[quote-by other dude]You obviously have not read (or most likely ignored) my first post in this thread.Check out the second paragraph.
(for ref)
"I think there is something of a misconception about Hell.People tend to think people simply "burn in Hell" at the same rate or level.But again,God is always just and merciful.The Bible talks about different levels of reward and so are there different degrees of punishment.An atheist,for example who is generally a "good" person,will still have to suffer for their sins,because they had not accepted the Grace of Jesus Christ's Atonement for their sins.However I'm sure the suffering of someone who committed "minor" infractions will be nothing when compared to the suffering of someone like Hitler,who caused the death of millions and the suffering of many millions more."
Where does it say there are specific 'levels' of punishment and reward? I don't remember and I can't find anything based upon scripture.
Well, he did remark that he was "sure the suffering of someone who committed "minor" infractions will be nothing when compared to the suffering of someone like Hitler ..." so, since he's sure, it must be true.

This is another example of your double-speak with attempt to cloud the issue.The fact that God KNOWS how events play out,is not in indication that all things are inevitable.He gives us free will to make the choice ourselves.
Explain how knowing things before they happen constitutes for free will-- more simply explain how if choices are already known beforehand, how are they free choices?
For some as yet inexplicable reason, those folks seem to be contending, via implication, that their "god" knows what choices are going to be made in advance and 'lets' people make them anyway, thus presenting the illusion of free will without the actual substance of it.
That's why it's a waste of my time to post facts to which you've already made up your mind about.Your bias has determined your mind set.There's no point debating facts with an old school obscurantist.
You just don't know what you're talking about since you are obviously too lazy to argue. Why are you even in D+D if you're just going to sit back and call me biased and say you're right and then fold your arms?[/quote]
I've noticed a few instances of that stance too. The humurously-ironic part is that those folks often accuse others of being "obscurantist", "pseudo-intellectual", rhetorical and any number of ad hominem to avoid countering valid opposing arguments. As you've mentioned, this is D+D, (which stands for debate + discuss, not derrogatory + dementia).
I've done my share of research as well.Your attempt to prove God does not exist by throwing out "my facts are better than yours" are again a waste of time
No educated rebuttal? Just personal attacks? Okay.
See ya! 
I'd used a theoretical invisible unicorn in your garage as an analogy of the futility of attempting to prove or disprove a negative assertion however, it may have been too subtle since they keep missing the inference. Maybe it should be demanded that they prove Santa, the tooth fairy, elves, an enroute invading alien fleet, Morrigan, Anubis, Thor or Apollo _doesn't_ exist?