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Topic: EXTRA NOSEY LANDLORDS!  (Read 638 times)


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« on: February 29, 2012, 10:31:18 pm »
You just found a place to good to be true. The price is right, location is quite. There  is also apace for you to start a small garden. You just curled up on your couch in your new apartment to read that paper when you hear what sounds like Santa in the middle of July tap dancing on your roof with MC Hammer shoes and pants. Ok so maybe reading the paper is not you to happen on your day off so you decide to run some errands. 10 bags and 7 hours later you return home to settle down for the evening and as soon as you POP the trunk to get your things out, you hear a "hey there how's it going blah blah blah , I see you have some groceries there, looks like you might be a good cook, don't let me hold you up you must have company coming............ummmmmmm when do you feel like your landlord is be to nosey. How would you tell them to back off.

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