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Topic: Today I just got my first fusioncash check but I dont how to upload to get my $1  (Read 1188 times)


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Today I just got my first fusioncash check but I don't know how to upload it to FC to get my $1.00.


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Today I just got my first fusioncash check but I don't know how to upload it to FC to get my $1.00.

Watch the tutorial on it or go to the forum link for posting your screen shot. Good luck, I had probs the first time too


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One of the reasons that I use PAYPAL. It's easy to load the details of the deposit onto the screen and take a screenshot of the deposit.

If you are depositing your check into your bank account and can load up the bank statement/details of the deposit onto the internet, you can take a screenshot of the FC deposit and use that. (Crop out anything you don't want shown or use the erasure.)

If none of that will work, taking a picture of the check and loading the picture into the PC or scanning it in will work. You need to get that screenshot, suitably cropped, in your PC so you can create a jpeg picture of it and load the jpeg picture into TinyPics, and then have Tinypics create a URL (for forums) that you can enter into the FC forum.

1. Once you get a picture of your check or deposit on the screen of your PC, click on the PrintScreen button.
2. Load up your Paint software and click Edit, then paste, to bring the screenshot into the Paint software.
You can "crop" the loaded screenshot to show just what needs to be shown. Use the erasure to remove anything you don't want to show (like the transaction ID or your email address or other sensitive info you don't want the world to see)
3. Use the File: Save As option to save your modified screenshot to your Shared Pictures library. I use the jpeg extension. Name it something that makes sense to you so you can find it easily. (ie FusionCashPOPmmddyr.jpeg)
4. Load up the FC Forum, Contest and Promotions, and bring up the thread about loading up your payment. Click on the reply link so you will have the page handy when you get the URL from Tinypic.

5. Load up the website. (or any other image making site that gives you URLs)

(I do this on Firefox since I've had problems reading the URLs in IE.)

Click Browse and locate the jpeg picture you just created in your Shared Picture library. Click "open" to bring the picture onto the Tinypic website.

Use "Image"; and "default" for your size.

Click on Upload NOW! on the Tinypic website. Complete the capcha.

6 You will get several sets of URL. Use the one for Forums.

I have found it easiest to click on the forum URL and use the right click on my mouse to copy it then move the cursor over to the FC forum reply window, click on the reply window and then right click the mouse and paste the URL into the reply window.

(I tried writing the URL down and entering it manually, but I usually had typo's. Copy/paste works best for me.)

7. Add your comments in the reply window (usually before the URL) and then click Preview to make sure everything worked the way you wanted it to. If it looks good, click Post. If it doesn't, try again.

Took me a while to get the routine down, but now it's old hat -- and I have found the process to be useful in posting POP's for other sites. The more you do it, the easier it becomes.

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