The golden rule could be looked at at least 2 different ways (one where you treat others kindly in return for kindness; or the "newer version" where others treat you the opposite of kindness, yet you don't dare treat them the opposite of kindness.)
That's too narrow of a 'view'. The "golden rule" suggests that someone be treated as they treat others. As it applies to initial proselytizing by xtians, (variously in verses threads and scattered randomly throughout the forums as religious declarations), the "rule" would mean that the presumptuous rudeness of such proselytizations can be met with opposition, (such reactions may be perceived as "rude" in turn by the initiators of "rude" religious posts but, is a fair application of the "golden rule").
I can guarantee you the Bible threads will not be left alone - that would be way too difficult and way too boring for some.
There's no presumptive free pass for unopposed proselytiation and to expect such a thing is unreasonably-blind.
"Sit too close to the fire, night-blindness occurs. Look away from the light and the eyes become accustomed to the formerly unseen."
-- anon wiccan
Sorry to disagree with you, but the initial posts being made of well within people's freedom of opinions, speeches, and expression. You can disagree with their beliefs, but you are wrong in messing with them most every single time any one thing is said. You are trying to block their freedom as if you are ruling that they are not allowed to say anything about God, or you will plague, pester, agitate, provoke, needle, and hound them, instead of understanding that their personal views are as important as yours are. Free choice and free will. You don't have to agree, but you don't have to torment them "mentally" with the words, quotes, and pics you use. If they mess with you, dare you, and tell you that you MUST be saved, in a hostile or mean way, then yes, by all means, what you are doing is what they probably deserve. Other than that, they aren't speaking to only "YOU" - rather to those who would be interested, and so there's no sense in you going in deliberately just to provoke them. (Note: I'm not necessary speaking of the debate threads, although you do make it a habit of doing what you do; I am mainly speaking of off-topic inspirational or Bible verse threads who are interesting and inspiring for those who do enjoy them.)