Meh, I'm sort of indifferent on the subject. The news floods us with an array of this stuff ever since the media explosion back in the mid 90's. So, it SEEMS like there's a lot more freaks out there than previous decades, but I doubt the percentages have changed much per population. The bad news is, people tend to forget we're all starting from a position that's imperfect. When you try to walk down a path to do good deeds in life, it's hard to judge others when no one starts off from the right position to begin with. Example would be a co-worker of mine was kind of a d-bag so to speak, when homeless people would ask him for change he would give it to them, but he'd take it and toss it at them so they'd have to scrounge around and pick it up for his personal amusement. (Good Deed, Bad application) So, I don't really take to much time bothering to tell people they're right or wrong anymore. It's better to just give them recommendations (opinions) on what to do and leave it at that (Excluding raising kids of course since you have to teach them).