There are a few other paid to click or read sites out there that also use the crowdflower platform so if you are doing them as well, they may be only willing to pay you from the other site?
If you have done tasks on other sites (the same tasks) you will see the "You've done all the work you can on this task" message when you click on the task to do it. So doing the task on one site and completeing "all the work" available means you won't be able to do it on other sites until they reset tasks, or possibly add more work.
I'd have to say that, after doing tasks, having issues, and then ATTEMPTING to resolve issues on the crowdflower "support" site.....
their "NEW SUPPORT SYSTEM" is NOT an improvement, as they say, and IS, for the most part, basically useless, unless you post about an issue they already know about and are working on.
The latest "brainstorm" they implemented on the site was to merge all posts that are reporting problems on the same task # under one topic/post.
So now NONE of the new posts made are being read or answered, because the original topic/post shows "Answered" or "Resolved" (which may likely not even be the case on the original post).
They post answers (which in my case the last time was NOT an answer to what I reported AT ALL), and then THEY mark it "Resolved" which =
"CLOSED", and then you aren't able to ask them about it again on that post. (Sure you can posts comments later, but all they see is
"CLOSED", and don't respond.)
? ?
? ? What sense does this is NOT resolved, and shouldn't the person asking for help make that decision?
*Believe it or not, they call the site "GET SATISFACTION".
YOW!! That's a HOOT!