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  • Has anyone done a survey for a half hour then gotten the sorry you dont qualify 4 11
Topic: Has anyone done a survey for a half hour then gotten the sorry you dont qualify  (Read 65771 times)


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i guess it happens to frustrating....

THat is sad. I was hoping it was just me. There are certain companies I avoid doing surveys for that exact reason. One survey company has, on more than one occasion, asked me at least 30 minutes of questions, taken me to the page that asks about my survey experience (the one that asks if you'll take another survey or not), then DQ'd me! What a waste!

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Yes, it has happened to me many times. I answered question after question and after more than 30 minutes of doing the survey it said Sorry You Don't qualified. I did not get paid and I got so tired and I got a big headache. Surveys are suppoosed to be fun not boring and a waste of time. We get enticed by the amount of money you get offered if you finish and complete the survey. I had tried different survey programs, only a few were bad where I had to answer questions and take offers that don't really appeal to me. Not only I would get disqualified, but I would get phone calls from companies offering services that I already have or I'm not interested at all. I think we have to play smart and decide what kind of survey we can take, You have the freedom of choice. :icon_rr:


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You are so right. Once the survey company asks you about your survey experience after you've spent 30 minutes giving answers and comparisons and rankings, the assumption is that you have completed it to their satisfaction. Why would they ask for your opinion about your survey experience if you didn't complete it?

For a survey company to then tell you that you don't qualify when you did because they are asking you about your survey experience and you just spent 30 minutes giving your opinions, is a rip-off for everyone involved. I had the same experience, and I would be willing to wager that we both did the same survey.

Yes, there are those who will tell you to just suck it up. May they have the same experience....
« Last Edit: June 01, 2012, 09:09:32 pm by lindacmt »


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You are so right. Once the survey company asks you about your survey experience after you've spent 30 minutes giving answers and comparisons and rankings, the assumption is that you have completed it to their satisfaction. Why would they ask for your opinion about your survey experience if you didn't complete it?

For a survey company to then tell you that you don't qualify when you did because they are asking you about your survey experience and you just spent 30 minutes giving your opinions, is a rip-off for everyone involved. I had the same experience, and I would be willing to wager that we both did the same survey.

Yes, there are those who will tell you to just suck it up. May they have the same experience....

I bet you are right, we probably did the same survey or at least a survey by the same company. Whenever a survey from them shows up, I walk away. I have 6 kids and a very busy schedule. I can't just throw my time out the window like that. I also looked up that company on a search engine with the word "scam" and found that others have had a similar experience. So, I guess that my advice would be to go into a survey knowing something like this COULD happen and decide if that type of outcome is something you're willing to accept. If not, then it might be better to choose another activity, task, or offer.

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Especially when you didn't qualify for 2 or 3 surveys before after a few questions then you get one and think all is good.....  :sad1:


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 ??? yes I have then , then am declined they either have enough or you did not quailfy. after spending 10 minuits answring questions .


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OMG i thought i was the only one who had experienced this. I think FC should disassociate themselves with that particular company. It really makes the FC look bad and kind of put them in a bad light. So far FC seems to be a replicable company, and it sad that this survey company is trying to get over on people.


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Especially when you didn't qualify for 2 or 3 surveys before after a few questions then you get one and think all is good.....  :sad1:

totally true! I also hate when you get to the classification section and hit a "next" button, then get an error screen :BangHead: That happened to me today--i didn't qualify for 3 surveys, then I completed one and was booted out during the classification--now I won't get credit, right?!?!?!? ???


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This is something that has happened to me many, many times before.  It makes me so mad and upset!   Here you spend all this time on a survey and then all the sudden...BAM......some type of error....


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??? yes I have then , then am declined they either have enough or you did not quailfy. after spending 10 minuits answring questions .

I just did what was supposed to be only 5 mins.  Spent 15 and then disqualified.  Really is the pits!!!!


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yes it happens to me and it makes me mad


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That's real shady if you ask me.


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Sometimes, a survey's demographic-quotas fill while taking the survey.  There's no way to predict or, prevent this. Evenso, sometimes 'glitch happens'.
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Yes it has happened to me more often than not, and I'm really fed up because the info is still theirs to keep and I get nothing or 0.01 cent with the FC surveys. :BangHead:


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I agree with Leung1245, because they take the time to gather all of our information and then they say you don't qualify. Keep in mind that they got from us what they need which our personal data and input. It is a form of trickery because there's surely a less evasive way to find out if we qualify, shame on them;(

Sometimes a survey's demographic-quotas fill while one is taking the survey.  How would you suggest that something like that, which cannot be predicted in advance, be avoided except by not attempting a survey in the first place?
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.


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