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  • daily Bible verse 3 21
Topic: daily Bible verse  (Read 247361 times)


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1380 on: October 03, 2012, 06:21:22 pm »
Your presumptive belief, (blind faith), that the various 'bibles' are "g-d's word" is unsupported by valid evidence and remains unproven nonsense.

God's Word is never tiring to a believer.  You'll be here for a long time if every verse were to be included in here.  
Of course it does, to you - you are a dis-believer.  And you are free to think what you want.  But you will NOT cut down believers like this with your hateful spewing when they are free to believe in Christ based on whatever evidence, proof, feelings, teachings, etc., that are involved in their decision.  And that, my dear spammer, is something that you will never chip away from a believer.  Not to mention, that their decision to accept Christ is NONE of your business, and they don't have to answer to ANYONE, even in a debate like this forum, unless they choose to.  And a simple Bible verse thread is NOT set up as debate when believers are sharing verses for inspiration, with each other.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1381 on: October 03, 2012, 06:24:35 pm »
First, "they" (believers in Christ) are NOT shallow mind-blinded fundies, so stop the childish name-calling.

The terms accurate describe the basis for religious adherents making unsupported religious claims based upon blind faith alone and are therefore not "name-calling" due to such accuracy.  That you disagree with the accuracy of the descriptors is largely irrelevant since those religious claims continue to remain unsubstantiated by valid evidence.

Next, they are posting to those who also enjoy those kinds of posts.  You don't like it?  Fine - no one is forcing you to open that thread or threads, and no one is making you place your fingers on the keyboard to respond ...

To re-reiterate the essential point; just as you religious adherents have the choice to spam these forums with superstitious nonsense, so too do those who have dissenting viewpoints have the choice to respond to that initial spamming with opposing points of view.  This isn't a platform for unopposed religious proselytization, they're FC's forums, (not a private xtian reservation).
Go start your own thread, why don't you!?

I have and your intolerance of a non-xtian point of view is worth noting.
People are not putting up with your nonsense way of showing how the "golden rule" works.

The 'golden rule' does not inherently include the option to propangandize religious superstitions without opposition.  This isn't a theocracy, it's FC.
You are an "initial spam starter" towards believers -  

No, once again, the religious adherents started this proselytizing thread and continue to repeat the same propagandizing "verses" and then whine continuously when dissenting viewpoints are posted in response to such blind faith.
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Re: daily Bible verse
« Reply #1382 on: October 03, 2012, 06:28:23 pm »
Id love to comment on your comment Duroz.....

But what do you say to someone who is REALLY boring such as yourself?

And my lack of commenting to you <heh heh> backs that up...but heres a cookie for you & your kittys!!

Its symbolic for crumbling.....


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1383 on: October 03, 2012, 06:32:02 pm »
Your presumptive belief, (blind faith), that the various 'bibles' are "g-d's word" is unsupported by valid evidence and remains unproven nonsense.

God's Word is never tiring to a believer.  You'll be here for a long time if every verse were to be included in here.  

Of course it does, to you - you are a dis-believer.

No, logical reasoning applies generally and particularly; it isn't my personal unsupported opinion.  On the other hand, illogical blind faith isn't a valid basis for reaching conclusions because it doesn't reply upon reasoning and is based on irrationality instead.

But you will NOT cut down believers like this with your hateful spewing when they are free to believe in Christ  Not to mention, that their decision to accept Christ is NONE of your business ...

It's actually no one's business but their own what irrational, blind faith-based superstitions religious adherents choose to adhere to however, once it leaves the confines of their self-delusions and is voluntarily posted in a public forum, that religious propaganda inflicts itself upon others. It's a religious adherent's choice to announce their ignorance to the public, just as it is the choice of others to oppose such proselytizing or ignore it.  Some have chosen to oppose it and you've chosen to oppose that opposition with irrational outbursts of "hateful spewing" characterizations.  That's your perogative; such irrationalities remain ineffective.
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Re: daily bible in reverse
« Reply #1384 on: October 03, 2012, 06:35:05 pm »
The premise is logically-invalid because it presupposes the very superstitious belief without evidence that is being opposed from without, (not from within the superstition, as so many blinded by faith have demonstrated, that is nearly impossible).  Since your premise is invalid, any conclusions drawn from it are false and the result of irrational non-reasoning.

That's not a logical rebuttal or refutation since you merely made an unsupported/unsubstantiated claim and failed to provide any reasoning or evidence whatsoever to back it up.  If you cannot present any, it will remain your speciously-empty opinion and that does not refute the reasoning which invalidated your premise of bias.

So then falcon9, I must assume you agree with Spock on this one:


Indeed.  Not a one of these faith-blinded religious adherents has demonstrated sufficiently conversant ability in logical reasoning thusfar.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1385 on: October 03, 2012, 07:02:31 pm »
First, "they" (believers in Christ) are NOT shallow mind-blinded fundies, so stop the childish name-calling.

The terms accurate describe the basis for religious adherents making unsupported religious claims based upon blind faith alone and are therefore not "name-calling" due to such accuracy.  That you disagree with the accuracy of the descriptors is largely irrelevant since those religious claims continue to remain unsubstantiated by valid evidence.

Next, they are posting to those who also enjoy those kinds of posts.  You don't like it?  Fine - no one is forcing you to open that thread or threads, and no one is making you place your fingers on the keyboard to respond ...

To re-reiterate the essential point; just as you religious adherents have the choice to spam these forums with superstitious nonsense, so too do those who have dissenting viewpoints have the choice to respond to that initial spamming with opposing points of view.  This isn't a platform for unopposed religious proselytization, they're FC's forums, (not a private xtian reservation).
Go start your own thread, why don't you!?

I have and your intolerance of a non-xtian point of view is worth noting.
People are not putting up with your nonsense way of showing how the "golden rule" works.

The 'golden rule' does not inherently include the option to propangandize religious superstitions without opposition.  This isn't a theocracy, it's FC.
You are an "initial spam starter" towards believers -  

No, once again, the religious adherents started this proselytizing thread and continue to repeat the same propagandizing "verses" and then whine continuously when dissenting viewpoints are posted in response to such blind faith.
No, once again, you INITIALLY "spammed, trolled, mocked, etc.," inside threads that were of no interest to you, do not pertain to your dis-belief, and could have been skipped over or ignored (as you so love to remind believers of.)  Once again, YOU CHOSE to enter the threads, KNOWING the subject is something you don't agree with, and instead, made it YOUR agenda to aggravate, spam, troll, and bother believers, just because they are writing about something that THEY like and want to share with each other, or whoever is interested in joining in. 

YOU cannot, for the life of you, leave even a Bible verse thread or even an Inspiration quote thread alone, apparently, for fear of not being able to make yourself known as the big op-poser to others for your disagreeing.  They know you don't agree - but you can't stop there - oh no!  Basically, you are trying to censor believers' speaking to each other - just as you keep accusing believers of spewing Bible nonsense, and trying to censor you.    You don't see it that way, of course.  You only see things from your heady point of view.

You have done what you wanted to do - cause dissension in the Bible threads.  However, it has not done what you really wish - shutting believers up with sharing their joy of God's Word with each other.  That will never happen.  You can never rob the joy of Christ from believers, no matter how hard you keep on trying - it's pathetic and sad, actually, how you are trying so hard being intolerant of believers, just because they believe in God.  At the end of the day, where does it really get you?  Maybe one day, you'll find the inner peace you seem to be searching for - it's a rotten shame, though, that you are trying to search for it by taking it out on believers. 


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1386 on: October 03, 2012, 07:07:48 pm »
Your presumptive belief, (blind faith), that the various 'bibles' are "g-d's word" is unsupported by valid evidence and remains unproven nonsense.

God's Word is never tiring to a believer.  You'll be here for a long time if every verse were to be included in here.  

Of course it does, to you - you are a dis-believer.

No, logical reasoning applies generally and particularly; it isn't my personal unsupported opinion.  On the other hand, illogical blind faith isn't a valid basis for reaching conclusions because it doesn't reply upon reasoning and is based on irrationality instead.

But you will NOT cut down believers like this with your hateful spewing when they are free to believe in Christ  Not to mention, that their decision to accept Christ is NONE of your business ...

It's actually no one's business but their own what irrational, blind faith-based superstitions religious adherents choose to adhere to however, once it leaves the confines of their self-delusions and is voluntarily posted in a public forum, that religious propaganda inflicts itself upon others. It's a religious adherent's choice to announce their ignorance to the public, just as it is the choice of others to oppose such proselytizing or ignore it.  Some have chosen to oppose it and you've chosen to oppose that opposition with irrational outbursts of "hateful spewing" characterizations.  That's your perogative; such irrationalities remain ineffective.
Pot calling kettle -- You still do not understand the inner workings of faith in God, and that's your choice.  The name calling of the beliefs that Christians or believers have, is the part that is intolerant and rude.  You know this - it's astoundingly obvious you just do not care and being anonymous on the other side of the screen, bolsters your strength of rudeness.  People have seen through you and your agenda on this.  You are showing your "irrationality" of being so hung up on picking on believers, that it's a tad creepy the zeal you come at believers with. 


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Re: daily bible in reverse
« Reply #1387 on: October 03, 2012, 07:10:29 pm »
The premise is logically-invalid because it presupposes the very superstitious belief without evidence that is being opposed from without, (not from within the superstition, as so many blinded by faith have demonstrated, that is nearly impossible).  Since your premise is invalid, any conclusions drawn from it are false and the result of irrational non-reasoning.

That's not a logical rebuttal or refutation since you merely made an unsupported/unsubstantiated claim and failed to provide any reasoning or evidence whatsoever to back it up.  If you cannot present any, it will remain your speciously-empty opinion and that does not refute the reasoning which invalidated your premise of bias.

So then falcon9, I must assume you agree with Spock on this one:


Indeed.  Not a one of these faith-blinded religious adherents has demonstrated sufficiently conversant ability in logical reasoning thusfar.

Oh ha ha ha.  Your big words do not conceal your intolerant attitude towards believers.  You love to speak big, but half the time, they are for show, when you have nothing else more to contribute.  That's okay - we understand, and are so used to your show of your favorite long and big words.   Lol...


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1388 on: October 03, 2012, 07:11:06 pm »
No, once again, you INITIALLY ...

Nope.  The FC archives clearly show it was/is the bible-thumping spammers who INITIALLY began spamming the forums with unsubstantiated religious proselytizations.  Your specious contention regards responses to initial xtian spamming.  That you are unable to discern that not-so-subtle difference is indicative of your faith-blindness in general.

However, it has not done what you really wish - shutting believers up with sharing their joy of God's Word with each other.   

On the contrary, I've wondered from time to time why you religious adherents keep requoting 'biblical verses' at each otehr when it's obvious you all have access to them already.  The only logical conclusions are that you have some collective memory-loss condition with which you are all afflicted or, that you're simply proselytizing your religious propaganda as offensively and rudely which you contend opposition to such propaganda is.  If such wasn't simply propagandizing unsubstantiated religious claims, you all could've simply read your "verses" unobtrusively, instead of posting them repeatedly and removing any doubt as to your irrationality in that regard.
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Re: daily bible in reverse
« Reply #1389 on: October 03, 2012, 07:12:51 pm »
Your lack of comprehension indicated bysuch deprecation of vocabulary belies yoru previous contention of being educated enough to comprehend such "big words".

Your big words do not conceal your intolerant attitude towards believers.  You love to speak big, but half the time, they are for show, when you have nothing else more to contribute.  That's okay - we understand, and are so used to your show of your favorite long and big words.   Lol...
One can lead a horse to water however, if one holds the horse's head under, that horse will drown.



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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1390 on: October 03, 2012, 07:15:18 pm »
You still do not understand the inner workings of faith in God ...

Non sequitur.  It isn't required to have leprosy to understand the disease from without and attempt to treat it.  The blind faith of religious adherents is an infectuous 'mind disease' whic is 'treated' with reasoning, not to cure the infected but, to prevent being infected.
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1391 on: October 03, 2012, 07:17:29 pm »
Your presumptive belief, (blind faith), that the various 'bibles' are "g-d's word" is unsupported by valid evidence and remains unproven nonsense.

God's Word is never tiring to a believer.  You'll be here for a long time if every verse were to be included in here.  

Of course it does, to you - you are a dis-believer.

No, logical reasoning applies generally and particularly; it isn't my personal unsupported opinion.  On the other hand, illogical blind faith isn't a valid basis for reaching conclusions because it doesn't rely upon reasoning and is based on irrationality instead.

But you will NOT cut down believers like this with your hateful spewing when they are free to believe in Christ  Not to mention, that their decision to accept Christ is NONE of your business ...

It's actually no one's business but their own what irrational, blind faith-based superstitions religious adherents choose to adhere to however, once it leaves the confines of their self-delusions and is voluntarily posted in a public forum, that religious propaganda inflicts itself upon others. It's a religious adherent's choice to announce their ignorance to the public, just as it is the choice of others to oppose such proselytizing or ignore it.  Some have chosen to oppose it and you've chosen to oppose that opposition with irrational outbursts of "hateful spewing" characterizations.  That's your perogative; such irrationalities remain ineffective.

You still do not understand the inner workings of faith in God, and that's your choice.  

Not coincidentally, you remain unaware of the workings of logical reason and rely instead upon the irrationality of blind faith.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 07:20:36 pm by falcon9 »
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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1392 on: October 03, 2012, 07:22:28 pm »
No, once again, you INITIALLY ...

Nope.  The FC archives clearly show it was/is the bible-thumping spammers who INITIALLY began spamming the forums with unsubstantiated religious proselytizations.  Your specious contention regards responses to initial xtian spamming.  That you are unable to discern that not-so-subtle difference is indicative of your faith-blindness in general.

However, it has not done what you really wish - shutting believers up with sharing their joy of God's Word with each other.   

On the contrary, I've wondered from time to time why you religious adherents keep requoting 'biblical verses' at each otehr when it's obvious you all have access to them already.  The only logical conclusions are that you have some collective memory-loss condition with which you are all afflicted or, that you're simply proselytizing your religious propaganda as offensively and rudely which you contend opposition to such propaganda is.  If such wasn't simply propagandizing unsubstantiated religious claims, you all could've simply read your "verses" unobtrusively, instead of posting them repeatedly and removing any doubt as to your irrationality in that regard.
Nope, the Bible threads aren't spamming anything - they are allowed, and even have their own forum - you can't stand that.  So, that is a rotten lame excuse for trying to blame Christians for spamming something, that is only one of hundreds of topics allowed in this forum.  It doesn't work that way, as much as you try to reason it that way.  

If you start an atheist thread, there are people who don't believe that view, but that thread would be allowed just as much as a Bible thread.  People will choose whether or not to go into it.  So once again, please stop with the ridiculous whining about threads/topics allowed in FC, that are not spamming threads in the first place.  Sheesh...  

As far as the constant posting of threads with verses?  I am not the one in control of that - people see some threads and join in.  Some don't look, and make their own.  Some aren't familiar with how things work when first joining and don't realize that so many threads don't need to be constantly repeated.  I've seen posters, such as duroz, who kindly mentioned to one/s that they didn't have to keep starting a thread, that they could continue in the same one.  And the one poster responded kindly back with a thank you and worked on that.

 So you are barking up a wrong tree with believers, not knowing all of the reasons for all of the extra threads.  Perhaps an idea turned in to the Moderator?  Or all Bible threads in one forum, like the word game threads are?  Trying to come up with legit ideas and helpful hints will work a lot better than constantly nagging believers about it.


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Re: daily bible inverse
« Reply #1393 on: October 03, 2012, 07:31:27 pm »
Nope, the Bible threads aren't spamming anything - they are allowed, and even have their own forum - you can't stand that.

First off, there's a difference between allowing such biblical spam and claiming such posts aren't spam.  Secondly, the spamming proselytizing threads so NOT have their own forum, they are posted in the "Off Topic" forum and "Debate + Discuss" subforum.  There is no separate 'religious proselytization/bible-thumping' forum.

So once again, please stop with the ridiculous whining about threads/topics allowed in FC, that are not spamming threads in the first place.  Sheesh...  

You religious adherents have access to what you're requoting via cut & paste repetitious spamming therefore, it consists of spamming proselytization.  As the Monty Python character asked, "have you got anything without spam in it?"
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Re: daily bible in reverse
« Reply #1394 on: October 03, 2012, 07:39:51 pm »
Your lack of comprehension indicated bysuch deprecation of vocabulary belies yoru previous contention of being educated enough to comprehend such "big words".

Your big words do not conceal your intolerant attitude towards believers.  You love to speak big, but half the time, they are for show, when you have nothing else more to contribute.  That's okay - we understand, and are so used to your show of your favorite long and big words.   Lol...
Your profound affection of extraordinarily unbounded vocabulary words, with their plethora of syllables, establishes the evidence of truth, that you do not perceive or discern as much immeasurable enlightenment or proficiency as you envision yourself flaunting.  By the way, I'm a teacher, and have always loved big and challenging words!  Keep them coming!!  :)


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