So in all of this central planning that goes on, what is the plan for the "people" to do? Above you suggested that in a socialist system one would "expect me(not) to have to actually contribute something to it". Is that your final answer?
See here is where you are mistaken. I didn't suggest that at all, although history tends to prove that to be the case. I stipulated "new socialist/liberal" and I apply that to the common sort you see walking about OWS rallies and such these days voicing their desire to be waited on by the government after it enslaves those that are actually productive. The type of people that claim anything and everything to be a 'right' and one that should be 'free' to all -- again at the expense of the productive since nothing is free and it all has to be paid for. The type of people like the 'Julia' in the cartoon about the Obama health care plan that want to have their entire lives planned out and managed by the government, instead of actually contributing to the planning and actions of their own lives. I could go on but I think that is enough as what I really wanted to do was make you obvious of the word 'new' as I used it. Ask yourself, would there be a reason to use that word if I was speaking simply of socialism?
So, there is "twinky" socialist too, huh? Fair enough.
Socialism is traditionally basically a system where if you dont contribute, you don't receive, and you probably wont be within the system tomorrow.
Just to clarify a point, you guys; "twinkie" = 'new' or, 'neosocialism' in this instance. Since there aren't many 'old-style' socialists around these days, most references to "socialism" might be considered to be neosocialism, ("Since "neosocialism" refers simply to the forms of socialism that have emerged most recently, its meaning changes as new kinds of socialism are developed. At the present time, the political movements and ideologies considered "neosocialist" are those forms of socialism that have arisen since the 1980s."--
My definition of a Twinky AKA wanna-be AKA Culture Vulture is one who mis-appropriates the culture/traditions of another, by claiming fraudulent ownership, mixing in traditions other then that of the originally stolen Culture, blending made up (so called) traditions or other wise bastardizing in anyway, all the while claiming authenticity of themselves and the bogus ways that are truthfully only figments of their own egos and delusional imaginations. Many times, such Twinkys will also fraudulently claim to be an authority figure demanding others to be blind subordinates, or will, promote themselves as a teacher/guru of their fantasy Culture, as a way to further stroke their hugely inflated egos, or in attempts of receiving some form of reward in return for "enlightening" others. These rewards may be monetary, sexual favors or simply a sense of prestige. Such a sense of entitlement is, I think, the attempt by said Twinky, to mask their inferiority complex and represent it as something quite contrary to reality or to knowingly and without remorse, mislead others into agreeing to their demands for the fraudulent rewards they wish to receive.