I wish I would win Publisher's Clearing House $7,000/week for life... it's not too much to wish for? Is it???
Actually it's 5,000 a week, but when you get that high who's counting LOL! It would be great to have that kind of income to take care of your bills and help others I agree.

I wish I could solve all of my family's problems and make things better for all of them. That would give me great comfort to know that they had everything they needed taken care of.

move past being angry at those who have treated me badly. It's a tough thing to do!
I wish I could forget all the pain that certain people caused me as a child. I have tried to forgive the best that I can, I actually make excuses for these people, but have never been able to get past the pain and hurt.
We can't forget, but it's possible to forgive. I had different people hurt me too as a child and as an adult, but the Lord helped me forgive the people that hurt me. I learned that forgiveness isn't allowing the person to get away with hurting you, but rather releasing the pain that the hurt has caused so that you can live. It isn't easy, but is possible. It also helps when when we can look at ourselves and realize that we need forgiveness as well. There are things I have done I regret and want forgiveness for too, but if I desire to be forgiven I must also forgive. That helps too.
I hope this helps.