Jcribb...if you dont mind me asking,what sect are you?
Neutrality isnt meant that i should not defend myself or my family as ive said.Look if you wanna salute the flag be my guest.And quit kissing Falcons backside...isnt it obvious to you hes a self centered individual who has no use for a Creator?
Im sure your true colors come out too that ive shown ive supported Jehovahs organization.
You interpet the bible as you see it.I dont see you agreeing with anything i learned from bible with Gods organization.
Come clean....do you celebrate xmas,Easter....are you against blood transfusions?You believe in trinity?You going to heaven when you die?
Whoa, there, slow down a minute!! Neutrality is one thing when it's done accordingly. For the record, I do not "kiss Falcon's backside," nor does he mine, but just because he doesn't believe in God, doesn't give you nor me the right to pick on him or others as an individual, in real life, especially if a disability is involved. Isn't that God's command - to still love those who we don't agree with? You aimed mockery at a disability, whether at him or someone else, and it wasn't the least bit funny. Do you really think people with disabilities are enjoying them? And back to Falcon, he's a very real person, just as you are and I am. We all have feelings, views, ideas, etc., and while things get heated in here, we are still people who should, at the very least, show respect for the person as a human being.
Why should my true colors come out towards you just because you are a JW and think I have ought against you? That is your choice to choose that, not mine. We serve the same God, so what's wrong with that? Is it because our interpretations differ in some areas, or differences in celebrating/not celebrating Christmas and Easter? As long as we have Christ in our hearts, and love God the Father, then that is the first and main thing we should have in common. Then living our lives the best we can, according to God's Word, under Christ's command to love your neighbor as yourself, is next. If your neighbor doesn't love you back, hates you, or tries to kill you (I'm speaking, not just neighbors next door, but anywhere in our community, nation, countries, etc.) and being kind is not going to save you, then yes, you need to stand up and protect yourself and whoever else needs protecting. We aren't the ones trying to do the killing, yet if we do kill someone when trying to protect ourselves, family, friends, countrymen, etc., then we are still within the will of God.
I do celebrate Christmas and Easter, from a Christ-centered point of view, and partially from the secular view. Does that make me dirty since you wanted me to "come clean?" When a child, I believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, as many children do. Our children, too. However, within the age of understanding, they also learned the Biblical meaning/celebration of Christmas and Easter, as I eventually did. We tied the "It's more blessed to give than to receive" in with the gift-giving and receiving - as fun and neat as it is to receive, it's a great feeling deep inside to see how people react to the gifts they receive from us. How it ties in with God giving His son as a gift to us, for the free gift of salvation, and eternity in Heaven, after Christ gave His Life for us. That Christ did not remain a baby but eventually died on the cross for all sin, and rose again that 3rd day (Easter.) Apparently, you see this differently, and that is your choice - I'm not going to knock anyone who feels they are doing what they are supposed to be doing, unless it is letting someone get harmed by doing nothing (ex. - protecting others during war instead of not helping when needed.)
Yes, I believe in the Trinity - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. If you don't, that's your decision. And yes, I am going to Heaven when I die - are you?
Yes, I believe in blood transfusions, if they will help someone's life - do you?
Overall, believing in God, through Christ, is the main thing. Loving your enemies is a command, including those who may have disabilities - they should not be made fun of. You never know - one day people may have to suffer what they picked on others about - then they will truly understand what that person is going through. That would be a hard lesson, though.