Well, I see that debating & discussing the issue is over ...
You never bothered debating the refutations and challenges presented, so how can something which never began be over? On the other hand, maybe it is over after your specious contentions were refuted and you being unable to form any other rebuttal than a lame 'flame' in response.
... and the usual insults and attacks have begun.
If you're going to dishonestly characterized unanswered challenges "insults and attacks", then no actual debate or discussion can proceed on that false basis.
There is one thing that I知 curious about, however, and that is if you bible-bashers ...
Whoa ... that's not one of them there "insults and attacks", is it? You're not only a bible-thumper, you're a hypocritical 'thumper to boot, (that's
not an insult or attack since it's an accurate description, concluded by directly quoting
... do have to face God someday, and He requires you to give an account of all your nasty, cruel, and vile posts about Him and Christianity ...
One could almost, (
almost), wish there were some such a hypothetical judgemental entity, (other than yourself), who could also point out your faith-blinded religious bias as representational of such 'true believers' who characterize rational criticisms as "nasty/cruel/vile".
I wonder if you will have the guts like you do behind a computer screen to tell Him face-to-face everything that you have written?
Well, even though there's exactly
zero evidence for such a hypothetical entity's existence, I'd repeat the same face-to-nonexistent face.
Or will you whimper and shiver and cry like big, cowardly babies, making lemonade (or fudge) in your pants? I知 just curious. I hope I get to see this someday. I値l be sitting back, munching on popcorn and having me a heavenly brew while watching. It値l be fun.
Since you've elected, (of your own 'free will'), to pop in; bash instead of debate, insult in lieu of discussion, (a 'cowardly hit-and-run' posting), in a feeble attempt to 'get in the last word', consider this. Even as we type, there are xtians and non-xtians fervently hoping that you aren't a representative example of such santimonious, narrow-minded, faith-blinded, irrational, immature and abysmally-stupid believers. Because if you are, may a non-existent hypothetical supernatural entity have a hypothetical mercy on your hypothetical 'soul'.
Good luck to you.
Bad luck to you, (because I'm at least honest, as opposed to you, xtian hypocrit).
"Religion easily has the greatest bull*bleep* story ever told. Think about it, religion has actually convinced
people that there's an INVISIBLE MAN...LIVING IN THE SKY...who watches every thing you do, every minute of every day.
And the invisible man has a list of ten special things that he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these
ten things, he has a special place full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where he will send to
live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry for ever and ever 'til the end of time...but he loves you!"
-- George Carlin, (from his album "You Are All Diseased")