Here come the weeds again!!! Weeds? Why do you, Mr. Falcon9, insist on popping up in every discussion that smacks of religion. I am not in the business of proselytizing. All those who are Atheists have made that choice and I, for one, don't care one way or the other. My main concern is that you and others go on these discussions, which, of course, you will say you have a right to, but your main objective is not education or discussion, it is harassment. I am not a "martyr;" I just don't think it is necessary to slam people who have no interest in your comments.
When one says that "atheists have made that choice" (and I've heard that MANY times so my intent isn't to "harass" the OP). What "knowledge" does anyone have that it is a choice that the "atheist" has made for their entire lifetime? I know many people that have changed their religious preferences or "non-religious preferences" as often as some people change their shirts. People change their minds all the time. I know some that "made a choice to be Christian" and when other believers "let them down"... then they "made a choice" to be agnostic, and then later they chose to "make that choice" again but to be atheist this time...who says that will be their "final" choice? (*
no disrespect intended toward any party of the groups I listed and not everyone that has "made that choice" made them in that order, that was just one example).The Bible says Jesus Himself said one is to "love God", AND "love thy neighbor as thyself"(Mark 12:30-31)...He didn't say "but if they are atheist, never mind, they made their choice". He also said "There is none other commandment greater than these". If someone really believes in Jesus then just how do they just ignore what Jesus Himself said were the two greatest commandments? John 3:16-
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life'. I don't see any clause there that says "unless they are atheists, because those are exempt" you?
This "mind-set" that some believers have that they must treat atheists "like hell since they are going there anyway"'s very damaging. "Once an atheist" does NOT mean "always an atheist"...but all they constantly hear is "they have made that choice". (It's ironic how believers can't comprehend how someone could be a christian and then decide to become a non-believer. It never occurs to the believer that perhaps somewhere along the way, those former christians began thinking that from what they could see in other "believer's" lives...they'd be better off without it.)
Jesus never condemned anyone to hell when that person was still alive. How does a believer REALLY think that they can ignore the second part of the GREATEST commandments (not "suggestions"...COMMANDMENTS), treat non-believers badly "because they chose to go to hell anyway" and still expect to go to Heaven?
I can't believe the number of people that get upset because their posts are "challenged". It's a forum...being questioned by unbelievers. I can't help but wonder how your witnessing efforts go with questioning unbeliever's in real life. Don't you remember what it was like before you found God? Was it a Believer that was treating you like "hell" that got you interested in God?

We're posting on Spiritual "touchy" topics . Not everyone is going to agree with you. Not everyone is going to believe you. If your post 'blesses' just one person, wasn't it worth it? Jesus was CRUCIFIED, let's keep things in perspective.
IMO, Believer's should re-read their posts before posting to a non-believer. If your post doesn't make you feel like giving them a big hug afterwards then you might want to inform Jesus of your "heart condition".