Is a bit clearer now. I really wasn't sure what Jscribb was trying to get at, only that the premises she was spouting where not logically sound. That makes the conclusion rather convoluted. I knew she was calling you a coward through her two premise's, but I didn't realize her "Calling someone a coward makes you a coward" premise also made Jedi a coward through that premise ...
The premise is false, regardless however, it was initially a jw fundamentalist who was called a coward for declining to serve in the military for faux-religious non-reasons. The non-"jedi" using a screen name 'nym then jumped in with his false premise; at which point, the self-appointed xtian sheep-herder jumped in to agree with the previous fundie's false premise. That's where you popped in to unravel the illogic.
Nothing you say is correct from what I have read. Do you just make this stuff up as you go along?
No, logical reasoning is not "made up" as I go along. If you've concluded that "nothing" I've posted is correct, then you either aren't using logical reasoning to arrive at that false conclusion or, are unable to. As far as making stuff up; that describes religious superstitions entirely.
Its weird how you have nothing better to do than to try to persecute Christians.
Posting viewpoints opposing xtian proselytizing isn't 'persecution'; the inquisitions, crusades, and witch hunts
were xtians persecuting non-xtians so, don't be such an overt hypocrite.
Seems like someone straight from satan to me.
That's merely an example of how blind religious faith can lead to irrational conclusions. Now, I could suggest that you seem like someone straight from a mental institution to be as insulting as you are however, your sanctimonious hubris deserves worse.
I try not to be rude, but you are just way out of line.
Your self-righteous religious proselytizing blind-faith propaganda is "rude" and offensive to me, (and others), and considered to be "way out of line". Try to keep the
actual sequence of in mind during your hypocritical rantings; you arrived on FC spamming religious propaganda, I opposed it. Matters proceded from there and the assumption that xtian proselytizing should be given a free ride/unopposed platform for mind-blinding nonsense would be incorrect.