It's true, on one hand, that respect is earned.
No, it's true on both hands; respect is earned because if it's given without being earned, it's a disingenuous "token respect".
People posting Bible verses are not "disrespecting" you.
When such people show no respect for others who do not believe as they do by constantly proselytizing their beliefs in making hundreds of such bible-thumping quotes, they are showing "disrepect" for those who do not believe as they do.
You are the one coming in disrespecting their posts ...
So, what you're objecting to are allegedly "disrespectful"
subsequent responses to the
initially disrespectful bible-thumping/propagandizing/proselytizing posts that prompted some subsequent replies.
... with your nonsensical answers and ridiculous pictures, which are not dissenting views with rebuttals and conversation.
A perusal of at least half a dozen other 'religious' threads in the debate & discuss subforum will show that many of them contain lengthy rebuttals and refutations of "nonsensical" and "ridiculous" religious claims. Your objection is that these are not repeated in the proselytizing "bible verse" threads?
You make your comments and only agitate the thread.
That may be how you deduce my intent however, since I'm the one intending that my remarks be objections to religious proselytization and xtians inherently "intend" their biblical quotes to be proselytizing, it would seem that the xtians doing so are the ones who "agitate".
That's why others respond back to you regarding your disrespect.
What you're essentially doing is demanding "respect" for first posting disrespectful religious proselytizing, denying that those posts are proselytizing content and then claiming that
replies, (subsequent responses), are "disrepectful" enough to require
more disrepect from xtians. If that's a display of your xtian 'understanding' of how "respect" works, (let alone how the sequence of events works),
I feel even more comfortable in objecting to espoused religious beliefs.
It is not okay to be so rude to people posting Bible verses ...
It's just as "okay" as the initial presumptiveness, (rudeness), of religious adherents are when they
first posted "rude" biblical quotes.
You are Bible-bashing when you come into a Bible verse thread ...
You're bible-thumping, (proselytizing), when you
initially post "bible verses" so that seems a fair exchange.
It's also "trolling" when you know good and well you normally have nothing to do with reading and studying Bible verses, and then come into a thread with the disrespect towards posters deliberately.
Currently, there are no "daily bible-bashing" threads extant so, your premise regarding "trolling" is a false one, (unless you inadvertently-mean that the bible-thumping threads are implicitly trolling/proselytizing).