best sites of its kind.


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2012, 10:22:23 pm »
I never cash out before the last day of the month and I always make sure that I have accumulated $27 at the least before I do so (i've never had a reversal but I like the cusion just in case). Also you should keep in mind that regardless of what day of the month you click "cashout", you wont recieve the money until around the 20th of the next month, so you might as well rack up the most you can before the last day of the month rather than cashingout as soon as you reach $25! 

FC also only tends to reverse payment on a survey if they believe you did not complete the task as instructed to its fullest, or if they believe you are giving false/inconsistant data.

I personally NEVER EVER do any of the offers that costs me money to earn, and I probably cashout every 2 or 3 months! If you get the search bar you can earn $.05/day just by searching 20 things (I seriously look up the same 20 pages everyday, it takes less than 10 minutes) plus it connects with the shop to earn FC mall so you can get paid for losts of online shopping you do, including buying movie tickets on Fandango.  I also always make sure to take 4 minutes to do the paid-to-click, followed by any surveys that pop up on the screen after I'm redirected to the FC survey page post-paid-to-click, and I watch the paid videos everyday. On a lower earning day that is at least $0.23 but generally I can average $0.40/day because I check thoughout the day for more paid videos and of course there is the 1 cent survey bonus if I dont qualify for a survey.

So basically if you do the bare minimum you can cash out in a little more than 3 months, and with a tiny little bit more effort you can cash out in a little over 2 months, all with out even finishing a single survey!


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #12 on: August 20, 2012, 12:06:33 am »
Tried to cash out, had a survey rejected at the last minute which brought me under the $25. Got my bal over $25 again and it was showing approved for cashout, AFTER the end of July, AFTER it was cleared for cashout, another $2.50 survey got rejected again, weeks after I had completed it and it was approved. So that's twice I was not able to cashout even though I keep doing my part to get the bal over $25. I'm sure fusion cash will come up with some reason as to why it was rejected but I don't care, i'm done with this website. Some people may be satisfied with working for pennies a hour so they can cash out twice a year but for me there are much more lucrative ways to make money. 
you could've avoided this by doing more offers and earning more cash just in case...


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #13 on: August 20, 2012, 08:20:28 pm »
Very annoying:

FC Survey: New Electronics Survey    2012-07-20    $1.50    Denied


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Re: Denied again.....
« Reply #14 on: August 20, 2012, 08:41:08 pm »
I must be working hard here - 1st cashout was 30.08 and 2nd was 32.20 and now I have 19.88, all within approx 3 months.  Do surveys when I can as they boost the cash - and look for the saturday promos now too - find it fairly easy to get at least 30/mo now w/o any paid offers!  Love this site!  Thanks FC!

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