I'm a cartoonist and I recently downloaded GIMP 2,but I can't get the layers to work.Every time I try to color my artwork,I end up coloring over my art!I tried looking at various tutorials but I can't figure what I'm doing wrong! Can anybody give me some advice about it?
I'm an internet marketer and the only reason I use graphics is to create web pages and splash pages to get people to become referrals, so simple is better for me. I tried all kinds of free or cheap graphics solutions over the years and FINALLY settled for buying an older version of Adobe Photoshop Elements on Ebay for around $20 and loved it. Since then I have upgraded several times (but never to the latest version) and I am satisfied that it does all I need. I just wish I would have started there and saved bucket loads of cash and hours of time wasted.
One of the main benefits is it reads Photoshop psd files, so when I found a beautiful template that fit my needs perfect and it said I needed Photoshop CS3 or above ($400) to edit it, I was delighted when I discovered my Elements 8 ($99 from Adobe or less from others) did the job just fine.