i understand not qualifying for surveys but it's soooooooooo frustrating to sit here for 20 mins answering very specific questions about digital cameras, THEN get asked about the demographics questions...only to be told i dont qualify! *insert scream here AHHHHHHHHHHHHh*
ok, i feel much better now!
I empathize completely. I had no luck with any daily surveys yesterday, even after spending 45 minutes completing a very long one successfully and receiving no credit for my time. However, this morning I had better luck and have already received credit for these two:
TicketsForOpinions - 08/09/2011 2011-08-09 $0.50 Approved
SurveyHead - 08/09/2011 2011-08-09 $0.65 Approved
These were both surveys with videos of various commercials to watch and evaluate. Each took about 15-20 minutes to complete and I kept the congrats screen open for at least 5 minutes, which is recommended. I plan to go back later today and attempt all 5 of the other dailies again. That does actually work sometimes because the sponsors do vary the surveys later in the day occasionally. Be sure to clear your cookies and your history before you start on these.
The only other suggestion I have is to exhaust all your chances. Never say 'No thanks' if given the option to continue with another survey. I've also had success with hitting on a survey I am actually able to complete and get credited for. Doing all these things has improved my success ratio markedly and as a result my cash out will be much higher than normal this month. I do believe that FC is doing all they can to work with the sponsors and eliminate temporary glitches which can prevent us from receiving our proper crediting. My advice is to hang in there and stick with it!