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Topic: Dumbing-down or wising-up?  (Read 16446 times)


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #75 on: May 04, 2012, 07:24:28 am »
THIS IS A GPT SITE its not meant to be intelligent. some of us arent that smart but when you call someone out and cant leave this alone you go out of your way to berate them including me where i was sensitive about somethings and then stalks me out of the GODs forum and insulted us from there. its get to a point where its gettn annoying and creepy.. i also agree what we calling you out is some what childish too so its both ways for both of us...

i do however have an open mind about your opinions and difference but calling me and idiot hypocryte and a liar ?... how can you call me those things when you yourself dont even know me but when i spoke my mind about religion topics that has no intention to debate you? you started to argue with me then it gets to argueing and picking names at each other like a broken record. i replied back becauuse you mentioned me thats how it got started from there.

 this will be my last post and gonna ignore your future comments from now on seriously. but you have to admit what you did with others are wrong by calling someone names... and i will do the same. i was thinking about this you aint a bad dude but there's a thin line where you have to limit your replies.. like i said before on the other topic we dont hate you you just need to work on that tone... also you gotta remember we have underage kids here as well..

PS if you just wanna post your likes about religion go ahead im not gonna touch it, but where i post somewhere else please dont comment that mentions me because itw as not to debate against you ... DEAL ? lets start over and call it truths i dont like to be named idiot hypocrite and a liar from now on..
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 08:02:09 am by sammywantsya »


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #76 on: May 04, 2012, 08:49:18 am »
Or perhaps, he walks alone to the truck, drives into town to pick "someone" up, drives back, walks with said "someone" into the abode and then doing nearly any thing else but posting to a FC forum  :P

or.....perhaps not  ;D

Either you haven't left yet or, she's waiting for you waiting on her.  Other possibilities spring to mind as well ... you could've said that you're going elk-hunting or even say nothing, (and leave mysteriously, only to return later, just as mysteriously).

no I'm still he

I'd figured that and meant that she might be waiting for you, (he), to pick her up.  The only way to know is to call her or, get in your truck and go find her, (I have no idea who she is - this is all speculation based on your posted suppositions).  Whatever you do, enjoy it, man.
Naa, that was going to say "I'm still here" but I had to disappear for a minute before I got thru typing the reply.


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #77 on: May 04, 2012, 08:56:42 am »
Cuppycake.....I was thinking last night(oh come on, quit laughing...I do that sometimes) and remembered that atleast as late as 2008 the Mississippi band of Choctaw had no blood quantum restrictions for eligibility for enrollment, therefor, if you can prove that any of your family members have ever been on their rolls, you can qualify to become enrolled. These things do some times change so you would of course have to verify that this rule is still in effect.

I would like to say, not to you specifically, but to anyone who may entertain the idea of seeking enrollment in any Indian Nation, to do so with it in mind of what you can bring to the tribe, not what benefits you may or may not qualify for.


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #78 on: May 04, 2012, 01:27:54 pm »
THIS IS A GPT SITE its not meant to be intelligent. some of us arent that smart ...

Neither is this site intended to be unintelligent.  Tacitly, it's for all sorts of people, regardless of race, stupidity, intelligence, or creed.

but when you call someone out and cant leave this alone you go out of your way to berate them including me...

Yes, starting a calling-out thread to specifically 'flame' another FC member certainly does include _you_ doing so before. I haven't started any such calling-out threads.  Now, you're "stalking", (under your misconception of that term), the same FC member in a debate+discuss thread.  As it happens, I'm that FC member which you've unwisely chosen to "follow" to d+d.  May whatever hypothetical deity you pretend exists have hypothetical mercy on your hypothetical 'soul'.

...where i was sensitive about somethings and then stalks me out of the GODs forum

There is no "GODs forum" on FC.  Who can tell what you may or may not be "sensitive" about in advance?  No one can read your 'mind', not even you apparently.

...and insulted us from there. its get to a point where its gettn annoying and creepy...

Such complaints wanting to implicitly censor those who don't agree with your religious beliefs and propaganda are indeed "annoying and creepy" however, you've as much freedom to post such crap as others have to oppose it.  Tough break, eh?

i also agree what we calling you out is some what childish too so its both ways for both of us...

No, it's not "both ways" since you posted a calling-out thread, I have not. Although your admission to being childish begs the question; are you a teenaged child?

i do however have an open mind about your opinions and difference ...

Given the archived record of your previously-posted replies and responses, your claim is manifestly false, (a lie contradicted by your _own_ prior words).

... but calling me and idiot hypocryte and a liar ?... how can you call me those things when you yourself dont even know me but when i spoke my mind about religion topics (?)

No one needs to know you if they are going solely by what you've posted when they are contending the content of those posts. Since the content of the several posts you've made is demonstrative evidence supporting the contentions that you've lied, been hypocritical and often post in such a manner that the definition of "idiot" does indeed apply, (rather than these being speciously-empty 'insults'), the shoes fit.  Undoubtedly those 'shoes' are unconfortable for you to wear however, you do seem to choose putting them on and posting to FC in them quite often.

...that has no intention to debate you?

If you have no intention of debating or discussing this matter, why are you posting it in the debate+discussion subforum?  See, that's what leads to the conclusion that you're an "idiot", for instance.

you started to argue with me ...

You mean, you posted some nonsense initially and I subsequently replied in dissent/contention. That happens when people disagree.  What is unlikely to happen is having contentious posts 'censored' because you don't like the replies.

this will be my last post and gonna ignore your future comments from now on seriously.

Oh, another 'hit-and-run' rant where you want to rant and then avoid backing up your ranted complaints.  I see.  While this is a cowardly tactic, so is using the "ignore" after whining and retreating.  If you are actually going to ignore my posts, naturally this would include not talking about them/me to others in a passive-aggressive indirect way.  Should you nevertheless do so, you're already aware that my disapproval of such cowardice can be relentless.

i was thinking about this you aint a bad dude but there's a thin line where you have to limit your replies.. like i said before on the other topic we dont hate you you just need to work on that tone...

You are not an FC moderator and certianly don't possess the ability to censor the posts of others as those comments inherently suggest. Fortunately, all that needs be done to to ignore your 'terrorist demands' and proceed as before.

also you gotta remember we have underage kids here as well...

Even if you, (or others), are underage kids, FC now bleeps out any language inappropriate for them, (which I rarely, if ever, use anyway).

PS if you just wanna post your likes about religion go ahead im not gonna touch it, but where i post somewhere else please dont comment that mentions me ...

If you interject a post into a thread in which I choose to do the same, I generally quote in reply.  This is to keep who said what intact so that no one gets misquoted later on, (it isn't to specifically "mention" anyone however, I reserve the 'right' to respond to any comment in any thread).
You are not an FC moderator and certianly don't possess the ability to censor the posts of others as those comments inherently suggest. Fortunately, all that needs be done to to ignore your 'terrorist demands' and proceed as before.
... DEAL ?

No, 'this organisation does not comply with terrorist demands.'

lets start over and call it truths i dont like to be named idiot hypocrite and a liar from now on..

I'd suggest getting new 'shoes' then, since you often post in such a manner that the definition of "idiot" does indeed apply, (rather than these being speciously-empty 'insults'), the shoes fit.  Undoubtedly those 'shoes' are unconfortable for you to wear however, you do seem to choose putting them on and posting to FC in them quite often), but I doubt you're capable of that.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 01:33:23 pm by falcon9 »
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #79 on: May 04, 2012, 02:38:14 pm »
i was giving a sympathy towards you and calling it truths but then you have to go on your way to think what you did wasnt wrong ?

dude you know what its not even worth talking to you then if your gonna be that ignorant... i said what i needed to be said.. untill then please ignore me you can x me right there... im done talking to you... what your doing is childs play. this is a GPT SITE not a intelligent forum.. you only posts like religion topics and thats on a GPT site with only one column D+D.... my advice create your own forum....

when i comment things first on a "religion topic" you started to argue with me after.... thats a FACT not some made up story... dude rethink it for a while it will come up your mind.. dont try to act innocent where i didnt intentionally debate the subject when you started it.. untill then tah tah. you blantly called me out where i didnt know who you are in the first place. youve got some nerve to pull a fast one on this where you started this crap...
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 02:52:21 pm by sammywantsya »


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #80 on: May 04, 2012, 02:48:57 pm »
i was giving a sympathy towards you and calling it truths but then you have to go on your way to think what you did wasnt wrong ?

The previous reply was within the context of what you posted, in your own words.  Your subsequent post, (this reply from you), seems to make no reference to that context in that nothing was quoted.  Your "sympathy" is deemed to be condescending and neither required nor, accepted.  The phrase you're garbling is probably 'calling a truce', not "calling it truths", (since you are definitely not 'calling truths').  Remember, I'm not the one who posted a calling-out thread specifically aimed at another FC member; that was you.

dude you know what its not even worth talking to you then if your gonna be that ignorant...

My responses in this context have not demonstrated any 'ignorance'.  This is not the case with your responses, (not only in this particular thread).  Therefore, the evidence of your own ignorance is manifestly apparent.  It is your choice whether or not to post ignorantly.

i said what i needed to be said.. untill then please ignore me you can x me right there... im done talking to you...

Since you'd just recently made those very same claims, (regarding a tacit desire to get the last word in and that you'd be ignoring my future posts - both of which turned out to be false claims, given _this_ posted reply from you), the contention that you lie is substantiated.
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #81 on: May 04, 2012, 02:54:57 pm »
there you go again blowing off your gasket.. its all in the archives you will see it... stop pulling things like you didnt do nothing wrong... your a hard headed guy. as i said before you and your followers can create your own forum its not that hard..

you can call it falsly misused or accused i dont care im not stupid as you think i am... keep argueing about this. its only will make it more bearable to read. i tried to be nice right now but then you keep on making up stories... its really sad that you keep at it on a GPT forum. it is its not amusing to me and others who felt the same way. its just not that amusing anymore..
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 02:59:33 pm by sammywantsya »


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #82 on: May 04, 2012, 02:58:51 pm »
ok wow will take awhile to read all these but am going to so much better than taking a survey on this site  this is fun


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #83 on: May 04, 2012, 03:00:10 pm »
ok wow will take awhile to read all these but am going to so much better than taking a survey on this site  this is fun

it is rather entertaining...rather like a cat/mouse game... or fusion cash's very own soap opera!  ;)


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #84 on: May 04, 2012, 03:01:55 pm »
ok wow will take awhile to read all these but am going to so much better than taking a survey on this site  this is fun

 i agree it is fun to watch the comments but w.e if this guy thinks he can make me look im a bad person so be it. its only a GPT forum... i really dont care..


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #85 on: May 04, 2012, 03:07:19 pm »
there you go again blowing off your gasket.. its all in the archives you will see it.

A rational reply was made to your irrational post which did not consist of "blowing off" any "gaskets" is indeed archived and merely a few posts under this one, (whatever that random metaphor was supposed to imply in context).  

... stop pulling things like you didnt do nothing wrong...

Your unsubstantiated, (false), accusations notwithstanding, the ability to censor my posts remains beyond your abilities.  Another tough break?

your a hard headed guy. as i said before you and your followers can create your own forum its not that hard..

Since you still haven't adaquately learned to write/comprehend English after at least 3 years subsequent to immigrating to the U.S., it's likely that your manifest lack of language skills won't be improving anytime soon.  However, you are incorrect regarding the creation of a new "forum"; that can only be done by the FC staff.  Forum participants may only create new subject threads in existing forums, (or, subforums like d+d; the forum in which you are providing evidence to substantiate my previous contentions ... thanks for that, btw).

Lastly, if you are tacitly 'jealous' of someone having 'fans', 'anti-fans', 'groupies', 'anti-groupies', "followers" or 'anti-followers then get your own.  The ones who choose to agree or disagree with my posts, (or anyone else's), do so because they choose to.  Just like you choose to be one of the above.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2012, 11:15:54 am by falcon9 »
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #86 on: May 04, 2012, 03:08:32 pm »
it is fun to watch the comments but w.e if this guy thinks he can make me look im a bad person so be it. its only a GPT forum... i really dont care..

You don't need me to make you "look bad", 'sammy'.  You're doing that mainly on your own.
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #87 on: May 04, 2012, 03:13:42 pm »
ok wow will take awhile to read all these but am going to so much better than taking a survey on this site  this is fun

it is rather entertaining...rather like a cat/mouse game... or fusion cash's very own soap opera!  ;)

I prefer to look at it as a contextual example well within the subject of this thread, rather than a 'cat-and-mouse' "game" or, as a *shudder* "soap opera".  Take a step back and consider it from a wider perspective than a 'simple disagreement'; the context of this thread is 'Dumbing-down or wising-up'.  That wasn't intended as some clever play on words; it's the actual question being asked of anyone who chooses to answer it.  Some have chosen to answer in part while others have tacitly chosen to answer by demonstrating the former or the latter.
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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #88 on: May 04, 2012, 03:15:11 pm »
 its not amusing its bearable now and its gettn old. i really dont need to hear a judgemental highly accupied person..peace man its fun for a while


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Re: Dumbing-down or wising-up?
« Reply #89 on: May 04, 2012, 03:32:05 pm »
its not amusing its bearable now and its gettn old.

Does this implicitly constitute a third, (false), claim of yours that you'd be "ignoring" my posts while still posting 'around/concerning' them?
Or, is this merely another 'hit-and-run' rant where you want to rant and then avoid backing up your ranted complaints.  I see.  While this is a cowardly tactic, so is using the "ignore" after whining and retreating.  If you are actually going to ignore my posts, naturally this would include not talking about them/me to others in a passive-aggressive indirect way.

i really dont need to hear a judgemental highly accupied person..peace man its fun for a while

'Oh, another 'hit-and-run' rant where you want to rant and then avoid backing up your ranted complaints.  I see.  While this is a cowardly tactic, so is using the "ignore" after whining and retreating.  If you are actually going to ignore my posts, naturally this would include not talking about them/me to others in a passive-aggressive indirect way.'
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.


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