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Topic: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts  (Read 22296 times)


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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #120 on: October 07, 2012, 10:18:23 pm »
Christians don't worship Satan; and Satan is not Christian.  I just wanted to clarify that from the one comment posted about "xtain Satan." 


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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #121 on: October 07, 2012, 10:27:13 pm »
Christians don't worship Satan; and Satan is not Christian.  I just wanted to clarify that from the one comment posted about "xtain Satan." 

Then you are being intentionally deceptive since the xtian "satan" is allegedly "lucifer", (the first "archangel").  These are xtian religious concepts; no one stated xtians worshipped satan so, that's a specious strawman counter to something never claimed, (also a dishonest debate technique which was abruptly abandoned previous to your reanimation of that logical fallacy).

Thanks for coming into a thread just to troll it moments after getting refuted in the 'biblical' threads.
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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #122 on: October 12, 2012, 09:53:17 pm »
Christians don't worship Satan; and Satan is not Christian.  I just wanted to clarify that from the one comment posted about "xtain Satan." 

Then you are being intentionally deceptive since the xtian "satan" is allegedly "lucifer", (the first "archangel").  These are xtian religious concepts; no one stated xtians worshipped satan so, that's a specious strawman counter to something never claimed, (also a dishonest debate technique which was abruptly abandoned previous to your reanimation of that logical fallacy).

Thanks for coming into a thread just to troll it moments after getting refuted in the 'biblical' threads.
I'm saying that Satan is not a Christian, and I'm also clarifying from a c/p post you did (which you don't like Christians to do...) that speaks of Satan as of a Christian.  I was clarifying that Christians do not worship Satan and that he is not a Christian since he chose to rebel against God.

C/P from Falcon:
 "Wicca is a very decentralized religion; many Wiccans develop their own beliefs, rituals, and other practices. The latter are often not known outside the solitary practitioner or Wiccan coven. Wiccans do not recognise nor worship the xtian satan or, any form similar to such an entity."


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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #123 on: October 15, 2012, 02:51:32 pm »
Thanks for coming into a thread just to troll it moments after getting refuted in the 'biblical' threads.

I'm saying that Satan is not a Christian, and I'm also clarifying from a c/p post you did (which you don't like Christians to do...) that speaks of Satan as of a Christian.  I was clarifying that Christians do not worship Satan and that he is not a Christian since he chose to rebel against God.

C/P from Falcon:
 "Wicca is a very decentralized religion; many Wiccans develop their own beliefs, rituals, and other practices. The latter are often not known outside the solitary practitioner or Wiccan coven. Wiccans do not recognise nor worship the xtian satan or, any form similar to such an entity."

To clarify your misrepresentation; "satan" is a xtian CONCEPT; that is not equivalent to stating that "satan is a xtian".  Further, "satan" is not a wiccan concept, not is "satan" wiccan.  The first "worship" of the "satan concept" arose from catholic priests, (who had been self-declared xtians prior to inverting xtian practices to "worship" a former xtian "archangel").
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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #124 on: October 15, 2012, 03:41:37 pm »
All of it is so ridiculous.  Worshiping a mystical being or worshiping a plant.

Live well and be good to each other and yourself.  We would all be better off for it.


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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #125 on: October 15, 2012, 03:48:29 pm »
"This is the text of the Gardnerian Book of Shadows. In one sense, this is the central sacred text of the Wicca religion. However, it is important to point out that there is no 'official' Book of Shadows. Typically each coven has a hand-written copy of a Book of Shadows, sometimes in cypher or code, which reflects its own practices and knowledge. This particular text is derived from a file posted on the Internet in the early 90s, and quotes previously published material which was known to be in use by Gardner and his group.

  The Book of Shadows was attributed by Gardner to an ancient, clandestine witch cult, which he claimed to have been initiated into.
However, modern researchers have concluded that it was composed by Gardner. The text shows influences from English and Celtic Folk-lore, the Enochian system of John Dee, Thelema, the Golden Dawn, Stregaria, Tantric Yoga, the KJV Bible and even Kipling. This version organizes the material in chronological order and has estimated dates for each section, ranging from 1949 to 1961."


It is not wise to dabble in the dark arts.  It could come back to haunt you.


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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #126 on: October 15, 2012, 03:56:56 pm »
"This is the text of the Gardnerian Book of Shadows. In one sense, this is the central sacred text of the Wicca religion. However, it is important to point out that there is no 'official' Book of Shadows. Typically each coven has a hand-written copy of a Book of Shadows, sometimes in cypher or code, which reflects its own practices and knowledge. This particular text is derived from a file posted on the Internet in the early 90s, and quotes previously published material which was known to be in use by Gardner and his group.

  The Book of Shadows was attributed by Gardner to an ancient, clandestine witch cult, which he claimed to have been initiated into.
However, modern researchers have concluded that it was composed by Gardner. The text shows influences from English and Celtic Folk-lore, the Enochian system of John Dee, Thelema, the Golden Dawn, Stregaria, Tantric Yoga, the KJV Bible and even Kipling. This version organizes the material in chronological order and has estimated dates for each section, ranging from 1949 to 1961."


It is not wise to dabble in the dark arts.  It could come back to haunt you.

This thread contains, (mainly), informational posts regarding "wicca", not "the dark arts".  Since you've chosen to characterize others who practice a federally-recognised religion as 'dabbling' "in the dark arts", it is suggested that 'dabbling' in the blind faith of judeo-xtianity can inflict a diminished ability to reason, (as evinced by your reply), and such things as the crusades, inquisitions and witch hunts.

I'm not wiccan however, those who are have just as much freedom to discuss it as the numerous and multiple xtian thumpers have to promote their religious superstitions.
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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #127 on: October 15, 2012, 04:41:42 pm »
I really don't think much of Wiccan but to each his own, I guess.


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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #128 on: October 15, 2012, 04:46:00 pm »
I really don't think much of Wiccan but to each his own, I guess.

Apparently not since it's "wica", (a "wiccan" is someone who is practices wica). That's alright, I don't think much of judeo-xtianity either.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2012, 05:00:44 pm by falcon9 »
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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #129 on: October 31, 2012, 02:24:59 pm »
"The Witch's New Year:

Sunset on Samhain, (what the mundane call "halloween"), is the beginning of the Celtic New Year. Samhain is a Gaelic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter or the "darker half" of the year. Most commonly it is held on 31 October–1 November, or halfway between the autumn equinox and the winter solstice. Samhain (like Beltane) was seen as a time when the "door" to the Otherworld opened enough for the souls of the dead, and other beings, to come into our world. Feasts were had, at which the souls of dead kin were beckoned to attend and a place set at the table for them. It has thus been likened to a festival of the dead. People also took steps to protect themselves from harmful spirits, which is thought to have led to the custom of guising.  This "guising", or disguising may have lead to the more recent halloween costuming.

"Día de los Muertos", (Day of the Dead), is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in other cultures.  Scholars trace the origins of the modern Mexican holiday to indigenous observances dating back hundreds of years and to an Aztec festival dedicated to the goddess Mictecacihuatl."

-- wikipedia
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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #130 on: November 08, 2012, 05:09:23 pm »
"General principles of Wiccan beliefs:

Wicca is an almost completely decentralized religion. George Knowles, a Wiccan author, has said: "“Wicca has no high authority, no single leader, no prophet and no Bible to dictate its laws and beliefs”. 1 Many, perhaps most, Wiccans are solitary practitioners. Others form small local groups called covens, groves, etc. Thus, there probably are almost as many sets of Wiccan beliefs as there are Wiccans.

However, in 1973, a group of about 73 representatives from many Wiccan paths and traditions met in Minneapolis to form a temporary "Council of American Witches" under the leadership of Carl Llewellyn Weschcke, of the well known Llewellyn publishing house that specializes in books dealing with alternative health and healing, astrology, earth-based religions, shamanism, Gnostic Christianity, Kabbalah, etc. The group successfully created a set of beliefs that harmonized the beliefs of the many Wiccan traditions in the U.S. at the time. The group disbanded shortly afterwards. However their 13 principles are still endorsed by many American Wiccans.

Of particular interest are:

 Principle #2 which stresses the importance of care of the environment. Recall that this statement was prepared over four decades ago.

 Principle #4 which affirms the equality of women and men. It briefly touches on sex magick. These are a belief and practice foreign to many of today's organized religions who continue to denigrate women and fear human sexuality.

 Principle #10 refers to the intense opposition and oppression experienced by many Wiccans at the time, typically from conservative Christians. This culminated in a lynching of a Wiccan, and two fundamentalist Christian pastors calling for government programs of genocide to wipe out Wiccans. This hatred has largely faded since these principles were written."
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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #131 on: November 09, 2012, 10:55:11 am »
"This is the text of the Gardnerian Book of Shadows. In one sense, this is the central sacred text of the Wicca religion. However, it is important to point out that there is no 'official' Book of Shadows. Typically each coven has a hand-written copy of a Book of Shadows, sometimes in cypher or code, which reflects its own practices and knowledge. This particular text is derived from a file posted on the Internet in the early 90s, and quotes previously published material which was known to be in use by Gardner and his group.

  The Book of Shadows was attributed by Gardner to an ancient, clandestine witch cult, which he claimed to have been initiated into.
However, modern researchers have concluded that it was composed by Gardner. The text shows influences from English and Celtic Folk-lore, the Enochian system of John Dee, Thelema, the Golden Dawn, Stregaria, Tantric Yoga, the KJV Bible and even Kipling. This version organizes the material in chronological order and has estimated dates for each section, ranging from 1949 to 1961."


It is not wise to dabble in the dark arts.  It could come back to haunt you.
ROFLMAO! Are you for real ?


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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #132 on: November 10, 2012, 10:02:02 pm »


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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #133 on: November 10, 2012, 10:38:59 pm »

What is?  Your remark was unconnected to any specific comment/post.
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Re: daily wiccan book of shadows excerpts
« Reply #134 on: November 13, 2012, 09:34:14 pm »

What is?  Your remark was unconnected to any specific comment/post.
The general principles you listed...

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