Philosopher J. S. Mill (not a Christian) summed up: “It is self-evident that only Mind can create mind.”
The problem with so-called "self-evident" statements is that that are circular and are not supported by evidence.
The only rational and reasonable conclusion is that an eternal Creator is the one who is responsible for reality as we know it.
That isn't the "only rational and reasonable conclusion" merely because it is asserted to be. So, let's look at the allegedly "logical set of statements" apparently intended to support that premise:
Or to put it in a logical set of statements:
• Something exists.
Something does exist; this does not mean that the "something" is a deity.
• You do not get something from nothing.
Look up emergent phenomenon.
• Therefore a necessary and eternal “something” exists.
Possibly however, if that "something" is _eternal_, then it always existed and was not created. It therefore does not require a creator.
• The only two options are an eternal universe and an eternal Creator.
The deduction is faulty since those aren't the only two options. The other options include, (but are not limited to), a spontaenously emergent universe and no creator, (eternal or otherwise), a universe which expands and contracts in a cyclic manner over a varyingly long duration, (but not an eternal one), or as a 'meta-fractal' aspect/dimension of a 'larger' multiverse.
• Science and philosophy have disproven the concept of an eternal universe.
A negative proof is a logical fallacy which takes the structure of:
X is true because there is no proof that X is false.
If the only evidence for something's existence is a lack of evidence for it not existing, then the default position is one of skepticism and not credulity. The burden of proof rests with those who would claim that the universe is eternal in this instance.
• Therefore, an eternal Creator exists.
The person you've quoted to support your contention has used fallacious 'reasoning' and arrived at an erroneous conclusion.
Lee Strobel (Former atheist), arrived at this result several years ago, and has commented, “Essentially, I realized that to stay an atheist, I would have to believe that nothing produces everything; non-life produces life; randomness produces fine-tuning; chaos produces information; unconsciousness produces consciousness; and non-reason produces reason."
Apparently, neither Lee nor yourself were familar with emergent phenomenon theory, (which would account for the 'appearance' of randomness, chaos and other misapprehensions of 'something from nothing'. At least emergent theories have more reasonable evidence going for them than relying on the lack of evidence which constitutes "faith".