I just got done reporting my neighbors' 26 yr old son for hitting his girlfriend. I actually witnessed him threatening her and grabbing her keys and her purse and shoving her up against the car. I came outside, saw him shoving and snatching her stuff away, and I immediately walked over to their car, and said "Stop it!" I broke up their fight and watched him storm into his house with her purse, her cell phone and her car keys. The first think I asked her was whether or not he hit her, and she said "YES! Look at my arms." She was bruised on both arms from him grabbing her to keep her from leaving.
I talked to her and asked why he was acting this way. She told me he was drinking and that this was the 2nd time he had done this(he threw her phone at her before) Of course, I immediately said, "OH HELL NO!" and I knocked on his door, he came out and I told him, "give her back her keys and her purse." He stormed past me and said " Yeah Yeah Yeah, Ill give it to her!!" and started walking toward her as she stood crying and petrified. I followed, and His mom also came out. He handed her her purse and her keys, and they stood there for a while and had words, and she proceeded to leave All of the sudden, he snatched her purse away again shoved her out of the drivers seat, and jumped into the drivers side of her car, and slammed the door as she kept trying to get him to just leave her alone. He finally got out, and fought with her over the keys again. Keep in mind, this dudes mother is watching the whole situation go down. She watched her son put his arms around his girlfriends torso violently fighting her to get the phone away. She was screaming and crying, begging his mother, "Do you see this??? PLEASE, please help me" His mother said "No" to her, acted like there was nothing wrong, and walked away. Apparently, her son can do no harm. After he made a swift get away with his friends in the back of the apartments, the girlfriend went to his house hoping to get help from his parents. His mother proceeded to tell her while she was still pleading for her help, "If you call 911 on my son, you are not welcome in this house anymore." She looked at me and said "could you please call 911?" Of course, I called for her. I stepped in, because no one else would, not even his parents would give this girl sympathy. They basically shunned her immediately when there was a threat of their son going to jail, which really pisses me off. This boys parents couldn't even recognize that their son had hit a woman, and that it was absolutely wrong. First of all, he's 26 yrs old and still lives with his mother and father, who just think he is the perfect son. Secondly, after witnessing what their son can do, they turn a blind eye to it, and ditch the girlfriend, who is the victim. Third, even though they are my neighbors, and good friends (I don't know now, since I called the cops on their son). Would you have done anything differently? I had to do it, men who hit women is one of my biggest pet pieves EVER!