Promises from a hypothetical supernatural entity are empty ones. The entire concept is built upon insubstantial "faith", (which is belief without evidence). Such a 'basis' is no basis and perpetuates self-delusions.
thanks for the Daily Bible Verse response back. I like encouraging others and building them up, but today a friend had some issues with his water bill and i was trying to cheer him up by speaking about the promises of the bible from God, but the more i spoke about them, he seem to have a more of an angry attitude, and this guy was just baptised a month ago and talking about how much he loves God and how much God had done for him. I could not believe this, so i started praying in the car with him, and asked God to deal with his heart string and change his spirit from a negative angry spirit, and not to let that spirit transfer to me and i just prayed and stayed quiet all the way to his house and so did he, his spirit did not change much, but still when he was getting out, i told him to get what he needed and i would take him back up there Monday morning to get his water transfer and most people would have said no way i want deal with that again, but i have a heart for even mean hearted people, because i have been there myself and i have mercy for others and compassion and i am not even going to charge him for gas this time. He thanked me and now this is suppose to be a good friend of mine we been friends for years and he treat me like that after i dropped all i was doing to help him, but i forgive him and still love him and will help him and his lady friend out, because that is what true christians do.
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God,
that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,' thus building a wall of separation between Church and State."
~Thomas Jefferson~
You quote Jefferson so much, yet seem to not accept his view that it's between man and his God, and that no one owes account to anyone else regarding faith or worship. To you, it's empty. To a Christian, it is fulfilling and joyful. You cannot tell what others are feeling - only your own self. Just because you think one way does not mean a Christian has to bow to you and your claims. You don't accept God - your choice; no arguments there. A Christian does - their choice; no arguments there. Stick with your views and Christians will stick with theirs. Like Jefferson said, it's between a man and his God.
As far as sharing in here about it, others who share the same views enjoy discussing their views together. You don't like that and can't seem to handle that concept respectfully nor courteously, as it is that obvious. You don't want to debate either, because you are not open to that concept with a believer - you would rather be obnoxious, pushy, thinking Christians are wrong, closing any door on any possible evidences - you have a very high opinion of yourself and it's kind of humorous, really, to read how you think you know more than a believer does, about God/no God, when it's so obvious, by your use of those big words of yours, that you do not know as much as you think or what you try to force on believers for their choice about God, and trying to make them look foolish for their beliefs. So what? Who cares who does what with their life, with or without God in their lives? In the end, it's absolutely none of your business nor concern what a Christian does, thinks, or feels, in regards to their relationship with God. Your words start sounding like Charlie Brown's "adults" speaking of blah, blah, blah.
You enjoy your choice of no God and believers will enjoy their belief in God, whether or not you spout your so-called "facts" which are indeed not all facts, but assessments. When it comes down to it, a Christian who believes in and loves/follows God, has no fear of being called names, and in fact, have been warned in God's Word, Itself, that this would happen from the people in the world who do not choose to accept God. We, as believers, are in this world like everyone else, but are not part of some of the worldly views that many have (actually *believers and nonbelievers both,) including mean-spirited deliberate behavior towards those who don't go by the popular social issues, derision and criticism towards them for their beliefs in God (such as you and a couple of others seem to enjoy doing in here,) immorality, homosexuality, abortion, just to name a few. There are a lot of disagreeing thoughts between *many people on all I listed, and more, but it seems to be the Christians who are the most criticized, judged, and mocked, than anyone else or any other groups. It's ones like you who enjoy doing this.
Does it really make you happy inside your soul/mind to do this to people? Do you lie down at night with a clear conscience of trying to be a respectful and courteous citizen in America to all you can, whether you agree with them or not? Do you actually plan and write out these things you say, including researching how to say these things more "big talky words" or more "sarcastically?" Do you really enjoy trying to "hurt" posters' feelings in here who enjoy sharing Bible verses with other posters who enjoy them? Do you hunt down the threads that have anything to do with verses, inspiration, Bible, God, etc., just to deliberately go into them to provoke? Do you get a laugh out of it when someone gets riled up at you for what you do deliberately to provoke them, and they respond? Do you "think before you speak" to consider how it's going to come across to someone? Or do you just really do not care one iota what people think, say, or do - that if they are believers in God, you hate that, and spew hate just because you do not like it?