I think it is messed up everyone blames him for the economy. It wasn't much better off at the end of the last president's term.
The point is that he didn't do anything that made it better. Any attempt to fix the economy has only made it worse. He knew exactly what he was getting into and had absolutely no idea how to get us out. I hate both bush and obama about the same. In all honestly there is absolutely no important difference between the two ruling parties in the united states.
It's kind of hard to get stuff done when the Republicans block all your efforts.
Any effort Obama would have put and has put into fixing the economy has made it worse. Give me a specific example of the republicans in the congress blocking something that would have guaranteed a complete fix in the economy. I doubt this would be possible, not only because the republicans where the minority in both the house and senate when obama was elected, but also because any effort obama puts into the economy will only make things worse. Recall that I stated also "In all honestly there is absolutely no important difference between the two ruling parties in the united states." This means that the republicans and democrats are not fighting against one another. Let me make a list:
They both support unconstitutional on-going wars that have no conceivable end and only serve the interest of the military industrial complex.
They both support and monopolized and complete fiat paper currency with no intrinsic value and no limitations on how they print or create said currency.
They both support the PATRIOT act.
They both support using torture and assassinations to solve their problems rather that courts and the rule of law.
They both support giving the president the ability to declare martial law.
They both support spending billions of dollars bailing out large corporations while they can barely support our veterans and wish to take away the social security money they scammed out of the millions of senior citizens in this country.
They both support a interventionist foreign policy that prop up military dictators in countries to our benefit and label any opposition domestic and other wise as terrorism.
Both the republicans and democrats are identical when it comes to the important issues of our country. To vote for either simply for the sake of their party and not for the individual candidate is not only irresponsibly its dangerous. It may be that obama is unable to do anything even if he wanted to, but he should have realize this from the start instead of making campaign promises he could not fulfill. But I know that there are some things the president can do to really change how things are run, and obama has not and does not intend to change anything. Our two party system is dividing our country and is using that as a diversion for their real agenda. Vote independent/3rd party or don't vote at all.