I don't quite get it, they make some claim about some magical being, some supernatural force for which no proof exists, and they give a challenge that we have to prove it's not true. I have no burden to prove any of a multitude of idiotic claims are untrue, the claimant has all the burden of proof.
Exactly. Someone who makes a 'positive claim' that something exists carries the burden of proof for substantiating their claim. The burden of proof is
not irrationally-shifted onto those who challenge the initial claimant by demanding that a 'negative strawman argument', ("prove something doesn't exist"), be substantiated. This is as illogical as you indicate since there are a near-infinite number of things which
don't exist and a finite number of things which do. Further, it is unreasonable/irrational to conclude that something exists because it cannot be proven
not to exist, (because that doesn't logically follow, even from an irrationally-invalid premise).
Additionally, what's all this idiocy I'm reading about atheism being a religion? An absence of belief is not a belief. I don't believe in Mickey Mouse, so now I'm a member of the Mickey Mouse denial religion, and, further, it's my obligation to prove to the idiot Mickey Mouse believers that the spiritual Mickey Mouse doesn't exist. Some of you have truly turned logic on its head.
That would be the irrational "Abrupt" who apparently prefers cloaking his illogical premises, syllogisms and conclusions in the
semblance of rationality without the substance of it. His sophist arguments regarding atheism have been refuted, (although he's denied that they have, a bland denial without substantiation carries no weight ... neither does claiming such substantiation without evidence of it). Nevertheless, one can apparently be a non-believer in a non-religion and through some twisted twist of illogic according to faith-based non-thinking, become a religious adherent.