You definitely raise good questions. To be genuinely honest, I can't explain technical answers to some of these questions. I do know, with regards to how people, like Elisha, were treated, that the Old Testament was under the Old Law. Once sin entered the world, it would follow throughout the generations - even today. That is the human nature, and from the beginning, we have to be taught what is right or wrong. God, in the Old Testament, said He was a jealous God - He expected total submissiveness to Him in all areas of life. With sin, however, things happened. When he detroyed the earth with flooding, He only chose Noah (because of the total loyalty and submissiveness he and his family had for God) and his family to build the ark, witness and warn the people what was to come, collect the animals, etc. Yes, I agree, that that in itself sounds strange: Noah building this big boat looking thing, and talking about this flooding thing coming (especially since there were mists of the ground to keep plants and all watered) and no one even knew what "rain" was. But, Noah did as he was told because he trusted God at His Word.
Even after that, there was still wickedness and sin that started (thru generations.) I wonder, myself, why would God destroy the earth except for this one family and start over again, knowing that sin is inherent? I believe that a couple of things have a lot of influence over that, including free choice, parents' disciplinarian measures, and the "will" of the children/adults. As the population grew, sin continued to reign - of course God would deal with punishment - that was how things were done in the O.T. The battles that were fought, whole nations being slain (including their wives and children) because God told His Chosen people that He was giving inheritance of the lands to them (ex: the 12 tribes of Israel.) is a big example of that. God hardened the Pharoah's heart so he would not let God's people go (punishment: the plagues.) A big question is why did He harden the Pharoah's heart? Even in the wilderness, with Moses guiding the people to the Promised Land," Moses disobeyed God once and as punishment was not allowed to enter the new land. That was extreme. Also, when God had the people roam the wilderness for another generation so that all others from the older generation had to die before God would let them continue on (punishment for disobeying.) I don't know those answers.
But I do know that when the Messiah was born, He would become the sacrifice for sinners: God hated sin so much He couldn't even look on His own Son when Jesus "took" all sin upon Him on the cross. After the death of Jesus, and the resurrection of Him, the Law changed from the Old Law to the New Law. All of those things that happened in the past were not done like that anymore. Jesus was now the mediator between us and God. You still pay for the penalty of sin, but the goal now was to bring others to know Jesus. There were now churches for Christians to be able to come together and worship God freely, and also for non-christians go visit or attend as well. It became free choice for each individual to now accept Him or not accept Him.
Then we have Revelations (what is to come.) God will make a new heaven and a new earth for all who have accepted Him. But not before certain events are to happen, such as increased wars, major weather changes and calamities, persecution of Christians, etc. Once He comes to take the Christians with Him (the dead and the living), and all prophetic events happened up to that point, the devil will then have his 1,000 year reign. He is going to get whoever he can to follow him. From what I've learned, there will now be new generations of people who will be witnessed to and have the choice to accept Jesus or not. However, it will be much harder and complicated for the witnesses since believers were taken. Those who decide now to accept Jesus will be persecuted even more. If people do not agree to take the sign of the devil on them, then you won't have free entry to jobs, money, stores, food, etc. That will be a horrific time. After the 1,000 years are up, the devil and his followers will be sent to the place of punishment forever while Christians will be forever with God. (Everyone will first have to give account for their actions and disobedience at the great Judgment.)
All of that said, I am a New Testament believer. I believe in God's total Word, but since we do not live in the Old Testament times, and are now in the New Law, I know that I have to accept or deny Jesus; I accept Him (New Law.) There are people who choose not to believe as I do. That's their decision. I present what I feel and know and it's up to them. There are people who choose a different religion - in many of these, it's still the message of salvation. No one religion is the absolute religion - it's whether or not we accept Jesus as Savior. What I have a problem with, is a religion that comes in and wants to take over the rules and law of the country, and includes punishments and dictations that this is the only way - that is a violation of our Constitution where we have freedom of religion; I don't agree with the stampede of another that strips women and children of their basic rights.
Now, I'm really sorry I have written so much. It started and I couldn't seem to stop. There are so many things to consider when trying to answer a lot of these intelligent and normal questions. The main thing, for me, is that I cannot see the bigger picture of what God sees. Only He knows what He's doing, why He's done what He did, and why He will do things. His mind is higher than mine. Also, "personal will/choice" is a big barrier to deal with - but I believe I will understand even that one day. I also know, after studying His Word, studying Biblical history, and the histories of the countries and people from the past, that so much agrees with each other in their events and facts, and in that, I totally believe in God's Word.
Thanks for discussing this with me!