Perhaps Bertrand Russell based religion on "fear..." I don't experience that same "fear" he is speaking of. I also don't worship or follow "religion." I follow my Lord.
No, xtianity admonishes xtians, (and, pretentiously, non-xtians), to "fear" that same "lord".
Christians, other faiths, and dis-believers, all experience some type of fear, whether of the unknown, death, how to manage finances when experiencing a job loss, etc., which is a natural part of a human's life and handling of things.
Yes, non-religious people can and do experience fears however, it is neither necessary nor beneficial to pile superstitious religious fears on top of mundane ones.
As for the cruelty and religion going hand in hand, there were times, in the past, yes, that people, in the name of religion, went too far. Example: Indians (Native Americans) should never have had their beliefs, thoughts, ways, traditions, etc., wiped out just because certain people thought they needed God, and so had to change their whole way of life. It's a shame many went either too far, or let their personal vendetta or opinions, interfere to the point of harming or trying to change others over to one way only. In that, I agree.
The native americans weren't the only ones to suffer under xtian pograms, inquistions, crusades, witch hunts and assimulations of numerous pagan cultural beliefs.
"Fear" of the Lord is respectful awe, not being scared to death of Him.
Having "awe", ("respectful" or not), for a hypothetical supernatural egregore which has no evidentiary basis isn't rational. Essentially, that's having "fear/awe" of a irrational belief.
I only gave the one example of Native Americans by indicating that particular example. Thank you for reminding everyone about other examples that I wasn't ignoring, but only gave one example.
You're welcome. It bears remembering that xtianity has a long and sordid history of such atrocities so that something can be done to prevent such from happening again.
I agree that something should be done to prevent such wrong from ever happening again. Christians who are genuine in their love of the Lord should be at the top of the list for coming down on anyone, Christian or other-wise, who are harming or trying to harm or change anyone who does not wish to be changed.
Just as an afterthought, this includes other "religions," such as radical Islamist extremists, who are killing and imprisoning their own people, Americans, British, and other nationalities, for trying to serve God, or Allah, etc., instead of giving up their beliefs to live as the extremists demand. That is the real persecution going on, and is absolutely wrong.