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Topic: How can someone be born gay?  (Read 20806 times)


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #75 on: July 06, 2012, 06:16:09 am »
chrisfan48, what you wrote is an unbelievable load of horse s.hit.

Firstly what keeps hate going is people who do not know how to live civilized.

I am a civilized person who happen to answer a question in a public discussion forum.

Part of being a civilized person is the desire to live peacefully among others. One of the best ways to achieve this is by understand the people around you. You have no desire to do this. Your mentally feeds into everything that keep us divided. So no, I wouldn't call you civilized at all.

No I do not think people are born gay. (Neither do most researchers)

No, most researchers don't have a definitive answer but they actually study the subject, they don't just accept nonsense from 2000 year old books written by people who had zero understanding of the world around them. You are no researcher.

Also I would disown my child if one came to me and stated they were gay.

That does not mean I would magically stop loving that child there is no on and off button a parent never stops loving their child and wants to protect them from everything however not being able to accept their sexual preference I would be doing what is best for both of us.

Who cares if you still love them? Your love is meaningless and worthless. A parent that actually wants to protect their child would just protect their child period. Someone knows they are loved through the actions of the person that says they love them. People that beat their spouses say they love them too. Your love is useless. You remove all meaning from the word by your actions.

You don't like to judge but you sure seemed to want to judge me.

I don't know why people say they don't like to judge. I have no problem with it. People that slow down progress in our society with their ridiculous beliefs should be judged.

And just because I find homosexuality wrong , does not mean I would be cruel to anyone I would not. It also does not mean I would be uncivilized I would not. (and as I said civilized people do not breed hate it is uncivilized who hate and then go out and react on that hate that are harmful and keep hate alive)

Disowning your child is cruel. You are being harmful. You do keep hate alive. You are uncivilized.

Before you judge my decision to "disown" and maybe I should clarify I would not disown I would just no longer want a relationship I would not just stop magically unloving my child. My love is unconditional like most parents but I would not want a daily relationship with my child.I would still be there for him/her in an emergency but.........

So, you "clarify" what you mean by "disown" by defining it exactly the way we already know it to be defined? You basically just said "I wouldn't disown my child, I would just disown my child."  ::) What do you think no longer having a relationship with them means? Whether or not you love them has nothing to do with it.

Your "love" (if you want to call it that) is not unconditional. It's not even love. Your "love" is absolutely pointless. What good is it? Seriously? What good does it do your child to have a parent they can't turn to on a regular basis?

...back when I was in high school years a go. My 3rd cousin came out of the closet. His parents were cruel and mean. Like me they were and I will say are civilized people but to him they were monsters. (There are a few gays in our neighborhood they would never treat the way they treated him)

They're not civilized and they are monsters. If you would treat your own flesh and blood worse than someone you have no relation to, you are a horrible human being.

There were several days he spent the afternoon in tears and I felt horrible for him. I didn't understand how they could react in such a way. Right after graduation they told him to get out and never come back. He is now happy in a relationship and they want to adopt. I am happy he is happy because I saw him when he was miserable. Telling him to leave and not come back gave him that happiness though. I know it stung he has been able to move on. 

Are you effing serious? Are you that screwed in the head to think that his bigot parents are somehow heroes in this scenario? If he's happy it's despite his homophobic parents, not because of it. You know what would've made him happy beyond belief? Actually still having a family to turn to along with the happiness he found with his partner.

With how you define "love", I shouldn't be shocked with how you define "happiness". Hey, let's deny him that adoption and have him reach euphoria.

If my child were to be gay and come out, whose to say I would not respond like my cousins? I don't show hate and I act in a civilized manner to everyone but what if that ends at home like it did for them??

Your actions are hateful. You are not civilized. You don't know how to define words. Just saying this stuff doesn't make it true.

It would be hurtful to my child to be around me just like it was hurtful for him to be around his parents and I would want my child to have happiness and I would never want to be the cause to damper it even though I would not approve of their choice.

Here's a thought, don't act like a douche towards your child and maybe they'd be happy. Did you ever consider that? I'm sure you haven't because only a civilized person would do that.

Also, you insist on calling it a choice when you've done zero research on the subject. Homosexuals get disowned by their families and communities, denied rights, made fun of and harassed, beat up, pushed to the point of suicide, and in some cases killed. If it's a choice, please enlighten me as to which one of these wonderful outcomes they've decided to chose. What are the benefits of this "choice"? Please answer this.

So I have my reasons for wanting them away form me. I never understood years a go but I understand now it was the best thing they could do for him. Let him go. It stung them all for awhile and then they were all able to move on. I am sorry if that does not make sense to you. But that is how it is. 

Bigots trying to spin their bigotry to make it somehow a good thing is all that's happening here.

Oh, I just saw that you responded to another post while I was typing this.

There is no proof that I am however
*Awful human being
*Terrible person

Um, everything you say is proof.


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #76 on: July 06, 2012, 06:34:51 am »
It is like any other preference that one has a baby..som babies like certain foods, and hate others, some are scared of certain things and not of others. It is a preference that occurs as soon in life as one can begin to express preferences, either verbally or non verbally. Until sexual maturity, it is more of a preference to be around the same sex to the exclusion of the opposite sex. At a young age, the individual would not understand any of it, but would as they mature. I recently saw a documentary of a baby who was born schizophrenic. The parents did not know it, but they filmed the baby at 3 months old tracking an unseen object across the ceiling with her eyes, even craning her neck to se it as got farther away. The parents in their wildest dreams never guessed the true reason for this and other quirky behaviors, until at age 5 they finally had the chilld evaluated and learned the diagnosis. It is thought that the child hallucinates almost constantly and has since birth or even in the womb, when the brain was developed enough to do so. The point being that a baby comes into the world with many facets of it's behavior and preferences already in place.

Well said, I agree with that statement.  I also want to point out that I am a Catholic, I believe in God and Jesus Christ, and even as a Catholic I do not like nor apporve some of the rules that the Catholic church has.  But I would like to point out that as Christians we have learn that God create Adam and Eve.  But if you like at history, before and after Jesus, homosexuality has been there since day one.  Now I ask you, if God only intended for the world to be all Adams and all Eves then why has homosexuality existed since the dawn of time?  I believe that God has his own plans and he created gays and lesbians for a reason, I also believe that some people is born with the preference for certain companion, even when as babies we do not know or want to believe what is that.  But I also believe that society has open their minds more and that is why a lot of people has come out saying that they are gay, but not all of them where born that way.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2012, 06:36:45 am by lywb2168 »
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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #77 on: July 06, 2012, 07:34:22 am »
The dictionary defines words, it has nothing to do with me saying them, and just because you try to twist them to please you does not make what you say true or correct.

You're the only one twisting words. I pointed that out. You said you wouldn't disown your child then explained what you would actually do by pretty much stating that you would disown your child in different words like no one would notice.

You realize your actions don't match up to your words and try to escape criticism for it by twisting your words to fit in places they just don't.

Where is your scientific evidence to support anything. You are right I am not a researcher but if someone is born a particular way there is a gene. A gene some researchers claim to have found but many many more can not, until there is proof that the gene does exist I will continue to have my belief's and you can continue to have yours.

Not having definitive answers yet doesn't mean you can just plug up that hole with just anything. You already do that with god. The proper thing to do is go where the evidence leads. I clearly stated that there was no definitive answer and not, as you did, say that researches lean one way or another.

Not having an answer doesn't mean that all beliefs about the subject are equally valid. Some can be pointed out as completely idiotic. My leanings have to do with the lack of thoughtfulness of your beliefs. I lean away from your beliefs for the same reason I lean away from 2 plus 2 equaling 2. My response is not about having definitive scientific or mathematical proof of what 2 plus 2 equals, but based on an understanding of addition, 2 plus 2 equaling 2 can be ruled out. Could I be wrong? Sure, but my reasoning is sound, which leads me to believe I am not wrong (btw, 2 + 2 = 4 if you were wondering). You, on the other hand, have beliefs based not on reasoning but on a book that, ironically, since you bring up science, has been proven to be scientifically and historically inaccurate time and time again.

Funny how you bring up science when you ignore it anytime it shoots giant holes in everything you believe.

I do live peacefully among others it is not thoughts it is actions that make things not peaceful.

No. Thoughts spark actions. How many Jews did Hitler actually kill with his own hands? He made a hell of a lot of speeches though and many died just by him speaking on what he thought.

You give cover and confidence to those that act on the same thoughts that you have. You are equally to blame.

And sorry to inform you I do know how to define words just fine.

Yes. Fine enough to suit your needs.

This is the last I will say to you in this discussion as well because you are entitled to your opinion just like I am entitled to mine.

Of course it's the last thing you will say because you're a coward. You're entitled to your beliefs, but if you put them in a public forum, I'm entitled to criticize. If my belief is that your beliefs are idiotic and harmful to society, I will say so because I'm entitled to do so.

I asked this :

Also, you insist on calling it a choice when you've done zero research on the subject. Homosexuals get disowned by their families and communities, denied rights, made fun of and harassed, beat up, pushed to the point of suicide, and in some cases killed. If it's a choice, please enlighten me as to which one of these wonderful outcomes they've decided to chose. What are the benefits of this "choice"? Please answer this.

What I'm asking here is what is the basis for your belief that it's a choice. Have you even considered the implications of what you're saying? I have never had this question answered. Not even once because every one of you who say you actually believe this are too cowardly to do so. It requires thought and thinking is what prevents people from spewing nonsense they've been told to accept.

Actually think for a change, you might like it. It will make you a better human being and you will be better to your fellow human beings.


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #78 on: July 06, 2012, 06:31:15 pm »
yea i do believe they are born gay because when i was in flordia there was a gay guy on the bus that my friend was talking to. the subject came up and he said he recently came out. he said his mother knew before he actually did because the first day of school he was asked about his day and he said another boy was the cutest in the class. his mom said u mean there was cute girl in class. he said no, boy. so, when he actually came out and told his mom she said i know honey.. i've known since your first day of school.


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #79 on: July 07, 2012, 09:59:40 am »
Yes, one can be born gay...I think it's some sort of genetic/biological mutation in a person's DNA that causes a psychological disorder.


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #80 on: July 07, 2012, 12:47:40 pm »
Yes, one can be born gay...I think it's some sort of genetic/biological mutation in a person's DNA that causes a psychological disorder.

That must be one twist away on the double-helix from the genetic mutation which causes a predisposition for religious self-delusions, aye?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 04:34:26 pm by falcon9 »
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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #81 on: July 07, 2012, 01:31:49 pm »
I do not believe that a person is born gay. God said practicing homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, he would not a person to be "born to go to hell."


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #82 on: July 07, 2012, 02:16:37 pm »
I do not believe that a person is born gay. God said practicing homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, he would not a person to be "born to go to hell."

Anyone with a tattoo is out also, right?


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #83 on: July 07, 2012, 02:36:42 pm »
I have never heard about a baby being born gay. I agree that it is their environment that they grow up in that gives way to that type of living.


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #84 on: July 07, 2012, 02:59:02 pm »
I don't know the reasoning behind it myself, but its something i have to put up with as my stepson is gay. Just don't cram it down my throat. I have found over the years some of them are very hard to work with. and you have to be very careful of what you say to them. but they can say anything to you. It is not right.   


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #85 on: July 07, 2012, 03:17:44 pm »
Everyone is born with God-given Free Will.No one is born gay by that accord.

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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #86 on: July 07, 2012, 03:31:05 pm »
I believe U are born gay! There is a gay chomosome and the brains are wired different! :heart: :peace:


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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #87 on: July 07, 2012, 04:36:25 pm »
Everyone is born with God-given Free Will.

There is no evidence that some hypothetical supernatural egregore 'gave' anyone freeo will, (or anything else).  This is a superstitious religious belief and as such, a false premise.  Conclusions drawn from that false premise are inherently false.
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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #88 on: July 07, 2012, 04:55:15 pm »
I do not believe that a person is born gay. God said practicing homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, he would not a person to be "born to go to hell."

Anyone with a tattoo is out also, right?

If you're trying to subtlely show the inherently-faulty non-logical non-reasoning in a false premise, (based upon specious religious beliefs), and the equally invalid conclusion drawn from such faulty 'rationalizing'), time wasted on a fundamentalist is time well-spent to dissuade someone else from becoming that mind-blinded by faith.
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: How can someone be born gay?
« Reply #89 on: July 07, 2012, 05:09:46 pm »

    I do not think they are born that way. I do not think it is a genetic problem.  It is learned through life. They are not born that way, they are made. Environment, school, religion and family relations contribute to the formation of an individual.

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