Dear Falcon,
I beg to differ with you. I respect all people and beliefs. Have a great day!
Well stated. I absolutely agree with you. 
On the contrary, simply stating that you do so while previously and currently proselytizing your religious beliefs is considered by many to be extremely disrespectful of any othat others may have, (including non-religious philosophies). It's presumptuous, sanctimonious and rude for such religious adherents to assume that their particular hypothetical supernatural entity pre-empts anyone else's, (including those who don't believe in such an entity). Therefore, I maintain that neither of you "respect all ... beliefs", due entirely to the evidence of a massive quantity of such disrespectful posts archived here alone, (and despite empty declarations otherwise).
"When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called Religion."
-- Robert M. Pirsig
Using your words in return to your bashing consistently and constantly of opposing views:
"It's presumptuous, sanctimonious, and rude for such non-religious adherents to assume that their particular athiestic views pre-empts anyone else's."
We can respect other's choices without bashing them. Apparently you are blinded by your apparent dislike of anyone speaking of God. Your way is not the only way either. You have the choice to live your way. That is fine. Christians have the choice to live their way. That should be fine, as well. Our opposite ways of living do not affect each other in the least, yet you seem absolutely stuck on refusing to respect someone else's belief whether it agrees with you or not.
Who cares if you think a Christian's belief is delusional, foolish, insane, empty? You have your own way of living your life, yet seem to be so concerned to chastise anyone who believes in God. So? What does it really get you in the end? Just getting it off your chest like you are the one in control? Feeling like you've told someone off? Thinking you're changing their minds? You think too much of yourself if you think you have accomplished trying to talk foolish-talk down to Christians.
You are not in control of these threads either. You don't like a Bible verse thread? Fine. Don't engage yourself and then expect no one to comment back to you when you speak your foolish babble against the poster's enjoyment of verses. Make your own threads of your views on things, then when others come in, speaking foolish babble against your views, feel free to chastise them for disagreeing. People can disagree without cutting someone's personal beliefs down. You deliberately choose to come into the Bible verse threads to accuse of proselytizing - you are just setting yourself up for rebuttal when you didn't have to choose to come in and make a scene.
You have just as much right to start a thread on your views with like viewers. It doesn't mean I'm going to go in there and accuse you of slamming your views down our throats, because you are entitled to your views and this forum represents and is allowed to represent all kinds of different views, whether Christian, Islam, Buddha, Catholic, just to name a few; and whether non-religious, Atheist, or anything else people choose. People can choose to click in at their own risk, or they can choose to bypass.
FC forums should be fun, enjoyable, and enlightening. The hot debates are going to be sparked, for sure, and entered at risk. But to go in an Off Topic thread where someone posts Bible verses, and choose deliberately to come in and stomp on others for their posting of verses is mean-spirited and rude. They aren't a part of your belief system, so why chew someone up and spit them out for sharing verses with each other for uplifting reasons? You can choose to keep stomping on them or choose to be a bigger person and bypass some of those threads that have nothing to do with the debate thread themselves. You aren't being coerced into those particular threads and the rules don't say that you have to or must enter every single thread in this forum. You choose to do that - which means you also will be called out by others who have had enough of the constant badgering.
You aren't fooling anyone with your foolish words over and over. You aren't changing people's minds. You are only making yourself look like the delusional one who just can't leave Christians or other believers alone. You are technically forcing your views on Christians by trying to belittle them and make them look foolish and delusional for believing in God. In that respect, you are wrong for "proselytizing" your views by calling the believers names. Other than that, you are a humorous person, and know much about many things. It would be interesting to speak with you on some other subjects outside of religion/no religion.