You found the Forum. The link to the Forum is at the top of any FC web page.
Look at the various main topics in the Forum and skim through them for titles that seem of interest. Even if you don't know the answer to the question, by reading the responses you'll learn more about FC and how it works.
If anything doesn't make sense to you, click on the quote button and ask for clarification. Even if the original writer does't answer someone else make help you out. You may also want to read through the Beginner's Guide -- top 2 links in the Support section
I usually look at the Support entries first, then go on to the "Fusion Cash" section. Since I've been around awhile, I focus on the new entries (those with less than 5 replies).
The search function works, but if you know you want to come back to one of your entries, add an odd word to your entry so you can search for that word and it will bring up your entry. You do need to be in the main Forum thread that contains your entry to find it using the search function.
I also use the list of my recent posts (click on your profile for a list of your posts) to take me back to a topic I want to revisit.
It doesn't take long to get into posting -- you do need at least 30 meaningful posts in a calendar month -- I usually do more than 50 and still request the bonus before the end of the month.
Posts to the Contest and Promotion sections do not count toward your 30 meaningful posts. FC figures you're posting for the contests and earning bonus money for the post already. Seems fair to me.
I usually request my posting bonus in the last week of the month. The $3.00 bonus is credited towards the end of the month following the month you made the request. (request for Sept on Sept 29th; get bonus Oct 30; request for Sept on Oct 1st; get bonus on Nov 3oth. (You are allowed to request a bonus for last month in the current month.)