Actually, involving your little ones is a good way to keep them entertained. I give mine a wet paper towel and ask them to wipe things like the baseboards, door knobs, light switches, anything like that. They really feel like they help, and they aren't using any cleaners that will hurt them. But just doing a little at a time really makes a difference. Try setting a timer for 10 minutes and see how much you can get done in that amount of time. If your fiancee won't help now, don't expect that to change when you get married. As long as that arrangement works for both of you, then ok. Otherwise, you need to have a serious talk with him. Don't yell and don't attack him, just ask him nicely if he would help you do (be specific). And lastly, don't stress about it. It's probably only bad to you.
"it's probably only bad to you" could be right because every time someone I visit says that about their own house I always think they're crazy and tell them it's not that bad...which, it isn't.
It doesn't really bother me that my fiance doesn't help because he has a really stressful job and I also like things done my way, but after having surgery I also realized that, help, wether done my way or not, is greatly appreciated...I usually give him a quick task on days that I work and if he doesn't get to it I don't stress about it.
Your fiance is a lazy bum he is not your child if he makes a mess he needs to clean it up. Tell him if he doesn't want to help you clean he needs to hire a maid at least once a month. He needs a good kick in the you know what. Your son is old enough to help a little. How about getting him to pick up his toys and other little stuff off the floor. Give him a piggy bank if he doesn't already have one and give him little chores like picking up his toys and other things and give him some change when he's done he can put them in his bank. At the end of the month take him to the dollar store so he can pick out a toy or candy or something with the money he earned.
Are there any colleges in your area? Put up an ad for a mother's helper. You can get a college student to come help you once a week and pay them for a few hours to help clean.
OMG it's so funny (in a way) because right after I read your fiance is a bum, he said "babe, will you get me a pillow, a blanket, and a drink.." and I'm like " were just up...why didn't you grab it (I wasn't being bitchy, just matter of fact)...yeah, things like that, like one time he was standing in the kitchen and he asked me to get him a's like, REALLY? ARE YOU SERIOUS? ... as for my little guy, he has a chore list he completes in the morning which consists of swiffering the floors for 3 minutes, putting his clothes in the hamper, "making his bed" night he is responsible for picking up the toys. He gets stars every day and when he reaches a total of 100 stars he gets to pick a prize out of the "treasure chest"
The clutter gets me
I'm never sure what is important and what really should be trashed. Seems like everything that has a flat surface grows clutter. I think I'll take a clue from my 1st daughter-in-law and just throw everything away. I could do that in less than 10 minutes!
LMAO..that could definitly do the trick
DREAMYXO - actually, after surgery I did get paper plates and THANK THE LORD FOR THAT!!!