That reminds me of another memory from bootcamp. A DI pulled up in a brand new mustang convertible and stepped out and held the keys up. He asked "who here can drive a stick"? A bunch of us raised our hands. He then asked "and of you who has your Military drivers license?" (since it was MP basic some of us had and some didn't...I didn't and was sort of bummed). A few still held their hands up so he picked one and called him over. The soldier walked over and the DI reached into the backseat of the Mustang and grabbed a push broom and said "Drive this stick all around the assembly area until there isn't a speck of dust left". I am sure you have a few good memories of Military "volunteering" as well -- I sure know I volunteered for a lot of things that I don't particularly remember volunteering for...
That's funny while not being funny, (if you know what I mean); drill instructors like to pull little 'lessons' like that all the time. As I recall from boot camp, I never actually volunteered for a single duty however, there were several sargents there who seemed more than happy to "volunteer" me, (and others), for numerous duties and "S.D.'s", (those "*bleep* details" like the one you mentioned). In a related matter, was during a live exercise that we were first familarized with what "SNAFU" actually means.
Although I've never participated in FC's Post Mania contest before, I have no reason to consider it either an "s.d." or a SNAFU in advance of the frenzy.