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Topic: Drug Testing for Government benefits?  (Read 5648 times)


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #15 on: February 17, 2012, 05:42:50 am »
I know people who work for the welfare dept and agencies like that and they see the people abuse the system every day! They drive nice cars and have their nails or hair always done up and they're collecting welfare or foods stamps?? I wish the government looked into this a little better and maybe some of that money and help could go to people who really do need it. I don't think a drug test would be out of line at all. It would have to be given to everyone too no matter what race or sex or age or anything. the people who truly need the help would understand this. it's the people who abuse it who would object


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2012, 05:50:51 am »
I know people who work for the welfare dept and agencies like that and they see the people abuse the system every day! They drive nice cars and have their nails or hair always done up and they're collecting welfare or foods stamps?? I wish the government looked into this a little better and maybe some of that money and help could go to people who really do need it. I don't think a drug test would be out of line at all. It would have to be given to everyone too no matter what race or sex or age or anything. the people who truly need the help would understand this. it's the people who abuse it who would object
                                      I work for hennepin county as a mandated reporter, so we see all sorts of low income familys, but most certainly i agree with the abuse of the benefits county may grant one family. Are economy is changing and thosse of us who do what we can and still have to ask for a little assistance may make us very upset too see many individuals abusing the benefits one family may be needing... Great topic :wave:


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #17 on: February 18, 2012, 08:22:02 am »
Yes if you get goverment help you should be tested ramdomly for all drugs.  And have to make the effort to train for something to support yourslf. If no effort to help yourself cut the funds.


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2012, 07:13:21 pm »
I am all for people on welfare having to take drug tests. I would even say people on unemployment should do this too. Many years ago I worked for a collection agency and people would come in on welfare, medicaid, food stamps etc. and act like we owed it to them to remove their debt. And a handful of these people I grew up with so watching them constantly abuse the system is frustrating.

I understand where people are concerned for the children but HELLO you should be concerned that they have drug addicts for parents. If their parents fail well then the children are sent to live with a capable family member and that person gets assistance for taking care of the kids or they are put into the system til their parents can clean up their act.

Imagine how much money our government can save if we implemented this across the board. Maybe we could pay down our national debt or allocate that money back to social security - ya know that program where people who actually work constantly put money into and for some reason are no longer seeing! :wave:


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #19 on: February 18, 2012, 07:57:55 pm »
This is an awesome thing the government is doing.....especially since so many ppl sit and collect benefits while they hustle n use illegal drugs


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #20 on: February 18, 2012, 08:06:31 pm »
As a former welfare case worker for many years, I saw blatant fraud like you wouldn't believe! I remember doing home calls early in the morning to HUD apartment complexes. The smell of pot was overpowering as soon as we came on site. One big party! People had their doors open and were going in and out of each others doors according to what they had. There were drug sales going on, people snorting coke, shooting up, pufing on name it.

Now lets define "Government Benefits" vs "Welfare". Certain government benefits have been paid into over a persons working career like , Military or State Retirement  and even Social Security. Then there is SSI, a form of Welfare from the government that you get when you are disabled or over 65, and have no work history to get social security. Some of these beneficiaries are Immigrants.

The most prevalent form of welfare is AFDC, 100% taxpayer supported money where there are children involved. This money is supposed to feed house and clothe the children. If not for the children, the person(s) would not be eligible.

That is the difference.."earned" benefits versus ( I've got my hand out for free government money because I am looking for, but can't find work, or I made poor choices regarding birth control or about a partner who is an absent parent deadbeat who wont pay child support, or because I see no need to work and am a 3rd generation welfare recipient who believes it's the governments obligation to provide for me with no effort on my part, except to squeeze out a pup every now and then, and do a little paperwork) also known as "entitlement benefits". I take offense to the comment that "old people gotta pee, too" which I assume was directed toward Social Security beneficiaries.  Get a grip people!!! It's about the kids...How can a parent feed and clothe a child if the welfare check is smoked snorted or injected into a vein? You test clean, you can provide for your don't you can't, and other arrangements need to be made. Get it straight!


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #21 on: February 18, 2012, 08:53:15 pm »
I am 100% for this. I live in Colorado and they passed the first house vote for welfare applicants to pass a drug test. I think that if you are receiving money from the government, whether; welfare, unemployment, etc, that you should have to follow the rules of that government that you are receiving money from.

I also agree that the child should not be punished for their parents. But I would think if a parent did not pass a drug test, that probably the proper authorities might be notified and remove the children from the situation.


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #22 on: February 19, 2012, 01:18:23 am »
I agree with the drug test. I can't even get my disability for my medical issues and even thought the standards have changed and you can no longer get a check from social securty for being a person who is addicted to drugs or an alcholic there are people who got it before the standards changed and are still doing it I think they should be tested and if they fail they loose there checks.  Why shoud that be a disablity for them when they can fix it.  I can't get on it for back problems,muscle disease, chronic broncitis, and COPD so why should they get.

Kids are always a concern because the system doesn't always work and the parents are just worried about themselfs.  Crap I don't even take my prescriptions medications all the time because they are mind altering and when my son was a mirror forget it I want to be a part of his life and I worked so he could have a good life and be at school and graduate and he did.
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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #23 on: February 19, 2012, 07:53:47 am »
As a former welfare case worker for many years, I saw blatant fraud like you wouldn't believe! I remember doing home calls early in the morning to HUD apartment complexes. The smell of pot was overpowering as soon as we came on site. One big party! People had their doors open and were going in and out of each others doors according to what they had. There were drug sales going on, people snorting coke, shooting up, pufing on name it.

Now lets define "Government Benefits" vs "Welfare". Certain government benefits have been paid into over a persons working career like , Military or State Retirement  and even Social Security. Then there is SSI, a form of Welfare from the government that you get when you are disabled or over 65, and have no work history to get social security. Some of these beneficiaries are Immigrants.

The most prevalent form of welfare is AFDC, 100% taxpayer supported money where there are children involved. This money is supposed to feed house and clothe the children. If not for the children, the person(s) would not be eligible.

That is the difference.."earned" benefits versus ( I've got my hand out for free government money because I am looking for, but can't find work, or I made poor choices regarding birth control or about a partner who is an absent parent deadbeat who wont pay child support, or because I see no need to work and am a 3rd generation welfare recipient who believes it's the governments obligation to provide for me with no effort on my part, except to squeeze out a pup every now and then, and do a little paperwork) also known as "entitlement benefits". I take offense to the comment that "old people gotta pee, too" which I assume was directed toward Social Security beneficiaries.  Get a grip people!!! It's about the kids...How can a parent feed and clothe a child if the welfare check is smoked snorted or injected into a vein? You test clean, you can provide for your don't you can't, and other arrangements need to be made. Get it straight!

I completely agree with you. At my last job I saw a lot of people like this.


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #24 on: February 20, 2012, 04:08:42 pm »
My real concern about this is that it almost specifically targets marijuana and eliminates other drugs that are far more serious. It also eliminates legal drugs such as alcohol and prescription drugs. Both of these can impair individuals far more than marijuana use. Also, I thought there was an excellent point made from another member about medical marijuana usage. I think before this type of testing is done that it needs to be more broad in it's application or not done at all.
I agree with you here. I think many people forget that even legal prescription drugs can be and are abused. These drugs are very harmful and can be deadly in certain cases. I think all of this has to come into play. However, my brother-in-law is subject to random drug tests at his place of employment that even test for prescription drugs that he does not have a prescription for. So maybe this will be part of the screening process for governmental assistance.


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2012, 01:25:46 pm »
If i had to take a drug test at work  and i had too) then by golly so should those that benifet from all of us that have worked and are still working. Let them get out and cleaned the streets and such to earn that check (oh i forgot that would be demeaning). Put me in to change the system and it would get done, because i don't care. They would have to earn that check somehow and not be on drugs.


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2012, 08:00:19 am »
I think the best way this system can work is if non-cash benefits (food stamps, food boxes, housing, decreased utility bills, etc..) would continue as normal but any cash benefits would require a drug test (unemployment, ssi, etc..) that way children are not caught up in the crossfire losing their home and not having food to eat but we are also not paying for people with drug problems to promote their lifestyle.


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2012, 04:28:17 pm »

       I think they should be tested and receive treatment accordingly. Many people receiving benefits get high on drugs: Alcohol, marijuana and casino chips!


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #28 on: February 25, 2012, 06:35:38 pm »
I am all for drug testing for people receiving public assistance.  I would like to see our tax money is not supporting someone's habit especially ones with kids.  Many  people are using those checks and selling their food stamps for drugs or alchohol and not their kids.


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Re: Drug Testing for Government benefits?
« Reply #29 on: February 26, 2012, 05:47:39 pm »
I agree with drug testing for government benefits. If people should get welfare or food stamps, they should be tested if they're clean or not. Give a one year penalty for those to fail before reapplying.

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