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  • Who do you think should win the Republican nomination? 3 4
Topic: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?  (Read 27495 times)


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #120 on: January 22, 2012, 07:18:43 pm »
Democrats actually created the KKK, it was their militant arm.  There was even ex KKK grand wizard as a senator of the democratic party as recent as 2010 (he publicly used racial slurs as late as 2001 so when he changed his ways I am not quite sure).  Yeah times have certainly changed.  Most republicans today seem more like democrats of 20 years ago and most democrats seem like a major left shift from what they used to be. 

lol "Grand Wizard". I will never get over that.

I don't see much, if any, racism and sexism from the republicans but I see quite a bit of it from the democrats when a woman or minority is a republican or sides with the republicans in an issue.

I must have missed it. When?

I do see quite a bit of accusation of racism but no evidence is ever provided, or if it is it always seems to be in the form of "..doesn't want to give special privileges...".  Maybe you could expand on some examples as there could be things I have missed.
(funny vid with all the examples displayed below it)

First I would love to see some untainted scientific evidence.
(refs on the bottom)

Now perhaps they used too much 'fear' in their arguments but simply going by their data there is no way to prevent this impeding doom even if you killed every single human on the planet tomorrow. 

Well...that seems like a pretty careless and depressing way to view the current issue. Do you have any sources stating this? I'm not trying to argue here-- I've just never heard of this "impending doom we're already F'd and can't distill it" POV with climate change.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #121 on: January 23, 2012, 07:28:07 am »
Shoulder the same burden as the wealthy. The poor cannot afford to pay, no one expects them to. But tax cuts for extremely wealthy folks leads to a heavier burden on the middle class.

Will obamacare be the answer? No. But it is progress. I am for progress. It will hopefully eventually lead to the canadian model of healthcare someday.
Move to Canada, Democrat... they already have it and we don't want it.

Plus that pesky Constitution... you know, that impediment to the installation your Worker's Paradise?


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #122 on: January 23, 2012, 11:34:33 am »
Shoulder the same burden as the wealthy. The poor cannot afford to pay, no one expects them to. But tax cuts for extremely wealthy folks leads to a heavier burden on the middle class.

Will obamacare be the answer? No. But it is progress. I am for progress. It will hopefully eventually lead to the canadian model of healthcare someday.
Move to Canada, Democrat... they already have it and we don't want it.

Plus that pesky Constitution... you know, that impediment to the installation your Worker's Paradise?

That's dumb hillbilly talk. "you like the way thy do it go there... MERCA"
Flat Earth thinkers like you that stand in the way of progress. If we never challenged the way things were done and lazily defaulted to our slave owner forefathers, we would be so far behind the rest of the world. If you don't like it, leave is the mantra of the simple. If you don't like it, CHANGE it, are the actions of the great.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #123 on: January 23, 2012, 07:29:40 pm »
If you don't like it, leave is the mantra of the simple. If you don't like it, CHANGE it, are the actions of the great.

Well said. The current healthcare fiasco definitely needs to be fixed. And soon. Anyone who disagrees is obviously naive to the completely unfair side of the current system. I have in the past and it's ridiculous. On the otherhand, Obama's plan is dubbed unamerican, so obviously the solution lies somewhere in the gray.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #124 on: January 24, 2012, 12:52:13 am »
I find it ironic that so many people that bash "obamacare" might end up voting for a guy that basically installed it in his state.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #125 on: January 24, 2012, 06:35:09 pm »
Shoulder the same burden as the wealthy. The poor cannot afford to pay, no one expects them to. But tax cuts for extremely wealthy folks leads to a heavier burden on the middle class.

Will obamacare be the answer? No. But it is progress. I am for progress. It will hopefully eventually lead to the canadian model of healthcare someday.
Move to Canada, Democrat... they already have it and we don't want it.

Plus that pesky Constitution... you know, that impediment to the installation your Worker's Paradise?

That's dumb hillbilly talk. "you like the way thy do it go there... MERCA"
Flat Earth thinkers like you that stand in the way of progress. If we never challenged the way things were done and lazily defaulted to our slave owner forefathers, we would be so far behind the rest of the world. If you don't like it, leave is the mantra of the simple. If you don't like it, CHANGE it, are the actions of the great.
Earth to stupid... the US Constitution FORBIDS what you openly embrace.  No flat earther stuff here, Democrat... just reality.  If you like Canada or Europe, move there or legally change the US Constitution.  You can't just break laws where you see fit, Democrat.  But, as your Commie heroes from days gone by have said, "The ends justify the means"  , right Comrade?  Progressive 'thinkers' have done nothing but bankrupt nations and bring down the class of living for entire societies in the name of 'helping'.  You brain dead progressives will never get it right or learn from your mistakes.  The COnstitution has the answers, but you all feel you know better. 

You make me laugh with your ridiculous name calling and non-defense of the indefensible.  Just a worn out dog eared playbook with the same tripe that you liberal pimps have been pushing and lying about for decades.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #126 on: January 24, 2012, 07:30:19 pm »
From a political standpoint, if your intention is to get Obama out of office (Please Dear Lord!! :BangHead:) Then you must look at which candidate has the best chance of accomplishing that goal. And that depends on one's perspective, and probably wont be known until later on in the primaries. I personally have some very specific views on who that could be and why, but I will defer those opinions for the time being. I will let others ponder my comments and decide for themselves.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #127 on: January 24, 2012, 09:34:05 pm »
Republicans want genocide and a system of lords and serfs.   They are all racist and homophobic.  They hide behind the bible to spread hate.

SEE, I can spout nonsense too joey.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #128 on: January 25, 2012, 02:18:42 pm »
Republicans want genocide and a system of lords and serfs.   They are all racist and homophobic.  They hide behind the bible to spread hate.

SEE, I can spout nonsense too joey.
No, you speak Democrat theology.  I speak the truth backed up with facts.

This is why you have to resort to calling people 'fags' (what a non-homophobic thing to say, hypocrite) instead of presenting a cogent thought or any sort of verifiable data.

Aren't you getting tired of the daily verbal beat down, Democrat?  I would have slithered off in shame days ago, yet you keep coming back for more.  Truly pathetic.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #129 on: January 25, 2012, 06:44:45 pm »
No, you speak Democrat theology.  I speak the truth backed up with facts.

You do? When?


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #130 on: January 26, 2012, 06:35:45 pm »
No, you speak Democrat theology.  I speak the truth backed up with facts.

You do? When?
You aren't capable of identifying a fact if it walked up and bit you in the *bleep*.  I showed you the numbers, Democrat.  I walked you through the US Constitution, Democrat.  All you can do is retreat to that imaginary world that liberals have to create in order for their ideas to make sense.  Keep trying, Democrat.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #131 on: January 26, 2012, 07:06:49 pm »
You aren't capable of identifying a fact if it walked up and bit you in the *bleep*.  I showed you the numbers, Democrat.  I walked you through the US Constitution, Democrat.  All you can do is retreat to that imaginary world that liberals have to create in order for their ideas to make sense.  Keep trying, Democrat.

Generally it's ideal to back your facts up with legitimate links on a forum. Otherwise you can make up anything. Wasn't it Abraham Lincoln who once said "People will believe anything they read on the internet"?

And I'd suggest stop using the terms "Democrat" and "Liberal" with such prejudice like you're doing here. You make it sound vilifying which in turn makes your stance look pretty discriminatory. A major problem with our country is the failure of both parties to come to compromises and work together. When you're talking like this, you're talking as if you're the tip-of-the-sword with this problem. Explain something without the obvious emotional flak.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #132 on: January 26, 2012, 09:56:47 pm »
I showed you the numbers, Democrat.
When? What numbers?

I walked you through the US Constitution, Democrat.  

Nope, you told me what YOU think is in there though.

All you can do is retreat to that imaginary world that liberals have to create in order for their ideas to make sense.  

Yep, that imaginary world where we thought it wasn't right to segregate blacks, so we got that changed. Where we thought women should be able to vote, so we got that changed.  But you are right, changing things that we don't think are right is just a fad.


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #133 on: January 27, 2012, 07:17:32 pm »
I showed you the numbers, Democrat.
When? What numbers?

I walked you through the US Constitution, Democrat.  

Nope, you told me what YOU think is in there though.

All you can do is retreat to that imaginary world that liberals have to create in order for their ideas to make sense.  

Yep, that imaginary world where we thought it wasn't right to segregate blacks, so we got that changed. Where we thought women should be able to vote, so we got that changed.  But you are right, changing things that we don't think are right is just a fad.

You have to be retarded.  Eisenhower had as much to do with desegregation as Truman.  Also, what kind of idiot claims that women's suffrage was opposed by Republicans/Conservatives?  Did you forget that Lincoln wsa a Republican, moron?  Jesus are you a dolt.  And yes, you live in an imaginary world. 


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Re: Who do you think should win the Republican nomination?
« Reply #134 on: January 27, 2012, 08:36:59 pm »
After the last two debates, I'm leaning towards Sen. Rick Santorum.

Hi trucktina.  :wave: Do you still favor Senator Santorum?

There are things I like/dislike about all four candidates but I am hoping it will be Ron Paul.

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