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Topic: How do you feel about children being prescribed stimulate ADHD medications??  (Read 2068 times)


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          I as an adult and mother of two, have noticed over the past few years that doctors seem to be so quick on evaluating young children that appear restless, hyper, or just dont appear to focus as a ADHD or ADD child...I as a parent dont think a 3 yr old should be put on a stimualant narcotic that stunts there growth, and changes there whole personality with each pill they take......Does anyone else feel that young children shouldnt be placed on drugs like adderall, ritilan, or vyvanse???


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I think every situation is different. However I do think some Dr.s are too quick to put children on medications these days.  I know some children 
really do need the medication but I also think( hopefully I don't offend anyone)that sometimes it is the home/family dynamics that are
the cause.   


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My son is taking a non-stimulant ADHD medication, and although he has improved leaps and bounds, I do wonder if the problems we still have would be solved with something that includes a stimulant... I have heard good and bad about stimulants, so as for now, I am still reluctanct to try for myself...


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I am extremely dubious to the idea and think it is completely unnecessary and a made up condition like so many others.
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I think every situation is different. However I do think some Dr.s are too quick to put children on medications these days.  I know some children 
really do need the medication but I also think( hopefully I don't offend anyone)that sometimes it is the home/family dynamics that are
the cause.   
  I agree with you on all you said.  I also can't help wonder if the children would improve if their diet was changed as people can have reactions to many of the things found in their diet.  I see parents all the time overloading their kids on too much sugary & processed foods because it's convenient...those poor kids need more nutritious foods to function properly.  I also know a few parents that would rather take the meds as the "easy fix" approach because they are too tired or lack the patience to "deal" with their kids.  Every situation is different, and while some children may really need the meds...there are way too many children on meds these days for anyone to really believe that they all need to be.


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I think those types of drugs are prescribed *bleep*-nilly and should only be prescribed in extreme cases.  All small children are busy a great deal of time and there's not anything wrong with them.


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I was thinking more on this and realized one could never prove a situation where such medications were needed, but there is an entire history of the human race where they were not (not that they may not have been, just that the race was fine as a whole without).
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I think doctors are a little too quick to prescribe medication vs trying a diet modification first. I think many of these kinds of things can be improved with diet, but not necessarily all.


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My son was 7 years old when he was diagnosed with ADHD and put on a non-stimulant medication.  My brother had ADHD and I believe that it could possibly be a hereditary condition.  Before my son was prescribed meds, I had tried everything and nothing worked.  I also took the time to do my homework about ADHD and all of the medications.


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          I as an adult and mother of two, have noticed over the past few years that doctors seem to be so quick on evaluating young children that appear restless, hyper, or just dont appear to focus as a ADHD or ADD child...I as a parent dont think a 3 yr old should be put on a stimualant narcotic that stunts there growth, and changes there whole personality with each pill they take......Does anyone else feel that young children shouldnt be placed on drugs like adderall, ritilan, or vyvanse???

   Just wanted too say thankyou to you all for anwsering and giving me feedback!! i great;y appreciate it and am happy to have conversation on a topic lol :angel12:


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I know in my situation my son has already been diagnosed with ADHD and he just turned 3. I know with how severe the doctors say it is, he will probably have to be medicated to attend public school. I would like to give him a chance to see how he does in pre-school without medication. He does much better around kids his own age. If he is not learning properly, is unable to pay attention and keeps up his current pattern of sleep disturbance, I think medication is appropriate at school age. I know if my husband had been diagnosed earlier, he might have a much better education.  :cat:


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I think discretion has gone with the wind and Drs cater to the greed of the pharmaceutical companies who produce these drugs; and not only these but others as well. We need to be pro-active, educate ourselves and make our own judgement about what goes into our bodies and those of our children.

The bigger question is why are all these conditions happening in the first place and are their other means to deal with them. Almost every 3 year old I know could easily be diagnosed with ADHD.

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