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Topic: Vegetarianism: the solution?  (Read 5942 times)


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Re: Vegetarianism: the solution?
« Reply #30 on: November 15, 2011, 08:34:44 pm »
I found the carminative properties interesting.  The pain I experience from lettuce is what one would imagine if they were completely full and their stomach was on the verge of exploding...which would be the opposite of one would expect from a carminative.  Now dill doesn't cause me any discomfort but maybe I will test against some specialized herbs in that regard like star anise maybe.

Excellent idea.  Some people have a tendency to forget that "herbs" are as much 'drugs', (containing chemical components), as synthetics are.  Natural ones can interact with each other and with synthetics, (or, hybrid combinations of the two).  I have a cousin trained to study and discern as much as possible about potential drug interactions and she has no idea about all of the potential combinations.  It's almost like chaos theory and 'islands of stability' when it comes to chemical mixtures.  Some stuff just makes inert ooze, some explodes and some insidiuously affects biological properties in ways which aren't yet understood.

That is sort of along the lines of me forgetting that fruits/vegetables also have properties to them.  I tend to remember it for herbs and spices but will start thinking closer on fruits/vegetables as well from now on.  I guess the tendency of people is to ignore the common and only assume that efficacy can only come from synthetics and pharmaceuticals and potent concentrates.
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Re: Vegetarianism: the solution?
« Reply #31 on: November 15, 2011, 08:44:29 pm »
That is sort of along the lines of me forgetting that fruits/vegetables also have properties to them.  I tend to remember it for herbs and spices but will start thinking closer on fruits/vegetables as well from now on.  I guess the tendency of people is to ignore the common and only assume that efficacy can only come from synthetics and pharmaceuticals and potent concentrates.

That may be an almost inherent tendency to 'forget' that active chemicals can be found in anything consumed.  Some are in low concentrations, some are in combinations with unknown interactive effects and some taste so good that we 'forget' on purpose.
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Re: Vegetarianism: the solution?
« Reply #32 on: November 16, 2011, 03:58:32 pm »
You know what, ther is no solution!!! Vegetarianism is what it is and it will never change. I myself could care less. I go to my uncle Kerry's farm and I see his cows... with their beautiful big brown eyes and black eyelashes, and I tell my Uncle "they are soooo Cute!" Reguardless, they will end up on someones dinner plate somehow, just like people have been doing for years. Not really concerned with the process. All I know is that human beings need protein from animals to be healthy, and its their choice if they dont want to eat it or not. More for meeeeee!!!!! :wave:
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Re: Vegetarianism: the solution?
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2011, 04:40:00 pm »
All I know is that human beings need protein from animals to be healthy, and its their choice if they dont want to eat it or not. More for meeeeee!!!!! :wave:

Although there's no conclusive evidence differentiating animal protein and vegetable proteins, (despite variations in chemical compositions of the proteins), we're evolved as omnivores - we can eat either plants or animals, or both.

A few years back I had taken my mom out to dinner for her birthday.  She ordered a filet mignon steak and asked for very rare.  The waiter paused when she told him to "walk the cow by the fire and show it the flames, that's how rare."  I just go for medium-rare.
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Re: Vegetarianism: the solution?
« Reply #34 on: November 17, 2011, 07:28:46 pm »
I was watching some gruesome video footage of what really happens in factories that process chickens, cows, pigs, and many other animals, and how these animals suffered and died overwhelmed with fear. These factories continue to do what they do based on the demands of the population. If the population were to go vegan, these factories would literally have to shut down and animals would have earned their rights to live in peace and be left alone.

The other side is this: a population consuming everything but meat would inevitably be a population consuming plant related foods, meaning the trees and plants would have to replace the animals and endure their suffering. Now if you think about it, the world has been trying hard to preserve trees and "going green" and that would ultimately harm the trees and plants in a major way.

Both sides come down to the simple point of preserving our planet, both animals and plants.
But what do you think? Do you think going vegan is the solution, or would a vegan population be worst than one that consumes meat?

[Note: Please answer honestly and avoid the common phrase, "To each their own." This is a debate and I want to hear your opinions. Speak for yourself, not for everyone else.]
um... i like meat. not eating enough protein is unhealthy. u wanna save the world kill off man kind. ha ha ::)


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Re: Vegetarianism: the solution?
« Reply #35 on: November 19, 2011, 07:46:23 am »
I'm waiting for the aliens to do that.  Or the robots.  Or the robotic aliens.

Heck, we'll probably just do it ourselves  :P


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Re: Vegetarianism: the solution?
« Reply #36 on: November 21, 2011, 01:11:34 am »
until the day scientist learns how to grow vegetables that taste like steak, I'm not buying it. Vegetables seems to be more of fillers rather than entrees.


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Re: Vegetarianism: the solution?
« Reply #37 on: November 21, 2011, 10:37:03 pm »
My step-sister has a t-shirt which reads, "If You Hate Animals, Become A Vegan And Eat All Their Food".

I want that

And I agree with the kids control idea.
All the couples that shouldn't be having kids---bad parenting, bad family life, cant support themselves let a lone a family; are the ones having children.
I think Johnathan Swift was the guy who proposed eating all the poor people.
I think its time for the idea to be revisited.


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Re: Vegetarianism: the solution?
« Reply #38 on: November 26, 2011, 10:40:45 pm »
I don't think that is the solution. A lot of animals are fed grains, instead of grass, which is healthier. Grass-fed beef has more of the nutrients that we as humans need.
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