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Topic: gay marriage  (Read 26145 times)


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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #75 on: February 10, 2012, 09:30:48 pm »
I just don't think they should be violating a God-given right bestowed upon a man and a woman.  

Despite your specious beliefs, there is no such thing as a "god-given right".  Such beliefs are opinions, (and there is a qualitive difference between an informed opinion and a baseless one like " a god-given right").  I replied in this manner because superstitious religions have no place in the legal system of the U.S., (which in not to say they don't in say, Islamic dictatorships).
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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #76 on: February 10, 2012, 09:32:52 pm »
Indeed. But I will admit it's nice to be having a decent adult-like conversation because most people I communicate with about this start to raise their voice and get all pissy and immature about it. They usually walk away saying "Ok, whatever". At least we are agreeing to disagree, as the saying goes. 

Shall a decent, adult reply be expected or, a pissy and immature response to challenging the specious concept of "a god-given right"?
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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #77 on: February 10, 2012, 09:34:15 pm »
U don't have to be Christian... That's up to u although I recommend it... That's the right you have... But this country is brought up on Christian beliefs. And laws and u have to abide by them... Gay marriage is looked upon as a abnormality just like drugs or robbing someone... That's like saying hey this guys a robber and that's what he wants to be and as long as he doesn't rob from me then hell let him rob... Doesn't make sense... People can't just do what they want...And like it or not the Christian foundation that this country is founded on has kept and will continue to keep this country together through a lot of things

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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #78 on: February 10, 2012, 09:36:29 pm »
U don't have to be Christian... That's up to u although I recommend it... That's the right you have... But this country is brought up on Christian beliefs. And laws and u have to abide by them... Gay marriage is looked upon as a abnormality just like drugs or robbing someone... That's like saying hey this guys a robber and that's what he wants to be and as long as he doesn't rob from me then hell let him rob... Doesn't make sense... People can't just do what they want...And like it or not the Christian foundation that this country is founded on has kept and will continue to keep this country together through a lot of things

Props to you! I agree with every word here!


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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #79 on: February 10, 2012, 09:40:41 pm »
but does someone being effect u personally there not having sex with you.and if there going to hell like u believe just make sure ur not going with .and thanks for the recommendation to be christian.but no thanks i can say no because of another thing thiscountry was based on freedom of religion.when this country was founded they also believed in slavery but we also learned from that mistake when are we going to evolve
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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #80 on: February 10, 2012, 09:41:46 pm »
I just don't think they should be violating a God-given right bestowed upon a man and a woman.  

Despite your specious beliefs, there is no such thing as a "god-given right".  Such beliefs are opinions, (and there is a qualitive difference between an informed opinion and a baseless one like " a god-given right").  I replied in this manner because superstitious religions have no place in the legal system of the U.S., (which in not to say they don't in say, Islamic dictatorships).

Religious beliefs do have a place in the legal system, that's why when you go to court you swear on a Bible, and that's why when you read the history books you see that this country was founded on Christianity. If you don't like the fact that this is Christian-based country, go live somewhere else. If your going to violate the concepts of Christianity, like marrying someone of the same sex, then go violate them in a country that's not founded on Christianity. And considering the fact that in my religion, we are all children of God, the fact that we can unify our love through the bond of marriage (between a man and a woman), is a right. Hence, "god-given right".  


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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #81 on: February 10, 2012, 09:47:45 pm »
U don't have to be Christian... That's up to u although I recommend it...

Conversely, I recommend against blind faith.

That's the right you have...

It is not however, "a god-given right".

But this country is brought up on Christian beliefs.

This is not correct, (even grammatically).

And laws and u have to abide by them...

U.S. laws and statutes are secular, they do not have a religious basis as written.

Gay marriage is looked upon as a abnormality just like drugs or robbing someone...  

Violations of secular laws regarding 'illegal' drugs and burglary are not equivalent to deeming such criminal activity as an "abnormality" nor, as equivalent to gays marrying.  That's called a false dichotomy and although there's no law against it, you're guilty of it.

Doesn't make sense...

This response was made because your opinion is bereft of sense.

And like it or not the Christian foundation that this country is founded on has kept and will continue to keep this country together through a lot of things

The US is emphatically not founded on Christian principles. This is explicitly stated in the Constitution, both in the First Amendment (“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”) and in Article VI, section 3 (“…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”) In addition, the Treaty of Tripoli, itself a legally binding document, bears these words: “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…”
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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #82 on: February 10, 2012, 09:50:09 pm »
i would said a bunch of stuff but all i have to say now is ditto
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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #83 on: February 10, 2012, 09:51:47 pm »
Haha falcon just loves trying to direct things away from God in every convo... Ur right u ain't gotta be a Christian that's ur legal right but u do have to put that hand on the Bible and swear on it... Ur in the minority falcon and premar when it comes to being a non-Christian just like the minority of being gay... And premar ur saying the same thing again... Just because there not having sex with someone doesn't mean they don't affect you... What if a gay male had aids from having gay sex which is a much higher chance of contracting it if ur gay and then didn't tell ur daughter and had sex with her and gave it to her... By ur reasoning he didn't have sex with you so therefore that doesn't affect u right? That goes back to thE robber let him rob as long as he ain't robbing from u?? And slavery started in Africa came here for a minute and then was abolished and now is still going on in Africa so by that comment ur contradicting urself

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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #84 on: February 10, 2012, 09:55:52 pm »
but does someone being effect u personally there not having sex with you.and if there going to hell like u believe just make sure ur not going with .and thanks for the recommendation to be christian.but no thanks i can say no because of another thing thiscountry was based on freedom of religion.when this country was founded they also believed in slavery but we also learned from that mistake when are we going to evolve

Well maybe they aren't having sex with me, but what's stopping them from trying? I'm sorry if I don't want to live in a world where I might be hanging out in a club one night and some random girl comes up to me and tries to take me home with her. But that's a different argument for a different day. Because I'm sure the next thing someone will say is that I have homophobia. But again, we aren't arguing about that now are we? I never said that gays are going to hell, because I don't believe that. And you are right, this country was founded on freedom. Freedom to think and believe. Not 100% freedom to act how we want. Just because this country encompasses the idea of freedom doesn't mean I can go around punching people in their faces, or being a rapist. Why? Because those are things that are wrong. People who do stuff like that have abnormalities. If we let everyone go around doing whatever they wanted, then this country would be chaotic. That's why we have rules. And slavery was messed up....we were using people because of their skin color. We are not trying to harvest the gays and make them work for us. No one is saying "You can't be gay". You wanna be gay then fine. But there is no need to rub it in my straight face, because the thought of a man's you-know-what going you-know-where (I don't know if I'll get in trouble on Fusion Cash if I use real terms) or a woman's fingers going you-know-where on another woman makes me want to puke. And it doesn't matter how much we evolve, physical anatomy will never willingly allow for such acts. Forget God, forget religion, if Mother Nature is saying "no-no" by not evolving our bodies to be compatable with the same gender, then why should be saying "yes-yes" to same sex marriage?


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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #85 on: February 10, 2012, 09:56:17 pm »
Falcon u can use all the Big words u want lol u still gotta put ur hand on the Bible when u go to court and say Gods name when u say the pledge and spend money with Gods name on it... Ur in the minority and for all I care u and all the Non believers can go to north korea or somewhere where Christianity is rampant and stay over there wouldn't ruffle a feather in my hat at all

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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #86 on: February 10, 2012, 09:56:24 pm »
Religious beliefs do have a place in the legal system, that's why when you go to court you swear on a Bible

There is no legal requirement to swear an oath to tell the truth upon a 'bible'.

and that's why when you read the history books you see that this country was founded on Christianity.

The US is emphatically not founded on Christian principles. This is explicitly stated in the Constitution, both in the First Amendment (“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;”) and in Article VI, section 3 (“…no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.”) In addition, the Treaty of Tripoli, itself a legally binding document, bears these words: “As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion…”

If your going to violate the concepts of Christianity, like marrying someone of the same sex, then go violate them in a country that's not founded on Christianity.

Actually, since the U.S. is not a 'xtian' country, I'm free to "violate" any concepts of any specious religion should I choose to do so, (insofar as such does not violate secular laws).  Not only do I choose to do disregard the specious concepts of xtianity, I vehemently oppose them, (something the U.S. constitution permits).

And considering the fact that in my religion, we are all children of God, the fact that we can unify our love through the bond of marriage (between a man and a woman), is a right. Hence, "god-given right".  

Your baseless opinion that such is a "god-given right" does not confer accuracy on it, (that is, it has no basis other than blind faith; which means it lacks a foundational basis altogether).
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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #87 on: February 10, 2012, 10:00:14 pm »
Oh here we go, Falcon analyzing every word of every response. Wow.


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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #88 on: February 10, 2012, 10:02:57 pm »
Yes there is what are u talkin about? U go into court before u can testify u put ur hand on the Bible... Falcon u might be able to use ur big words on these people and trick them Into thinking ur smart lol not me... U go into court u put ur hand on the Bible no of and or buts... Or big words lol... Sorry ur in the minority falcon... And as u see in history minorities finish on the BOTTOM and that's where u are and where ur stayin lolllll

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Re: gay marriage
« Reply #89 on: February 10, 2012, 10:03:35 pm »
I never said I wasnt a christian I just dont believe in using the bible to deny people there right to be happy.And I am sick and tired of people using the aids thing straight people  can get aids too.There is more than way to contract aids and sex has nothing to with it.Slavery was here for a minute tell that to thousands of people whose grandfathers and great father it affected and the people it affects to this day.And yes falcon may be trying take god out of the equation because this is a legal issue and religion should not be a part of it .I'm tired of people bringing up the bible so that they dont have to have any other argument .It only holds up if you are also christian and until this officially takes out freedom of religion.We are not a christian one.I was raised Bapist but I dont use my religion to deny others there human right to love who they want.If judgement is really up to god why dont u leave it up to him and go on with your lives
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