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  • What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood? 3 4
Topic: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?  (Read 19197 times)


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #45 on: March 16, 2012, 10:38:43 am »
No disrespect to dogs and their owners, but where does 'love' and 'evolution' as far as 'a dog covering it's turds like cats do' come into play at some point and time for the dog itself?  C'mon dogs are a creation and gift from Heavenly Father and I believe are meant to evolve a heck of alot faster in the 'Toilet Department', but when? LOL  ;D Milleniums from now?  :-X  :angel11: Lord have mercy on our shoes outside when we take out walks and hikings in public sidewalks???  :cat:


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #46 on: March 16, 2012, 10:42:34 am »
I wonder if Caesar Milan the 'dog whisperer' cleans up after his 'dogs' after he takes them for walks on public properties?


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #47 on: March 16, 2012, 11:28:13 am »
If a dog gets loose by accident, well it's an accident. But if people let them run free thats a different story. Shame on them and that goes for cat owners too. Anything can happen to those pets. They could be hit by a car, poisened, harmed by another animal or person, etc... People need to be proper animal owners. Besides that, where do they think these pets are doing there business but in other peoples yards? Just my opinion. :bs:


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #48 on: March 17, 2012, 02:17:36 pm »
If a dog gets loose by accident, well it's an accident. But if people let them run free thats a different story. Shame on them and that goes for cat owners too. Anything can happen to those pets. They could be hit by a car, poisened, harmed by another animal or person, etc... People need to be proper animal owners. Besides that, where do they think these pets are doing there business but in other peoples yards? Just my opinion. :bs:

Good opinion though. Nobody wants to step in animal feces on their lawn, in their yard, on a public sidewalk  :bs:


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #49 on: March 17, 2012, 03:59:50 pm »
If a dog gets loose by accident, well it's an accident. But if people let them run free thats a different story. Shame on them and that goes for cat owners too. Anything can happen to those pets. They could be hit by a car, poisened, harmed by another animal or person, etc... People need to be proper animal owners. Besides that, where do they think these pets are doing there business but in other peoples yards? Just my opinion. :bs:

Good opinion though. Nobody wants to step in animal feces on their lawn, in their yard, on a public sidewalk  :bs:

I think some of those really out there environmentalists might want to.  I could have sworn I saw one of those OWS people holding up a 'save da turds' sign...
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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #50 on: March 17, 2012, 04:09:08 pm »
                     I am a owner of a standred yorkie who thinks he is a pitbull. I always have to keep him leashed when out because he will run up on any dog or person ,which is a very big problem for all involved. He wont bite or has never bitten or attacked another dog but the problem is he only goes off what he feels as running up on human, if they show they are scared he only thinks he tuffer . Just yesterday i was walking my dog with a friend and her dog when this pit came running out at us , i showed no fear and kicked the poop out of that sucker which luckily detered his progress towards our dogs. In short I think the owners should be fined very heavily for such neglect. I mean your not gonna let a child run a muck on streets without proper supervision, and my dog MAX is a family member.


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #51 on: March 18, 2012, 01:06:16 pm »
I hate when people let their dog run loose. I know do not want to take care of the dog's poop, so they let the dog go outside without them. 

We've lived in the same house for 36 years and have always had dogs and we've always tried to keep them in our fenced-in yard.  We did have an escape artist for close to 20 years and had to bail him out of jail a couple of times but his getting picked up by the pound was both embarrassing and costly.  He died a few years ago and the dog we now have in the yard is a good dog and doesn't try to climb out or dig under.  We do have people in our neighborhood who take their dogs for walks WITHOUT a lease and these dogs are always tormenting our dog thru the fence.  Then there are a number of dogs that run loose yet the pound never picks them up for whatever reason so yes, that does irritate me.


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #52 on: March 18, 2012, 01:28:54 pm »
When I have to let them know over and over again, and the next day after I have told them the dog gets loose again, it's BS!!!! I have the exact problem that you speak of in my neighborhood! People just don't get it, it's like the pet is the least important thing on their mind, which to me means that they don't deserve to own :wave: a pet at all. We live next to a busy highway and it makes me angry that its not even a thought in the owners mind when their pet runs loose.
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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #53 on: March 19, 2012, 01:55:26 pm »
 :angry7: Don't think its a good idea in my neighborhood. There are children and if it bit someone that could lead to problems. :heart:
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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #54 on: March 19, 2012, 03:31:14 pm »
I own a dog and i always leave her on a leash when we are outside. It drives me nuts seeing other owners let there animals run around wild


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #55 on: March 20, 2012, 08:20:29 pm »
Where we live, dogs that run free get picked up by the animal control person and then you pay to get them released.  I do not see many dogs running free here!!


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #56 on: March 21, 2012, 06:50:46 am »
Where we live, dogs that run free get picked up by the animal control person and then you pay to get them released.  I do not see many dogs running free here!!

Praise The LORD  :angel11: Now thats loving dogs 'running loose and free' in society  :thumbsup: Pure harmony, no dog turds and no rabie bites to others(humans and other animals).  ;D


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #57 on: March 21, 2012, 02:30:34 pm »
  My family owns dogs and we keep them restrained.  We really do not appreciate other peoples dogs in our yard. I have small grandchildren and I do not trust the other dogs for safty.


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #58 on: March 25, 2012, 09:47:39 pm »
I have a neighbor that does this. She let's him run loose and crap in the grass in front of our building. He doesn't bite, thank goodness because he always runs up to me when I'm outside. I think it's just so rude that she doesn't clean up after him.


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Re: What do you think of dogs running loose in your neighborhood?
« Reply #59 on: March 27, 2012, 08:37:07 pm »
Something that also is frustrating is when you live in a more open neighborhood without many fences. We do not own any dogs ourselves, but our neighbors do, and they let their dogs run free sometimes. They do not pay much attention to where their dogs go or what they do. So there is a lot of dog poop in our yard.

It is so frustrating to have to clean up dog poop in your own yard when you do not even have dogs. If we wanted dog poop in our yard, we would have our own dog.

Also, living in Colorado there are so many hiking trails and popular hiking trails. I love seeing dogs on the trails, but hate seeing all the dog poop on the trails. There are even the doggie bag stations at the start of the trail so people can pick up after their pets, but most do not, they are either too lazy or do not care. Almost worse yet is when people do pick up after their dogs but leave the bags on the trail. I have even seen where people pick up after their dog and tie the doggie bags to tree branches along the trail. If you are going to pick up after your animal, have the respect for the open space to take the doggie bag with you, so other people do not have to see it or deal with it.

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