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Topic: Re logical existence of God  (Read 16533 times)


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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2012, 11:10:18 am »

 Just curious.  Anyone know why (or how)  quotes from the hell-bound are supposed to be impressive?  :dontknow: 

I have no idea.I suppose the athiests feel left out,not having a "bible" of their own to quote from.Their quotes don't mean any more to me,then mine to them.

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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2012, 12:46:44 pm »
have no idea.I suppose the athiests feel left out,not having a "bible" of their own to quote from.Their quotes don't mean any more to me,then mine to them.

Well we do quote your ancient texts (and other religious texts occasionally). Your quotes do mean a lot to the freethinkers here because they usually involve massive fallacies, contradictions, or outright misinformation. When we point this out though, it's fairly obvious you do not wish to listen to the problems being presented and rather stick out your tongue, fold your arms, and walk away like an uneducated child until you find another illogical thing to present (tl;dnr- Trollin' trollin' trollin').

!!  These forums have never looked so "hum-drum".  One thread reads like another, what happened to the "FUN" ?  

Did you want to debate about how your god is malevolent? Though I've stated it will be a simple argument from my side, you seemed to have ran from it a couple of times now.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 12:50:12 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2012, 01:35:46 pm »
"Quotes on the internet are rarely, if ever, credible"
- Abraham Lincoln


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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2012, 03:24:39 pm »
Sorry, no quotes...the content is getting too long.

I'm not sure what would "jazz" things up, I thought since falcon9 had been a mod (at the minimum of at least one other forum) that he would have some ideas on what might make things "rock" around here.  It's like the only thing the FC forums have become is a place to sling out Bible verses and nursery rhymes (one can't help but wonder about copyright issues, especially when the OP is getting paid to be copying them and passing them on to others).  I didn't mean to totally lay the burden of "jazz" on falcon9 though...if ANYONE has any ideas that would be so great!!  These forums have never looked so "hum-drum".  One thread reads like another, what happened to the "FUN" ?  ???

I'm aware that some ancestors held superstitious beliefs...and some STILL do (ex: Friday the 13th).  That wasn't what I  previously meant.  How close are you, falcon9 to friends that are into the occult?  I ask because if one spends any amount of time with one at all, one can't help but experience unexplainable things first-hand of the paranormal kind.   And no, I'm not the only one that knows that.  There's many others (relatives, friends, co-workers, aquaintances) that aren't spiritual at all that also have been around these people and have experienced the same things.  Some of us together even, at various events.   We've  all compared notes on the "odd instances".  Funny thing is, those that don't have their selves ready with God run scared when any unexplainable events happen--- they are ready to bolt out the first available exit in fright.  It's kind of funny.

Nothing "pretentious and sanctimonious" at all, even the Bible states there are many ways which "seem right" but end in death and that is actually stated Twice in the book of Proverbs (14:12 and 16:25).  It also says the path to Heaven is narrow and few go there, as well as Jesus is the only way to salvation.   I realize any "religion" can claim this however, they all lack something that Christianity doesn't.  That would be the "power in the blood of Jesus"...there is nothing more powerful than that.  When one has things right with God, they KNOW it.  So, until someone can come up with some actual valid proof that the Bible isn't the best source of direction to having a personal relationship with God then I'm "going by the Book".  (Proof as in something other than the repetitious, ridiculous questions found on all the "atheistic" websites which may serve as a "pacifier" for some but leave others with more questions than they answer.)  Guess it all depends on what is the "foundation" for one's life, I prefer building mine on "the Rock" vs. quicksand.

*It seems to be a moderator policy.  Since there are NUMEROUS other threads that have ended in "personal chats" between the same few members but only one that was locked--- seems to be ok to bash the Bible to bits here but not ok to poo-poo on voo-doo.  :-X

I totally agree with you.  It was more fun before the "same ole, same ole" took over.  And yes, I'm part of that for various reasons, some to where I felt I needed/wanted to defend others when their beliefs were bashed.  I tend to go overboard for others - it just is sad when some can't speak of opposite views, as adults, in conversations, but instead are mocked, bashed, and chastised repeatedly, with the same words, over and over and over.  Like you said, where is the fun now?  Where is the joy of enjoying the forum like many used to?

I love collages, by the way.  I really love your new profile pic!  :)


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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2012, 04:37:17 pm »
It's like the only thing the FC forums have become is a place to sling out Bible verses and nursery rhymes (one can't help but wonder about copyright issues, especially when the OP is getting paid to be copying them and passing them on to others). These forums have never looked so "hum-drum".  One thread reads like another, what happened to the "FUN" ?  ???

The various copied and recopied biblical quotes aren't protected by copyright and the public is protected from them being repetitiously reposted.

I'm aware that some ancestors held superstitious beliefs...and some STILL do (ex: Friday the 13th).  That wasn't what I  previously meant.  How close are you, falcon9 to friends that are into the occult?  I ask because if one spends any amount of time with one at all, one can't help but experience unexplainable things first-hand of the paranormal kind.   And no, I'm not the only one that knows that.  There's many others (relatives, friends, co-workers, aquaintances) that aren't spiritual at all that also have been around these people and have experienced the same things.  Some of us together even, at various events.   We've  all compared notes on the "odd instances".

Many events get misattributed.  If you wish to discuss vague occult things, try the 'book of shadows' thread or, start an "occult" d+d thread.  This thread's context concerns the lack of "logic" for the "existence of g-d".

Nothing "pretentious and sanctimonious" at all, even the Bible states ...

Quoting the disputed reference source is circular.  The sanctimonious and pretentious parts referred to the belief that a religious belief is "true" and other "beliefs", (or non-beliefs), aren't.  This would be clearer were the context not omitted just because "the content getting too long."

So, until someone can come up with some actual valid proof that the Bible isn't ...

There you go again, wanting proof of a negative assertion, (for instance; 'prove fae don't exist, otherwise they do' is a logical fallacy). The burden of proof rests with those who claim the "bible" is {insert claim here}.  Pointing to empty faith isn't proof/evidence, it's merely a religious opinion of no validity.

(Proof as in something other than the repetitious, ridiculous questions found on all the "atheistic" websites which may serve as a "pacifier" for some but leave others with more questions than they answer.)  Guess it all depends on what is the "foundation" for one's life, I prefer building mine on "the Rock" vs. quicksand.

In metaphysical matters, (such as superstitious beliefs, secular philosophies or other intangible constructs), one either relies upon logical lines of reasoning or, one wings it with illogical non-reasoning.  A number of non-religious lines of reasoning do rely upon consistant internal logic while the non-reasoning of religious adherents relies upon the irrational circularity of blind faith and baseless belief.  Characterizing the "quicksand" of illogical non-reasoning as a "rock" is ... irrational.
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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #35 on: July 14, 2012, 05:52:47 pm »
.......people who chose to "miss out", "miss the boat", "live lives of 'lack'.......

For someone to dismiss Him from their lives is their stupidity.  Perhaps their words sound brilliant to some because hey, these people were/are "well-known" and they said things that reflected the rebellion they had in their hearts toward God.  Feel free to grab ahold of those words for dear life but in the end, those words of the foolish won't be saving anybody.  

Yes PLEEEuzzzz falcon9.....

SEE the error of your ways......repent your sins!
    DON'T "Miss the Boat"!  
       STOP "living a life of lack"
           CAST that rebellion towards god RIGHT out of your heart!
  STOP clinging to those quoted words, however brilliant they may sound......

      You will be so relieved after            
                                                                                             YES, THIS relieved

Wherever I am--God is.

OR - possibly THIS instead - ?
"Wherever I is -- I is"

and falcon9....there's one more reason, maybe the most compelling of all, to GET ON THAT BOAT.........

      If you DON'T you might MISS this:


Shoot, eben jeebus likes to behold de miracle ob de water-skiing kitty!

   *I had to edit as I forgot to mention that there IS a small possibility that the cat who is doing the "laying on of hands PAWS",
    and proclaiming you healed by the power of jesus, MAY burst into FLAME as soon as he places his hands PAWS on you.....:confused1:
                               In that case, unfortunately, I don't think you will be "FEELINs the power of jeebus"
« Last Edit: July 14, 2012, 06:17:39 pm by duroz »
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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2012, 12:32:45 pm »
"Quotes on the internet are rarely, if ever, credible"
- Abraham Lincoln

I have to chuckle at this one!  Were you waiting to see how long someone would actually read and comprehend what this is really saying?  Ha ha!!  Good one! 


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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #37 on: July 16, 2012, 12:52:00 pm »
.......people who chose to "miss out", "miss the boat", "live lives of 'lack'.......

For someone to dismiss Him from their lives is their stupidity.  Perhaps their words sound brilliant to some because hey, these people were/are "well-known" and they said things that reflected the rebellion they had in their hearts toward God.  Feel free to grab ahold of those words for dear life but in the end, those words of the foolish won't be saving anybody.  

Yes PLEEEuzzzz falcon9.....

SEE the error of your ways......repent your sins!
    DON'T "Miss the Boat"!  
       STOP "living a life of lack"
           CAST that rebellion towards god RIGHT out of your heart!
  STOP clinging to those quoted words, however brilliant they may sound......

      You will be so relieved after            
                                                                                             YES, THIS relieved

Wherever I am--God is.

OR - possibly THIS instead - ?
"Wherever I is -- I is"

and falcon9....there's one more reason, maybe the most compelling of all, to GET ON THAT BOAT.........

      If you DON'T you might MISS this:


Shoot, eben jeebus likes to behold de miracle ob de water-skiing kitty!

   *I had to edit as I forgot to mention that there IS a small possibility that the cat who is doing the "laying on of hands PAWS",
    and proclaiming you healed by the power of jesus, MAY burst into FLAME as soon as he places his hands PAWS on you.....:confused1:
                               In that case, unfortunately, I don't think you will be "FEELINs the power of jeebus"

There's always that possibility, however small, (but significantly greater the the possibility that I'll ever suddenly become stupid enough to take a superstitious religious belief on faith).
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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #38 on: July 16, 2012, 03:23:31 pm »
"G-d for you is where you sweep away all the mysteries of the world, all the challenges to our intelligence.
You simply turn your mind off and say G-d did it." - Carl Sagan

 Just curious.  Anyone know why (or how)  quotes from the hell-bound are supposed to be impressive?  :dontknow: 

I missed this post earlier.....
Hey...."Quotes from the HELL-BOUND"!!!! I love it!

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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #39 on: July 16, 2012, 03:42:14 pm »
.......people who chose to "miss out", "miss the boat", "live lives of 'lack'.......

For someone to dismiss Him from their lives is their stupidity.  Perhaps their words sound brilliant to some because hey, these people were/are "well-known" and they said things that reflected the rebellion they had in their hearts toward God.  Feel free to grab ahold of those words for dear life but in the end, those words of the foolish won't be saving anybody.  

Yes PLEEEuzzzz falcon9.....

SEE the error of your ways......repent your sins!
    DON'T "Miss the Boat"!  
       STOP "living a life of lack"
           CAST that rebellion towards god RIGHT out of your heart!
  STOP clinging to those quoted words, however brilliant they may sound......

      You will be so relieved after            
                                                                                             YES, THIS relieved

Wherever I am--God is.

OR - possibly THIS instead - ?
"Wherever I is -- I is"

and falcon9....there's one more reason, maybe the most compelling of all, to GET ON THAT BOAT.........

      If you DON'T you might MISS this:


Shoot, eben jeebus likes to behold de miracle ob de water-skiing kitty!

   *I had to edit as I forgot to mention that there IS a small possibility that the cat who is doing the "laying on of hands PAWS",
    and proclaiming you healed by the power of jesus, MAY burst into FLAME as soon as he places his hands PAWS on you.....:confused1:
                               In that case, unfortunately, I don't think you will be "FEELINs the power of jeebus" 

These forums have never looked so "hum-drum".  One thread reads like another, what happened to the "FUN" ?  ???
Now even YOU have to admit.....this post was pretty fun!

Funny thing is, those that don't have their selves ready with God run scared when any unexplainable events happen--- they are ready to bolt out the first available exit in fright.  It's kind of funny. 

Really?? You're sure that ALL people not "being right with god" as you puy it, bolt out the first available exit in fright when unexplainable events happen??
Uh-uh, I don't think so. I'm sure you DO have facts to back that up, though.....

.....they all lack something that Christianity doesn't.  That would be the "power in the blood of Jesus"...there is nothing more powerful than that.

Ohhhh. So.......:o Vampires then? ;D
--- seems to be ok to bash the Bible to bits here  :-X 

Said bashing should be OK, as it always follows the QUOTING of it to NO END 

How come it won't play?


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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #40 on: July 16, 2012, 04:17:32 pm »
For someone to dismiss Him from their lives is their stupidity. These forums have never looked so "hum-drum".  One thread reads like another, what happened to the "FUN" ?  ???

What, some fundies took the "fun" out of fundamentalism ... again?
     You will be so relieved after            
                                                                                             YES, THIS relieved


These forums have never looked so "hum-drum".  One thread reads like another, what happened to the "FUN" ?  ???
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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #41 on: July 16, 2012, 05:29:07 pm »

What, some fundies took the "fun" out of fundamentalism ... again?

Well it's certainly starting to LOOK that way......

dang....ya try to keep it fun, and somebody always has to come along and spoil the fun.....
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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #42 on: July 16, 2012, 08:12:35 pm »
Re: Falconer02's quote
---"Did you want to debate about how your god is malevolent? Though I've stated it will be a simple argument from my side, you seemed to have ran from it a couple of times now."

  I haven't "ran" from the topic, I dismissed it because the answer to the "argument" is a simple one.  The definition, the adjectives, the synonyms  for the term "malevolent" are contradictory to what the Bible teaches about God's "nature".  The definition of "malevolent" defines Satan's nature ("malevolent" can't define both God and Satan as one is Good and the other is Evil.  Unless you're trying to imply that Satan is "good"?).  
Actual  PROOF that God isn't malevolent?  Perhaps consider the fact that God has allowed you to go on breathing as long as you have.  Assuming God exists (for the sake of your argument) if God were really that 'malevolent'... do you really think that you would still be here?  ???

Re: sigmapi1501's quote
---"Quotes on the internet are rarely, if ever, credible"
- Abraham Lincoln
 Loved your quote.  ;D   Also just wanted you to know that while I sometimes don't always agree with you, I do LOVE the way that your posts (your humor, your style) so often bring such a refreshingly fun tone to the FC forums.  I think being able to make people smile/laugh is the greatest gift one can have.  :thumbsup:

I did read your posts.  I do realize the thread's topic is "Re logical existence of God".    I would think that those that seem to have so much trouble finding any "logical existence of God" could probably find it by looking at evidence of Satan's existence instead.  Sorry, my bad.  All I can say is "those that search for the truth will find it.  All others just wish to argue".

Re: duroz
I love your talent for always finding the humor in situations, for taking the time & effort to find all the cute graphics/photos and your sense of humor is amazing.  You do put alot of fun into the forums.  I know from past posts how you feel about "God-matters" and so, while I don't think that making fun of "Jeebus" is my idea of a good-time---I do understand your attempt to put the fun back in the forums.  Love you for that!! :peace:

Re: Putting the fun back into the forums
Daily life can be stressful enough.  I can't speak for everyone but when I check into the FC forums, it's for some "relief" from the daily grind.  Things like the comic relief that sigmapi & walksalone provide, the interesting views falcon9 shares, the "quirky" posts Falconer02 is famous for (what happened to those?  It's like an alien has taken over his, yummy recipes from butterflywings, duroz's creative posts & "feline fun", any many more favorite fc members contibute great stuff I enjoy reading.  It used to be nice to see an occaisional Bible verse in a thread but not anymore.  

It would be really great if FC would make a "ignore" button to block out Scripture verses instead of just blocking certain posters, I would definitely use it.  Why?  Because I think the motives for all the posting is "the more falcon9 complains about it, the more Scripture postings that follow".   Because there are websites one can join for free to have a daily Bible verse emailed or texted to them.  Because the entire Bible in any translation is available on-line.  Or maybe because there's a "fundie-wannabe" in my real life that has actually given me an ulcer with all her hypocritically fake and shallow religious rammerings that has made me want to barf everytime I have to deal with her.  Perhaps someone that acts like that is what it takes to make a Christian realize just how "disturbing" certain words and actions can be to others.  Stupid people exist.  They exist outside the church...and they exist inside the church.  The church is supposed to teach people some sense, however many of them don't.  So duroz, falcon9, etc. don't think that I don't "feel your pain" with all the c&p re-posts...I truly do.  

While it's true anyone can post anything within FC's guidelines and one has the freedom to post (or ignore) any "Scripture posting threads"...I think the world would be a better place (and the FC forums would be more fun) if everyone tried to be a blessing to others, instead of a "curse". :peace:

Note: Sorry to stray so far off topic, it's just how I's what makes me friggin special.  ;D
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 08:17:43 pm by SherylsShado »


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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #43 on: July 16, 2012, 08:46:01 pm »
Re: Falconer02's quote
---"Did you want to debate about how your god is malevolent? Though I've stated it will be a simple argument from my side, you seemed to have ran from it a couple of times now."

  I haven't "ran" from the topic, I dismissed it because the answer to the "argument" is a simple one.  The definition, the adjectives, the synonyms  for the term "malevolent" are contradictory to what the Bible teaches about God's "nature".  The definition of "malevolent" defines Satan's nature ("malevolent" can't define both God and Satan as one is Good and the other is Evil.  Unless you're trying to imply that Satan is "good"?).  
Actual  PROOF that God isn't malevolent?  Perhaps consider the fact that God has allowed you to go on breathing as long as you have.  Assuming God exists (for the sake of your argument) if God were really that 'malevolent'... do you really think that you would still be here?  ???

Assuming that there is a "satan", (and I'm not), isn't the xtian g-d attributed with 'creating' that "archangel" adversary and therefore, for creating "evil", (which cannot be logically attributed to a secondary cause - "satan")?  It follows that the 'creator' of evil is evil/malevolent 'itself'.

I did read your posts.  I do realize the thread's topic is "Re logical existence of God".    I would think that those that seem to have so much trouble finding any "logical existence of God" could probably find it by looking at evidence of Satan's existence instead.  Sorry, my bad.  All I can say is "those that search for the truth will find it.  All others just wish to argue".

There is no valid evidence of the existence of either the xtian g-d or "satan", (xtians attributing everything they don't like to "satan" and everything they prefer to "g-d" has no evidentiary basis - that's unfounded religious bias without substantive evidence to attribute effects to supernatural causes).  The root of mispprehension is false/unsupported attribution.

Re: Putting the fun back into the forums
Daily life can be stressful enough.  I can't speak for everyone but when I check into the FC forums, it's for some "relief" from the daily grind.  Things like the comic relief that sigmapi & walksalone provide, the interesting views falcon9 shares, the "quirky" posts Falconer02 is famous for (what happened to those?  It's like an alien has taken over his, yummy recipes from butterflywings, duroz's creative posts & "feline fun", any many more favorite fc members contibute great stuff I enjoy reading.  It used to be nice to see an occaisional Bible verse in a thread but not anymore.  

It would be really great if FC would make a "ignore" button to block out Scripture verses instead of just blocking certain posters, I would definitely use it.  Why?  Because I think the motives for all the posting is "the more falcon9 complains about it, the more Scripture postings that follow".   Because there are websites one can join for free to have a daily Bible verse emailed or texted to them.  Because the entire Bible in any translation is available on-line.  Or maybe because there's a "fundie-wannabe" in my real life that has actually given me an ulcer with all her hypocritically fake and shallow religious rammerings that has made me want to barf everytime I have to deal with her.  Perhaps someone that acts like that is what it takes to make a Christian realize just how "disturbing" certain words and actions can be to others.  Stupid people exist.  They exist outside the church...and they exist inside the church.  The church is supposed to teach people some sense, however many of them don't.  So duroz, falcon9, etc. don't think that I don't "feel your pain" with all the c&p re-posts...I truly do.  

While it's true anyone can post anything within FC's guidelines and one has the freedom to post (or ignore) any "Scripture posting threads"...I think the world would be a better place (and the FC forums would be more fun) if everyone tried to be a blessing to others, instead of a "curse". :peace:

Note: Sorry to stray so far off topic, it's just how I's what makes me friggin special.  ;D

That's a refreshing response, given that you're xtian.  Likely some xtians will dissent with your view, (the proselytizing ones, probably).
While it's possible to simply ignore whichever threads one wishes to, (without an 'ignore button for subject matter'), many of those posting various religious proselytizing remarks, (not just in the 'verses' threads but, spamming randomly across several forums), don't want to use the ignore function, (also, there's at least one xtian who uses the ignore function to 'not-ignore' and being disingenuous).  Neither do some of those posting opposing viewpoints to such proselytizing.  It remains possible however, for anyone to ignore any post in any forum and their choice to do so or not.
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Re: Re logical existence of God
« Reply #44 on: July 16, 2012, 10:06:11 pm »
I haven't "ran" from the topic, I dismissed it because the answer to the "argument" is a simple one.  The definition, the adjectives, the synonyms  for the term "malevolent" are contradictory to what the Bible teaches about God's "nature".  The definition of "malevolent" defines Satan's nature ("malevolent" can't define both God and Satan as one is Good and the other is Evil.  Unless you're trying to imply that Satan is "good"?).

According to this book, your god kills loads of people though. It's not just the antagonist he created-- these stories specifically state that this god is or is commanding the death of people. If you think this "nature" is not malevolent, then there's an obvious moral problem with your argument here.

Actual  PROOF that God isn't malevolent?  Perhaps consider the fact that God has allowed you to go on breathing as long as you have.  Assuming God exists (for the sake of your argument) if God were really that 'malevolent'... do you really think that you would still be here?

Perhaps you should look at the unfortunate individuals who are Christians that are suffering and die in agony from disease and pain every day (at varying ages) rather than the agnostic-atheist who's sitting infront of a nice PC listening to comfortable music with very few health issues. If anything, educated people are the reason why I'm breathing right now

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