It's a little funny that the people complaining of you 'whining' are also the people who have made and cashedout a few hundred dollars. It's obviously very easy for them to say "I can't imagine someone not reaching the limit". I'm on this site every day, I very rarely if ever qualify for the daily survey and due to only having a debit card, I cannot do the CC needed offers. I'm obviously under the $25 limit and doubt that I will reach that limit. I'm waiting for my netflix to go through, if it does. I have a referral that didn't credit for whatever reason. I have done offer after offer that hasn't credited, more often than not they don't. I was really excited about this site, now...not so much. Hopefully this description will help their imagination.
Usually we stay out of this kind of discussion, but it's been a while and you bring up a few things I want to respond to:
1) There is more than one kind of debit card. Some debit cards have a visa or mastercard logo on them, which means they can (generally) be used anywhere a normal credit card is used. Other debit cards (without a visa or mastercard logo) can only be used at POS terminals in stores (where you enter a PIN), ATM machines, and online sites which specifically accept debit cards that cannot be processed as a visa/mastercard (these are uncommon). So depending on the kind of debit card it is, you may or may not have trouble using it when trying some of our sponsor offers.
2) Qualification and crediting for the daily surveys. Like every single other offer on every single other rewards website, both qualification and crediting are
up to the advertiser/merchant. All we can do is pass it on when they DO credit. I would LOVE it if the daily surveys were better, both in qualifying users and in crediting. But despite many complaints which I have made, the offers seem to continue to credit when they credit and qualify when they qualify. Since many (perhaps the majority) of users do not have significant problems with the daily surveys, we keep them on the site. Obviously, this situation isn't ideal, but the only alternative is to remove the offers completely - which makes everyone worse off, in my opinion.
3) Your netflix completion DID credit
4) You received a bonus for referring a friend. I noticed that you have two referrals, but one of them signed up while on your computer or on the same internet connection. Doing so is a violation of the Terms of Service and also explains why you did not receive a bonus for their signup.
As for the original poster, I'm sincerely sorry that 180 days was not enough for you to reach the minimum. The expiration deadline used to be only 90 days but we doubled it at the request of users like you. Most of the people that were complaining about the 90 day maximum agreed that 180 days was a much more reasonable timeline. The motivation for this is simple accounting: if we didn't expire earnings after some time, we would still have to maintain what's called an "allowance" account for potential cashouts of funds earned 3 years ago or more! We've gotta be able to "close out" transactions after a certain amount of time, otherwise our accounting becomes unmanageable.
Sorry for the long post. I hope this was helpful.
Edit: And while I can't deny that there are other sites in this industry that do not expire earnings, I challenge you to find one that is more than 2 years old with a reliable payment history. Remember SWATcash and the dozens of other business failures in the past year? I'm pretty sure most of them didn't have an expiration policy, either.