I'm having some sort of deja vu here because I recall these exact overpowered-president arguments constantly happening in the Bush era on another forum. It's like word for word! Not much has changed I suppose. http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/24/washington/24prexy.html
The only person that cares about me, is me. Nobody else can have my truth into what is best for me and I will not surrender authority over me to any person. I have never met anyone more capable of deciding what is best for me, than me. Perhaps you have for yourself. Perhaps you need to be led around on a lead and told what to do.
When I read this, my mind totally visualized some hermit up on a mountain with a shotgun in hand 24/7. lol jk jk! But no matter what you do and if you're on any sort of documentation, like it or not a gov't will have some sort of authority over you.
Lol I read that back after I posted it and pictured something similar, including denim overalls and a long and scraggly beard. I try to stay as off the grid as I can but it is not really possible. To sell my catch I have to have a commercial license and that requires routine reports to the government about the daily take. I could always sell to individuals but then I would not be able to maintain the volume, even though I could make a larger profit per pound.
Once (as an experiment..you buy that? eh? maybe there was another reason) I took up an alias and lived under it for four years. It was actually a blast and I had no problems working and cashing my checks and renting, getting utilities, etc. I was even hand cuffed by the police and had a background check ran on me (under the alias) and after a bit of bullshitting he uncuffed me and let me go (which surprised me honestly as he asked me my SSN and I started giving my real one and paused part way through and said "no that's not right it is..."). I must say that was the most free that I have ever felt in my life and I could easily adopt that lifestyle again, if only I could uproot myself from my complacency.