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Topic: doing fusion at a library  (Read 3229 times)


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doing fusion at a library
« on: February 23, 2012, 05:24:19 pm »
My computer was stolen and I am doing fusion at a library with only one hour a day for everything it is hard. If someone wants to let me know what credited good I still need 3 dollars this month.  :wave:
the man who took the computer was on camera. inside and outside of mcdonalds and was seen. the police watched him for an hour and a half but did not even attempt to get my computer. they want to catch him doing something bigger.

Im a little in the why can they be like that mode and why dont they care and I hope he does get caught doing something bigger. they really should have goten my computer and showed him on tv.


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2012, 05:35:22 pm »
You gotta wonder about that.  A few months ago I was at my mom's house and someone called and said, "Can I speak to Grandma."  To make a long story short, I gave the phone to my mom who told me that it was my nephew calling from a jail in Mexico.  He said he had been arrested and needed her to wire him some money.  She is handicapped and told him he would have to call back in an hour when my dad was there to help her wire the money.

After calling my sister, we determined that my nephew could not be in Mexico and was in fact at work in Georgia.  I immediately called the local police and told them that this person was probably randomly calling asking for Grandma, hoping to get old people and tricking them into wiring money.  They told me not to worry about it.

I explained that the person was going to call back in an hour and did they want to cover over or do something to try to determine where the call was coming from.   They said no it was too hard to track.

The following week in the paper I read about a senior citizen in my mom's neighborhood who was swindled out of $2,000 because someone impersonating his grandson called and requested money to be wired to get him out of trouble.

Now, if the cops had at least tried to do something maybe this man would not have lost $2,000.

Ever hear of a phone tap?  Geeeze.  They had them way back in the 60's


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2012, 05:43:43 pm »
 :( You know it is very disturbing to me to hear stories like this, why do people have to be so unscrupulous, evil and uncaring.  For the most part the people who get hurt by swindlers and thieves are the least able to afford the loss.  And, you know if people weren't just trying to support their drug habits for the most part, it might be different.  My mother was dying of cancer and had someone take advantage of her on a phone scam.  I have no sympathy for these people.  I watched a guy steal some steaks at a supermarket recently, he had designer jeans and hoodie on - do you think he was trying to feed his family?  OH WELL  :dontknow:


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2012, 06:14:00 pm »
It just amazes me how they come up with these ideas ( scams ) to get money but if they would use it for something good just half the effort they could make a great deal of money the right way!


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2012, 08:26:43 am »
I'm really sorry about the computer. I hate when the police don't do their job because they are concentrating on the big arrest.

I was once a passenger in my friends car. A cop pulled us over but it was obvious we hadn't been drinking. He let us go saying he was looking to catch drunk drivers from the football game. I'm glad my friend didn't get a ticket but it also shows that cops want to catch people with big tickets rather than the small stuff.     


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2012, 04:02:07 pm »
charmaine56, I'm so sorry about your computer.  But how smart of you to continue your FC activity at the library!  I would recommend doing the Daily task called, "Search for terms and record the search results."  It's one of the easiest daily tasks that I've found, and takes the least time.  If you've never done one before, it might take a few more minutes to understand the task, but once you've got the hang of it, it should go by much quicker.  You should be able to get $.10 several times.


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2012, 04:11:09 pm »
next time try calling the phone company...they can track a call and WILL track it if it is something like this or any other illegal activity.  They can can even get the info about the call after the fact....if you are fast and call them before another incoming call and just let them know that you need the info on the last incoming call.  Been there...done that.  They also can set up to monitor any future calls coming from the same caller and track them and the phone company will take action faster than local law enforcement in most cases.  (at least they have in my own experience). 
good luck...stay safe...and keep looking out for senior citizens and others who need help to avoid these types of scams.

You gotta wonder about that.  A few months ago I was at my mom's house and someone called and said, "Can I speak to Grandma."  To make a long story short, I gave the phone to my mom who told me that it was my nephew calling from a jail in Mexico.  He said he had been arrested and needed her to wire him some money.  She is handicapped and told him he would have to call back in an hour when my dad was there to help her wire the money.

After calling my sister, we determined that my nephew could not be in Mexico and was in fact at work in Georgia.  I immediately called the local police and told them that this person was probably randomly calling asking for Grandma, hoping to get old people and tricking them into wiring money.  They told me not to worry about it.

I explained that the person was going to call back in an hour and did they want to cover over or do something to try to determine where the call was coming from.   They said no it was too hard to track.

The following week in the paper I read about a senior citizen in my mom's neighborhood who was swindled out of $2,000 because someone impersonating his grandson called and requested money to be wired to get him out of trouble.

Now, if the cops had at least tried to do something maybe this man would not have lost $2,000.

Ever hear of a phone tap?  Geeeze.  They had them way back in the 60's


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2012, 05:15:02 pm »


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2012, 05:44:59 pm »
My computer was stolen and I am doing fusion at a library with only one hour a day for everything it is hard. If someone wants to let me know what credited good I still need 3 dollars this month.  :wave:
the man who took the computer was on camera. inside and outside of mcdonalds and was seen. the police watched him for an hour and a half but did not even attempt to get my computer. they want to catch him doing something bigger.

Im a little in the why can they be like that mode and why dont they care and I hope he does get caught doing something bigger. they really should have goten my computer and showed him on tv.

Sorry to hear about your computer being stolen, but you are risking your membership by logging in from a library. Here's an excerpt from the Terms of Service:

Users must log in and use FusionCash on their own personal computer and internet connection only. The use of a FusionCash account on a public or shared computer, or public internet connection is grounds for disqualification.

I wasn't aware of that myself until I read a cautionary post here in the forum a few months after I joined. You've always got to log in to FC from the same IP address. Don't risk having you account closed!


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2012, 07:08:42 pm »

Sorry to hear about your computer being stolen, but you are risking your membership by logging in from a library. Here's an excerpt from the Terms of Service:

Users must log in and use FusionCash on their own personal computer and internet connection only. The use of a FusionCash account on a public or shared computer, or public internet connection is grounds for disqualification.

I wasn't aware of that myself until I read a cautionary post here in the forum a few months after I joined. You've always got to log in to FC from the same IP address. Don't risk having you account closed!

I'm sure FC will be understanding, given the circumstances. You biggest worry will be hoping that no one else decides to sign up or log in from the same library. Then you'll both lose your accounts becuase of duplicate accounts on one IP. The whole point of that rule is to prevent that from happening; it is harder to prevent multiple accounts from one IP when the library is public.


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2012, 01:32:33 pm »
Well thanks for the good news. I dont think anyone here is doing fusion at this library.
I am going to ask the news to get the pictures from mcdonald. I hope the police dont block. I had every right to get my puter back. Im not working so cant get another one. :crybaby2:


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2012, 07:17:56 pm »
i am getting scared just by reading your messages. i mean why would someone call somebody  they dont know and ask for money especially to old people. thats not nice at all. i dont know where this world is going


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2012, 08:10:56 pm »
OP, that bites about the police not making the arrest so you can get your computer back. I had a Vespa stolen in SC and the cops were like so what. i had to ask them if they want the color of the bike and the license plate # when i filed the report!

as far as not using the public computer, i can understand that as Fc most likely uses cookies to track and verify, but always the same IP?  What if a person doesn't have a static IP address?  Using a public connection perhaps violates some trade agreement  or FC doesn't want to be seen as a source of spam?


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2012, 08:33:02 pm »
Wow that is very unfortunate about the police on both the computer and the phone scam.  The cops where probably on their way to Dunkin Donuts!  :bs: ::) Unbelievable!


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Re: doing fusion at a library
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2012, 08:47:31 pm »
:( You know it is very disturbing to me to hear stories like this, why do people have to be so unscrupulous, evil and uncaring.  For the most part the people who get hurt by swindlers and thieves are the least able to afford the loss.  And, you know if people weren't just trying to support their drug habits for the most part, it might be different.  My mother was dying of cancer and had someone take advantage of her on a phone scam.  I have no sympathy for these people.  I watched a guy steal some steaks at a supermarket recently, he had designer jeans and hoodie on - do you think he was trying to feed his family?  OH WELL  :dontknow:

You're exactly right people stealing usually are trying to get drugs, what's sad is those people even steal from family members... its a shame.

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