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Topic: Daily Bible Verse  (Read 113627 times)


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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2012, 07:57:44 pm »
Dear Falcon,
I beg to differ with you.  I respect all people and beliefs.  Have a great day!

Well stated.  I absolutely agree with you.  :)

On the contrary, simply stating that you do so while previously and currently proselytizing your religious beliefs is considered by many to be extremely disrespectful of any othat others may have, (including non-religious philosophies).  It's presumptuous, sanctimonious and rude for such religious adherents to assume that their particular hypothetical supernatural entity pre-empts anyone else's, (including those who don't believe in such an entity).  Therefore, I maintain that neither of you "respect all ... beliefs", due entirely to the evidence of a massive quantity of such disrespectful posts archived here alone, (and despite empty declarations otherwise).

"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called Religion."
-- Robert M. Pirsig

Using your words in return to your bashing consistently and constantly of opposing views:
"It's presumptuous, sanctimonious, and rude for such non-religious adherents to assume that their particular athiestic views pre-empts anyone else's." 

We can respect other's choices without bashing them.  Apparently you are blinded by your apparent dislike of anyone speaking of God.  Your way is not the only way either.  You have the choice to live your way.  That is fine.  Christians have the choice to live their way.  That should be fine, as well.  Our opposite ways of living do not affect each other in the least, yet you seem absolutely stuck on refusing to respect someone else's belief whether it agrees with you or not.

Who cares if you think a Christian's belief is delusional, foolish, insane, empty?  You have your own way of living your life, yet seem to be so concerned to chastise anyone who believes in God.  So?  What does it really get you in the end?  Just getting it off your chest like you are the one in control?  Feeling like you've told someone off?  Thinking you're changing their minds?  You think too much of yourself if you think you have accomplished trying to talk foolish-talk down to Christians.

You are not in control of these threads either.  You don't like a Bible verse thread?  Fine.  Don't engage yourself and then expect no one to comment back to you when you speak your foolish babble against the poster's enjoyment of verses.  Make your own threads of your views on things, then when others come in, speaking foolish babble against your views, feel free to chastise them for disagreeing.  People can disagree without cutting someone's personal beliefs down.  You deliberately choose to come into the Bible verse threads to accuse of proselytizing - you are just setting yourself up for rebuttal when you didn't have to choose to come in and make a scene. 

You have just as much right to start a thread on your views with like viewers.  It doesn't mean I'm going to go in there and accuse you of slamming your views down our throats, because you are entitled to your views and this forum represents and is allowed to represent all kinds of different views, whether Christian, Islam, Buddha, Catholic, just to name a few; and whether non-religious, Atheist, or anything else people choose.  People can choose to click in at their own risk, or they can choose to bypass. 

FC forums should be fun, enjoyable, and enlightening.  The hot debates are going to be sparked, for sure, and entered at risk.  But to go in an Off Topic thread where someone posts Bible verses, and choose deliberately to come in and stomp on others for their posting of verses is mean-spirited and rude.  They aren't a part of your belief system, so why chew someone up and spit them out for sharing verses with each other for uplifting reasons?  You can choose to keep stomping on them or choose to be a bigger person and bypass some of those threads that have nothing to do with the debate thread themselves.  You aren't being coerced into those particular threads and the rules don't say that you have to or must enter every single thread in this forum.  You choose to do that - which means you also will be called out by others who have had enough of the constant badgering.

You aren't fooling anyone with your foolish words over and over.  You aren't changing people's minds.  You are only making yourself look like the delusional one who just can't leave Christians or other believers alone.  You are technically forcing your views on Christians by trying to belittle them and make them look foolish and delusional for believing in God.  In that respect, you are wrong for "proselytizing" your views by calling the believers names.  Other than that, you are a humorous person, and know much about many things.  It would be interesting to speak with you on some other subjects outside of religion/no religion.   

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!


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Re: daily Bible proselytizing
« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2012, 08:37:12 pm »
Using your words in return to your bashing consistently and constantly of opposing views:
"It's presumptuous, sanctimonious, and rude for such non-religious adherents to assume that their particular athiestic views pre-empts anyone else's."

Those aren't my words, putting them in quotes is disingenuous of you.  Cease and desist or be subject to the same treatment under the auspices of the "Golden Rule".  The significant and cognizant difference between your alteration and my original remarks is that neither myself nor any other non-religious member had previously flooded these forums with religious proselytizing - as opposed to some of the xtians on FC doing so.  Further, dissenting viewpoints which are made subsequently to such proselytizings are not 'pre-emptive' by definition.

Apparently you are blinded by your apparent dislike of anyone speaking of God.

Reason can open one's eyes where faith blinds them.  My "dislike" is for the specious religious beliefs themselves, not for any particular believer.  It is unsurprising that this differentation escapes some people, although it isn't all that subtle.  

Your way is not the only way either.  You have the choice to live your way.  That is fine.  Christians have the choice to live their way.  That should be fine, as well.  Our opposite ways of living do not affect each other in the least ...

On the contrary, religious adherents who have chosen "faith" over reason are directly responsible for millions of deaths and much suffering throughout history.  My choice to employ reason is not being 'forced' upon anyone as it is simply my preferred philosophy, (not a "belief").

Who cares if you think a Christian's belief is delusional, foolish, insane, empty?  

No one would "care" if such "delusional, foolish, insane, empty", (your quoted words, not mine in context), stayed inside the skulls of 'believers'.  As soon as they leave those dark environs and are publically-posted however, others may choose to post subsequent dissenting viewpoints.

You are not in control of these threads either.  You don't like a Bible verse thread?  Fine.  Don't engage yourself and then expect no one to comment back to you when you speak your foolish babble against the poster's enjoyment of verses.

Obviously, you are mistaken; I don't have an expectation that "no one to comment back ..." - doing so is their choice.  Characterizing rational objections and refutations of religious "babble" as "foolish babble" is inaccurate.
Make your own threads of your views on things, then when others come in, speaking foolish babble against your views, feel free to chastise them for disagreeing.  

As with your previous attempts to tell others how and where to post on the FC forums which you've admitted to not controlling, these too are rejected out-of-hand.  Thanks, anyway.

You deliberately choose to come into the Bible verse threads to accuse of proselytizing - you are just setting yourself up for rebuttal when you didn't have to choose to come in and make a scene.  

The accusations of religious proselytizing haven't been rebutted as yet.  Since they are based upon using biblical quotes to promote, (proselytize), it unsurprising that 'no, they aren't' is falsely considered a "rebuttal".

It doesn't mean I'm going to go in there and accuse you of slamming your views down our throats ...

Since I'm unable to 'force' anyone to use critical thinking/logic/reasoning, your characterization of "slamming" such down throats which cannot 'swallow' those methods is not accurate and applies more evidentially to religious proselytizing than to 'proselytizing' logic which is unusable by the irrational ones.

this forum represents and is allowed to represent all kinds of different views, whether Christian, Islam, Buddha, Catholic, just to name a few; and whether non-religious, Atheist, or anything else people choose.  People can choose to click in at their own risk, or they can choose to bypass.

People can also choose to respond; that works both ways.  Additionally, when was the last time an Islamic, Jewish, Wiccan or Sikh religious viewpoint was posted in the forums, (as opposed to the virtual flood of xtian proselytizing posts)?

FC forums should be fun, enjoyable, and enlightening.  The hot debates are going to be sparked, for sure, and entered at risk.  But to go in an Off Topic thread where someone posts Bible verses, and choose deliberately to come in and stomp on others for their posting of verses is mean-spirited and rude.

There you go again; attempting to characterize dissenting viewpoints posted subsequently to the "rude", "presumptuous",
"sanctimonious" and "disrespectful-of-other-beliefs/philosophies" initial posts of religious adherents as a method of attempted-censorship.  For some unknown non-reason, such religious adherents doing so apparently feel that the posting of their proselytizations is pure as the driven snow while dissenting viewpoints are inverted and don't apply to their posts.  

They aren't a part of your belief system, so why chew someone up and spit them out for sharing verses with each other for uplifting reasons?  You can choose to keep stomping on them or choose to be a bigger person and bypass some of those threads that have nothing to do with the debate thread themselves.  You aren't being coerced into those particular threads and the rules don't say that you have to or must enter every single thread in this forum.  

You choose to do that - which means you also will be called out by others who have had enough of the constant badgering.

The FC moderator has already warned against such "calling out", (something which a few of your fellow xtians have done, while I have not), so that warning applies mainly to those who've done it and as a cautionary warning to others.

You aren't fooling anyone with your foolish words over and over.  You aren't changing people's minds.

Your remarks essentially describe the result of closed-mindedness and faith-blindedness.  Thanks for providing such evidence for previous contentions.

In that respect, you are wrong for "proselytizing" your views by calling the believers names.

Since I'm unable to pursuade/convince/entice or otherwise 'force' anyone else to use critical thinking skills/logic/reasoning, that's not effectively proselytizing.  Whereas religious propaganda does constitute proselytizing.  See the difference, no?  You'll find that I don't call "believers names" so much as characterize their "beliefs" in the ways you've mentioned and for reasons which you omitted mentioning.  There's a difference between debating/discussing such beliefs or philosophies and those who hold them, (despite a certain erroneous tendency for some to conflate a "belief" with the person who "believes" something).  If you cannot bring yourself to use FC's ignore button, at least stop taking the subject personally; a person is not a collection of their beliefs - they consist of multi-faceted aspects which form the emergent property of self-aware individuals.

Other than that, you are a humorous person, and know much about many things.  It would be interesting to speak with you on some other subjects outside of religion/no religion.  

I don't 'compartmentalize'/separate my thought processes according to subject matter.  Any extant humor arises from the same thought processes as with any other subject.  FC staff have recommended that you use the ignore button if you don't wish to see my posts.  Thta remains your choice, as always.
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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #47 on: June 08, 2012, 06:58:03 am »

Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm
Using your words in return to your bashing consistently and constantly of opposing views:
"It's presumptuous, sanctimonious, and rude for such non-religious adherents to assume that their particular athiestic views pre-empts anyone else's."
Quote from: falcon9:
Those aren't my words, putting them in quotes is disingenuous of you.  Cease and desist or be subject to the same treatment under the auspices of the "Golden Rule".  The significant and cognizant difference between your alteration and my original remarks is that neither myself nor any other non-religious member had previously flooded these forums with religious proselytizing - as opposed to some of the xtians on FC doing so.  Further, dissenting viewpoints which are made subsequently to such proselytizings are not 'pre-emptive' by definition.

Am I bad.  You are absolutely right - I did not stop and correctly place punctuation needed for your words.  I will do so now:

Using your words in return to your bashing consistently and constantly of opposing views:
"It's presumptuous, sanctimonious, and rude" for such non-religious "adherents to assume that their particular" athiestic views "pre-empts anyone else's."


Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm
You choose to do that - which means you also will be called out by others who have had enough of the constant badgering.

Quote from: falcon9:
The FC moderator has already warned against such "calling out", (something which a few of your fellow xtians have done, while I have not), so that warning applies mainly to those who've done it and as a cautionary warning to others.

I am not speaking of "calling out threads."  I am speaking of posters who will defend their beliefs against your foolish words trying to make their beliefs appear delusional, irrational, insane, and/or foolish.
Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm
Apparently you are blinded by your apparent dislike of anyone speaking of God.

Quote from: falcon9:
Reason can open one's eyes where faith blinds them.  My "dislike" is for the specious religious beliefs themselves, not for any particular believer.  It is unsurprising that this differentation escapes some people, although it isn't all that subtle.

I actually am speaking of disliking the behavior even though it did not come across that way.  Yet, when you use such words as you do, you are still aiming it at the person's belief system disrespectfully.  And yes, some will take it personal.

Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm
Your way is not the only way either.  You have the choice to live your way.  That is fine.  Christians have the choice to live their way.  That should be fine, as well.  Our opposite ways of living do not affect each other in the least ...

Quote from: falcon9:
On the contrary, religious adherents who have chosen "faith" over reason are directly responsible for millions of deaths and much suffering throughout history.  My choice to employ reason is not being 'forced' upon anyone as it is simply my preferred philosophy, (not a "belief").

You are boxing all Christians and/or believers into one box.  That is your assumption of all Christians.  All Christians do not believe in murdering as some so-called groups of "Christians" seem to think they can do.
Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm
Make your own threads of your views on things, then when others come in, speaking foolish babble against your views, feel free to chastise them for disagreeing. 

Quote from: falcon9:
As with your previous attempts to tell others how and where to post on the FC forums which you've admitted to not controlling, these too are rejected out-of-hand.  Thanks, anyway.

I'm not telling you how and where to post - many posters in these forums say it as a rebuttal or as a suggestion, or implied advice, to make a point.  You can do what you want - I don't care one way or the other.

Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm
Who cares if you think a Christian's belief is delusional, foolish, insane, empty? 

Quote from: falcon9:
No one would "care" if such "delusional, foolish, insane, empty", (your quoted words, not mine in context), stayed inside the skulls of 'believers'.  As soon as they leave those dark environs and are publically-posted however, others may choose to post subsequent dissenting viewpoints.

That is where you are very mistaken.  If that's the case, then your foolish babble would need to be left in your "skull."  You are once again disrespecting a believer's belief system, implying that their beliefs are wrong, and only your viewpoints are acceptable.  Being a believer is a believer's choice while your choice is your choice.  Dissenting viewpoints are one thing, but totally stomping on their belief system calling them those ridiculous names is disrespectful.  Their beliefs are not "dark environs," - perhaps you may see them that way and perhaps your dislike of Christianity is clouding your ability to be respectful.  Who really knows other than you?  It's the mean-spirited attitude towards believers' belief systems in God that comes across through the screen to many. 

You are always on the offense while trying to hush the believers' free speech and expression in here.  The rules do not state whatsoever that there are no Bible verse threads allowed.  You seem to have a problem with that and so stomping on the believers' belief systems are the way you try and combat that.  They are just as free as you to post in here.  Everyone in here is allowed to give opinions, facts, etc. about posts, but within the rules of the forum.  You test those rules, and you and everyone else, know/s this, especially in the Bible threads, whether D&D, or Off Topic.  Why don't you just admit you enjoy doing it and that you enjoy when others challenge you back?



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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #48 on: June 08, 2012, 02:15:03 pm »
Am I bad.  You are absolutely right - I did not stop and correctly place punctuation needed for your words.  I will do so now:

Using your words in return to your bashing consistently and constantly of opposing views:
"It's presumptuous, sanctimonious, and rude" for such non-religious "adherents to assume that their particular" athiestic views "pre-empts anyone else's."

Those still aren't my words, putting them in quotes is disingenuous of you.  Cease and desist or be subject to the same treatment under the auspices of the "Golden Rule".  The significant and cognizant difference between your alteration and my original remarks is that neither myself nor any other non-religious member had previously flooded these forums with religious proselytizing - as opposed to some of the xtians on FC doing so.  Further, dissenting viewpoints which are made subsequently to such proselytizings are not 'pre-emptive' by definition.

Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm:
You choose to do that - which means you also will be called out by others who have had enough of the constant badgering.

Quote from: falcon9:
The FC moderator has already warned against such "calling out", (something which a few of your fellow xtians have done, while I have not), so that warning applies mainly to those who've done it and as a cautionary warning to others.

I am not speaking of "calling out threads." 

" ... you also will be called out by others ...", these are your posted words.  There is no need for me to alter them as you did by intentionally misquoting mine, above.

I am speaking of posters who will defend their beliefs against your foolish words trying to make their beliefs appear delusional, irrational, insane, and/or foolish.

The "beliefs" of others do not require my emphasis to "make" them "appear delusional, irrational, insane, and/or foolish", (using your words).  Delineate exactly how logic and reasoning constitute in dissent of illogical and irrational beliefs constitute "foolish words", (unless this is merely an empty opinion without merit).

Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm:
Apparently you are blinded by your apparent dislike of anyone speaking of God.

Quote from: falcon9:
Reason can open one's eyes where faith blinds them.  My "dislike" is for the specious religious beliefs themselves, not for any particular believer.  It is unsurprising that this differentation escapes some people, although it isn't all that subtle.

I actually am speaking of disliking the behavior even though it did not come across that way.  Yet, when you use such words as you do, you are still aiming it at the person's belief system disrespectfully.  And yes, some will take it personal.

That's more of a concern of the believer than someone else who dissents. As previously stated, my objections are with the belief systems and not with specific believers.  While it is accurate to say that, without believers there would be no beliefs, it can be seen why so many believers do tend to take dissenting views personally.  To speculate; such a reaction most likely stems from any emotional attachments binding a believer to their cherished beliefs.  Strong emotional bonds tend to override logic/rationality in most believers therefore, they are prone to irrationally equating any opposition to those beliefs as a personal 'attack' on the believer themselves.  Since I don't consider a belief to be the same as the believer, (because they aren't equivalent), my dissenting viewpoints remain directed at contending such religious beliefs themselves, (regardless of whether or not any particular believer erroneously takes such personally).

Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm:
Your way is not the only way either.  You have the choice to live your way.  That is fine.  Christians have the choice to live their way.  That should be fine, as well.  Our opposite ways of living do not affect each other in the least ...

Quote from: falcon9:
On the contrary, religious adherents who have chosen "faith" over reason are directly responsible for millions of deaths and much suffering throughout history.  My choice to employ reason is not being 'forced' upon anyone as it is simply my preferred philosophy, (not a "belief").

You are boxing all Christians and/or believers into one box.  That is your assumption of all Christians.  All Christians do not believe in murdering as some so-called groups of "Christians" seem to think they can do.

That 'argument' has been presented on numerous previous occasions elsewhere.  The apparent premise being, "oh, those were different xtians who did those terrible things under the exact same religious belief system as we hold but, we don't do those things." This is much like two people buying the same make and model car, (but, with each selecting different options and then claiming that they own different cars), metaphorically.  Just as I am aware that most Islamic believers are not responsible for for what a few Islamic believer did, it remains that they are all considered to be believers in the same "faith" nonetheless.
Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm
Who cares if you think a Christian's belief is delusional, foolish, insane, empty? 

Quote from: falcon9:
No one would "care" if such "delusional, foolish, insane, empty", (your quoted words, not mine in context), stayed inside the skulls of 'believers'.  As soon as they leave those dark environs and are publically-posted however, others may choose to post subsequent dissenting viewpoints.

That is where you are very mistaken.

Your opinion is inaccurate.
If that's the case, then your foolish babble would need to be left in your "skull."

That's not a logical conclusion; my responses, (whether inaccurately deemed as "foolish babble" according to an irrational opinion or not), have been in subsequent reply to publically-posted religious beliefs which had initially left the skulls of believers.  There are no archived instances of my starting any threads on FC to initiate an opposing viewpoint specifically in opposition to a religious belief.  Conversely, there have been an uncounted plethora of threads specifically initiated by religious believers to proselytize their beliefs.  Only some of these have had subsequent opposing/dissenting viewpoints posted in response, (by others and myself).  Therefore, the situations are not parallel and your conclusion is false.

Being a believer is a believer's choice while your choice is your choice.  Dissenting viewpoints are one thing, but totally stomping on their belief system calling them those ridiculous names is disrespectful.

Those "names" are your quoted words, attempting to misquote mine out of context.  To reiterate that point; the adjectives I have used apply to the belief systems themselves and not to the believers.  It's understood that you cannot make that distinction nevertheless, it exists.
Their beliefs are not "dark environs ..."

No, that remark was in the context of the 'dark environs' of skulls, (being that the interior of anyone's head is an unlit environment - dark - unless their head is on fire). 

You are always on the offense while trying to hush the believers' free speech and expression in here. 

If so, why have I mentioned on several previous occasions, (in different FC threads), the exact opposite of what you contend? Specifically, that those who choose to post on a subject have just as much 'freedom' to do so as those who choose to reply to such posts.  That position doesn't inherently preclude any 'freedom of speech' or "expression" here.

The rules do not state whatsoever that there are no Bible verse threads allowed.

That's correct.  The rules also do not state that no viewpoints which dissent with such threads are allowed.  That runs both ways; despite any implicit desires to be 'free' to post such without any subsequent dissenting points of view being posted.  The rules do not allow for such one-way streets either.
They are just as free as you to post in here.  Everyone in here is allowed to give opinions, facts, etc. about posts, but within the rules of the forum.

Since I've previously stated essentially the same, we're already in agreement about that.  Nowhere within the forum rules does it prohibit dissenting viewpoints to subsequently follow such "opinions, facts", yet you've repeatedly attempted to suppress such under various guises, (including 'rudeness', "disrepect", "attacks" and other perjoratives). 

"We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and his children smart."
-- H. L. Mencken
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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #49 on: June 08, 2012, 03:43:45 pm »
Quote from: jcribb16 on Today at 06:58:03 am
Am I bad.  You are absolutely right - I did not stop and correctly place punctuation needed for your words.  I will do so now:

Using your words in return to your bashing consistently and constantly of opposing views:
"It's presumptuous, sanctimonious, and rude" for such non-religious "adherents to assume that their particular" athiestic views "pre-empts anyone else's."

Quote from: falcon9:
Those still aren't my words, putting them in quotes is disingenuous of you.  Cease and desist or be subject to the same treatment under the auspices of the "Golden Rule".  The significant and cognizant difference between your alteration and my original remarks is that neither myself nor any other non-religious member had previously flooded these forums with religious proselytizing - as opposed to some of the xtians on FC doing so.  Further, dissenting viewpoints which are made subsequently to such proselytizings are not 'pre-emptive' by definition.

You are telling me to cease and desist?  Really?  I quoted your words that you "name-called" believers' belief system, and inserted, out of quotes, my words, to give the same response back to you, in relation to your system, whatever  you call it.  You should cease and desist the name-calling like that or be subject, as well, to the same treatment under the "auspices of the Golden Rule."  You don't like having your words challenged back to you?  You certainly don't care about respecting believers' beliefs with your unkind and inflammatory words.  You are asking to be treated the same way you are treating some others. 


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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #50 on: June 08, 2012, 03:52:26 pm »
{Thanks, Kohler - this is indeed a d&d topic}

You are telling me to cease and desist?  Really?

Yes, and since that's been brought up twice, you are certainly misquoting me intentionally.  The option to do the same with your posts remains.

You certainly don't care about respecting believers' beliefs with your unkind and inflammatory words.

You keep insisting that ... here's a little story:

patrol officer: "License and registration, please."
driver: (hands documents over)
patrol officer: "Thank you, do you know why I pulled you over today?"
driver: "I'm not sure, officer."
patrol officer: "The reason I pulled you over is for a hit-and-run traffic violation when you went through that last intersection."
driver: "Well, I did accellerate when I saw a spawn of hell or, Satan himself crossing that intersection.  The bible tells us to
spurn Satan and his minnions so, I thought I'd score one for g-d."
patrol officer: "I see.  As it happens, the pedestrian you struck was an elderly, disabled lady instead. Were you aware of your
vehicle striking that pedestrian when you sped-off, ma'am?"
driver: "I hit a demon-spawn, not an old woman and I don't appreciate your putting-down my religious beliefs, officer."
patrol officer: "Ma'am, my duty is to enforce the laws.  Under those laws, a driver is not permitted to run people over."
driver: "Well, I abide by g-d's laws and j-sus says 'get thee behind me, Satan!' The only way to do that was to run Satan over."
patrol officer: "Again, that wasn't Satan you ran over, ma'am.  You also ran over the elderly woman's seeing-eye dog when you
struck her."
driver: "That was one of Satan's minnions."
patrol officer: "Ma'am, I'll have to ask you to turn off your engine and step out of the vehicle. Now."
driver: "Young man, I resent your talking-down to me because of my faith.  What's your badge number, I'm going to report you!"
patrol officer: "I'm not concerned with whatever you may believe, ma'am.  You may consider saving that sort of thing for the
hearing. Now, I won't ask you again, please step out of the vehicle now."
driver: "This is outrageous!  You're a very rude young man to disrespect someone's personal religious beliefs and I'm gonna
take out a hanky and stomp on it until you stop it!"
patrol officer: "Ma'am, it's almost more unfortunate that you ran over that elderly woman's seeing-eye dog since you apparently
also have a need for one."
driver: "How dare you insinuate that I'm blind ... as in, 'blind-faith'!"
patrol officer: "You either didn't see the elderly woman and her guide-dog crossing that intersection or, want to insist that
they were actually 'Satan and one of his minnions', ma'am. Your own words betray you, not mine. Let's go."
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 03:59:16 pm by falcon9 »
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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #51 on: June 08, 2012, 04:13:59 pm »
Quote from: jcribb16 on June 07, 2012, 07:49:01 pm:
You choose to do that - which means you also will be called out by others who have had enough of the constant badgering

Quote from: falcon9:
The FC moderator has already warned against such "calling out", (something which a few of your fellow xtians have done, while I have not), so that warning applies mainly to those who've done it and as a cautionary warning to others.

Quote from: jcribb16 on Today at 06:58:03 am
***I am not speaking of "calling out threads."

Quote from: falcon9:
" ... you also will be called out by others ...", ***these are your posted words.  There is no need for me to alter them as you did by intentionally misquoting mine, above.

Quote from: jcribb16 on Today at 06:58:03 am
***I am speaking of posters who will defend their beliefs against your foolish words trying to make their beliefs appear delusional, irrational, insane, and/or foolish.


If you press this issue, falcon9, then go find a thread that I called you out on in the title.  You won't find one because I did not and will not do that.  "Calling out" in this case meant what I explained it to mean - calling you out by challenging your ridiculous name-calling of believers' belief system.  You know that, as well as anyone else knows it.  "Calling out" does have different meanings according to the CONTEXT of the subject at hand. 


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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #52 on: June 08, 2012, 04:18:51 pm »
You choose to do that - which means you also will be called out by others who have had enough of the constant badgering.
I am speaking of posters who will defend their beliefs against your foolish words [/u]trying to make their beliefs appear delusional, irrational, insane, and/or foolish.
"Calling out" in this case meant what I explained it to mean - calling you out by challenging your ridiculous name-calling of believers' belief system.  

You keep insisting that and yet ... here's a little story:

patrol officer: "License and registration, please."
driver: (hands documents over)
patrol officer: "Thank you, do you know why I pulled you over today?"
driver: "I'm not sure, officer."
patrol officer: "The reason I pulled you over is for a hit-and-run traffic violation when you went through that last intersection."
driver: "Well, I did accellerate when I saw a spawn of hell or, Satan himself crossing that intersection.  The bible tells us to
spurn Satan and his minnions so, I thought I'd score one for g-d."
patrol officer: "I see.  As it happens, the pedestrian you struck was an elderly, disabled lady instead. Were you aware of your
vehicle striking that pedestrian when you sped-off, ma'am?"
driver: "I hit a demon-spawn, not an old woman and I don't appreciate your putting-down my religious beliefs, officer."
patrol officer: "Ma'am, my duty is to enforce the laws.  Under those laws, a driver is not permitted to run people over."
driver: "Well, I abide by g-d's laws and j-sus says 'get thee behind me, Satan!' The only way to do that was to run Satan over."
patrol officer: "Again, that wasn't Satan you ran over, ma'am.  You also ran over the elderly woman's seeing-eye dog when you
struck her."
driver: "That was one of Satan's minnions."
patrol officer: "Ma'am, I'll have to ask you to turn off your engine and step out of the vehicle. Now."
driver: "Young man, I resent your talking-down to me because of my faith.  What's your badge number, I'm going to report you!"
patrol officer: "I'm not concerned with whatever you may believe, ma'am.  You may consider saving that sort of thing for the
hearing. Now, I won't ask you again, please step out of the vehicle now."
driver: "This is outrageous!  You're a very rude young man to disrespect someone's personal religious beliefs and I'm gonna
take out a hanky and stomp on it until you stop it!"
patrol officer: "Ma'am, it's almost more unfortunate that you ran over that elderly woman's seeing-eye dog since you apparently
also have a need for one."
driver: "How dare you insinuate that I'm blind ... as in, 'blind-faith'!"
patrol officer: "You either didn't see the elderly woman and her guide-dog crossing that intersection or, want to insist that
they were actually 'Satan and one of his minnions', ma'am. Your own words betray you, not mine. Let's go."
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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #53 on: June 08, 2012, 04:19:52 pm »
Quote from: jcribb16 on Today at 06:58:03 am
That is where you are very mistaken.

Quote from: falcon9:
Your opinion is inaccurate.

That is just your opinion that I am inaccurate.  You are also picking out one little line from the context of the rest of the remarks.  You are still mistaken within the context of what I wrote.


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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #54 on: June 08, 2012, 04:28:19 pm »
That is where you are very mistaken.

Quote from: falcon9:
Your opinion is inaccurate.

That is just your opinion that I am inaccurate. 

The differences between a factual depiction, (not an "opinion"), and a subjective perception which lacks a factual basis have been previously delineated.  Any failure to discern such a difference rests with the one who cannot do so.
You are also picking out one little line from the context of the rest of the remarks.  You are still mistaken within the context of what I wrote.

The depiction remains an accurate deduction within the context of the remarks, (which are still available down-thread ... surely you aren't trying to tell me what I can and cannot reply to now?).

"What's all this fuss I hear about endangered feces?  That's outrageous.  Why is feces endangered?  How can you possibly run out of such a thing? Just look around you - you can see it all over the place.  And besides, who wants to save that anyway?"
-- Emily Litella/Gilda Radner
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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #55 on: June 08, 2012, 04:28:28 pm »
Quote from: jcribb16 on Today at 06:58:03 am
If that's the case, then your foolish babble would need to be left in your "skull."

Quote from: falcon9:
That's not a logical conclusion; my responses, (whether inaccurately deemed as "foolish babble" according to an irrational opinion or not), have been in subsequent reply to publically-posted religious beliefs which had initially left the skulls of believers.  There are no archived instances of my starting any threads on FC to initiate an opposing viewpoint specifically in opposition to a religious belief.  Conversely, there have been an uncounted plethora of threads specifically initiated by religious believers to proselytize their beliefs.  Only some of these have had subsequent opposing/dissenting viewpoints posted in response, (by others and myself).  Therefore, the situations are not parallel and your conclusion is false.

Once again, that is your opinion that my conclusion is false.  Just because posters are sharing Bible verses with each other for inspiration, encouragement, or for whatever reason, does NOT mean they are necessarily promoting "proselytizing."  When you come into that thread, that is your choice then, and just like with the debate threads, you have entered at your own "risk" because you already KNOW you don't like the verses, but you CHOOSE to go in there anyway, because you CANNOT resist the opportunity to make your remarks and try and squash a thread that's not even your style in the first place.  You are entering that thread to cause strife in there.  They aren't hurting anyone else by posting Bible verses for other people who happen to like them, Christian or not.  You are the one "coercing" your dislike of the Bible verse thead onto the posters trying to stir them up.  IF you don't like the threads, NO ONE is FORCING you to go in there and read them.  NO ONE but YOURSELF.


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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #56 on: June 08, 2012, 04:34:51 pm »
Quote from: jcribb16 on Today at 06:58:03 am
Being a believer is a believer's choice while your choice is your choice.  Dissenting viewpoints are one thing, but totally stomping on their belief system calling them those ridiculous names is disrespectful.

Quote from: falcon9:
Those "names" are your quoted words, attempting to misquote mine out of context.  ***To reiterate that point; the adjectives I have used apply to the belief systems themselves and not to the believers.  It's understood that you cannot make that distinction nevertheless, it exists.

***Please knock the sarcasm off - you are making yourself look like someone who's not reading the quotes correctly.  Please notice in red above, I indicated the name calling of the BELIEVERS' BELIEF SYSTEM.


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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #57 on: June 08, 2012, 04:40:14 pm »
Quote from: jcribb16 on Today at 06:58:03 am
You are always on the offense while trying to hush the believers' free speech and expression in here.

Quote from: falcon9:
If so, why have I mentioned on several previous occasions, (in different FC threads), the exact opposite of what you contend? Specifically, that those who choose to post on a subject have just as much 'freedom' to do so as those who choose to reply to such posts.  That position doesn't inherently preclude any 'freedom of speech' or "expression" here.

You have been whining constantly about Christians "proselytizing" in these threads and filling the forum full, and calling the belief system of the believers all of those un-lovely words you just seem so much to enjoy to use against them.  You only know you can't rid them from the forums, so you leave your mark on them by causing strife in many of them.


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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #58 on: June 08, 2012, 04:41:19 pm »
I indicated the name calling of the BELIEVERS' BELIEF SYSTEM.

By some strange 'cosmic coincidence', so did I.  It is some of those believers who've come forth to promote their belief system; the belief system itself isn't complaining about being described in the manner perceived by its believers.  That's because a belief system isn't a person(s).

“The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry.”
-- Richard Dawkins
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Re: Daily Bible Verse
« Reply #59 on: June 08, 2012, 04:47:34 pm »
Quote from: jcribb16 on Today at 06:58:03 am
They are just as free as you to post in here.  Everyone in here is allowed to give opinions, facts, etc. about posts, but within the rules of the forum.

Quote from: falcon9:
Since I've previously stated essentially the same, we're already in agreement about that.  Nowhere within the forum rules does it prohibit dissenting viewpoints to subsequently follow such "opinions, facts", yet you've repeatedly attempted to suppress such under various guises, (including 'rudeness', "disrepect", "attacks" and other perjoratives). 

Yet you still cannot or refuse to not see the way you belittle the Christians' or believers' choice to believe in God, and continue to spitefully call the choice the other names.  You are only receiving what you are giving out.  Some posters are not used to your "style" and many are very uncomfortable to come back in some of the threads, such as "Bible Verse" threads, because of your mean-spirited treatment of their sharing verses and of their beliefs.  I have already commented that NO ONE is forcing you into the Bible Verse, Off Topic threads, when they are ones you do not agree with in the first place, yet you CHOOSE to come into those to cause strife.  There's no reason for that - it's deliberate and you know it and cannot resist continuing with it.  It's gotten beyond ridiculous.

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